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EDIT: Nevermind I got it, but here's my new questions what about tweaks for office 2003, firefox, etc I think I should make seperate regtweaks one for T-12 and after RunOnceEx

Yes, it's best to install registry tweaks for programs after you have installed them otherwise the install will probably overwrite them. General windows tweaks go in at T-12 for me & others after each program installs.

Posted (edited)

@prathapml :lol:

Here's some of my registry tweaks that dosen't seem to be in the compilation of yours;

*please post large amounts of text/code as attachments :)


Edited by prathapml
Posted (edited)
Found a mistake with one of the Reg files...

;-----  Change the Default Wallpaper to the one I want

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Desktop\General]



This doesn't appear to work. I have a jpg file in the correct place, but Windows wont load it. However, I've noticed Windows converts .jpg files to .bmp files and uses them instead. So what I did was copy the converted file to c:\\windows\\web\\wallpaper\, renamed it to MX1600.bmp, and this fixed the problem.

That works for me sort of, I don't use C:\\, I use %%systemroot%% instead and it comes out like:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Desktop\General]

And yes, jpegs work for me, I don't have to convert them to bit maps.

This tweak is for all desktops, if you want to make it for only one user, use HKCU instead.


It would be best if you made a .REG file and attached it to the board than post the long code.

Edited by DisabledTrucker
Another question for the Registry Experts...

I use the following key to have all folders use the Detail Mode...

;-----  Detail mode in all folder




My question: Is there a key that will make Control Panel's view Icons instead of Detail.

Simply setup up windows like you want it.

Then log off and back up.

Then simply export:


All of them that is.

For example:



ETC to


That should work fine.


Found another problem with one of the Registry Tweaks listed.

;----- These NTFS tweaks improve file system performance.





The problem was a folder opening at Windows startup called C:\PROGRA~1\Symantec. The NtfsDisabled8dot3NameCreation dword caused this problem with NAV (Check out This Thread - on page 28).

Change the dword to "NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation"=dword:00000000

Found another problem with one of the Registry Tweaks listed.

;-----  These NTFS tweaks improve file system performance.





The problem was a folder opening at Windows startup called C:\PROGRA~1\Symantec. The NtfsDisabled8dot3NameCreation dword caused this problem with NAV (Check out This Thread - on page 28).

Change the dword to "NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation"=dword:00000000

that one doesnt make sense too me.

All that setting does is disable 8.3 DOS Name Creation on files (which is what the path you posted is)

So all you would have to do is change the path of whatever was starting at boot.

I might be missing something but for all the bad tweaks Disable8dot3NameCreation definately isnt one.


Just reporting what I have encountered. Might not affect everyone with NAV (I just noticed the problem running SAV9). Changing the dword to 0 fixed the problem for me. I believe its a known problem with Norton.


i had no problems with the disable short filenames tweak using SAV9 installed and updated the conventional way. But the same problem bugged me when I later switched to use the AIP. Its nothing that placing quotes around the reg entry won't fix. If you observe in your other norton startup reg entries like ccApp, all long filenames entries are in quotes. It seems more of a reg entry error to me using the AIP.

"vptray"="\"C:\\PROGRAM FILES\\Symantec Antivirus\\VPTray.exe\""



With reference to the NTFS tweaks:

Its been clearly said already:

DO NOT USE THE ATTACHED FILE DIRECTLY - it is ONLY FOR REFERENCE. Use only the tweaks that you really need
The attached REG file contains tweaks for all types of things (some of which you won't need, some which could be dangerous for your system), and has tweaks to do something as well as undo it sometimes. Those who dis-regard the notice will only.....!!!!

This thread was for discussion of their own NEW tweaks, etc. (that attachment was just to have a set of them to start off with - so that the same things don't keep repeating themselves).

Why do people just keep on about the attached registry tweaks....


Had same problem just the other day when I finally made up my mind to install a clean XP SP2. SAV9 wouldn't start Vptray via "Program Files\Symantec Antivirus", but it kept on openning the folder "Program Files\Symantec". I chose to remove the entry from "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" pointing at Vptray and put it in the simple Startup Folder. That fixed the folder appearence and the Vptray loading for the moment. But I've also noticed what oddbasket was talking about. The registry entry has a fault. It is exactly like this: C:\PROGRA~1\Symantec AntiVirus\VPTray.exe. No quotes, although it should have because of the folder name: "Symantec Antivirus". Fixing it did the trick in a elegant manner. ;)

Anybody have a clue which registry key causes the little user icon to disappear from the start menu?
I finally found an answer to that:
As far as I know you need to have the Welcome Screen enabled to have user pictures in the Start Menu.
And I'd seen in your regtweaks that you'd disabled the welcome screen.




Nero automatically starts NeroCheck.exe at startup... I want to disable this by running a .reg file from my RunOnceEx:

I have found the registryplace, but don't know how to remove it!

;Disable Nero filtercheck NeroCheck.exe to start at startup


In Run, there are 2 things, one is this one:


wich contains:


The second one is from Kaspersky Antivirus, wich should be left alone...

Now how do I remove NeroFilterCheck?

will this work:

;Disable Nero filtercheck NeroCheck.exe to start at startup


DEL NeroFilterCheck

My unattended disc is actually finished when this is solved!

Nero automatically starts NeroCheck.exe at startup... I want to disable this by running a .reg file from my RunOnceEx

This is what you are looking for?

;Remove these programs from Run

You can use the same technique for other things that you want to remove from "Run" as well. :yes:

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