RogueSpear Posted September 29, 2004 Posted September 29, 2004 ADM files have their use in managing GPOs in an Active Directory environment. Using them in standalone environments has little if any benefit. The only thing I can think of is if you wanted to use group policy on that standalone machine (not recommended).To utilize ADM files, all you need to do is simply put them inside %windir%\inf. Then when you are editing a GPO you can right click on "Administrative Templates" for either Computer Settings or User Settings and select Add/Remove Templates. Any ADM files in the inf directory will appear in the resulting pick list.This is how you would manage Windows Automatic Updates Settings using SUS. PerfectDisk 6 comes with its own ADM file for managing its settings. Microsoft Office XP and 2003 have a host of ADM files that can be found in the Resource Kit Tools for each respective suite.The beautiful part about using GPOs for settings management is that the settings for users are applied at logon time. Therefore the settings are not permanent or "tattooed" as Microsoft refers to it. But in the end, to use this method of registry management in a standalone or small workgroup environment would certainly be IMHO a waste of time. You would have to find a way to modify the default GPO for the machine, whether it be overwriting some files, or devising a "better mousetrap" to import your settings during setup.
sleepnmojo Posted September 30, 2004 Posted September 30, 2004 I should probably add this here. I had a problem with my ati mobility card, and this lil bugger was the culprit. I'm taking it out of my unattended, and you may want to also if you have an ati card.The following registry key will screw up SP2 with ati mobility and possibly other cards.[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management]"LargeSystemCache"=dword:00000001
shaokahn Posted September 30, 2004 Posted September 30, 2004 ;----- Remove frequently accessed programs list from Start Menu ;----- ;[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer];"NoStartMenuMFUprogramsList"=dword:00000001I have this tweak comment and i still have no list of the frequently accessed programs list in start menu.i even tryed to to merge this info bellow to registry, rebooted and still the same.Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer]"NoStartMenuMFUprogramsList"=dword:00000000i used the file at the first post of prathapml.anyone knows why is this happening? tks in advance
DisabledTrucker Posted September 30, 2004 Posted September 30, 2004 For those of you trying to figure out what is going on in the start menu, here is what my start menu looks like: September Desktops. And the attached file is my registry entries to match it. Granted you wont get the color scheme with that file but it will give you an idea of what it will look like. I erased my name from the top of the menu for the pic, so no that's not a tweak.Now for the reason that I actually replied to begin with, in the following code, there are "YES"/"NO" statements which are totally incorrect, they have to be changed to dword:00000001/00000000 respectively.;-----;----- Custom Shell Settings;-----*******Previous entries in this line are correct*******[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced]"ShowCompColor"=dword:00000001"DontPrettyPath"=dword:00000000"ShowInfoTip"=dword:00000001"HideIcons"=dword:00000000"MapNetDrvBtn"=dword:00000001"WebView"=dword:00000000"Filter"=dword:00000000"SeparateProcess"=dword:00000001"StartMenuInit"=dword:00000002"ListviewAlphaSelect"=dword:00000000"ListviewShadow"=dword:00000000"ListviewWatermark"=dword:00000000"TaskbarAnimations"=dword:00000000"StartButtonBalloonTip"=dword:00000002"StartMenuAdminTools"="YES""StartMenuFavorites"=dword:00000001"StartMenuRun"=dword:00000001"StartMenuChange"=dword:00000001"CascadeControlPanel"="YES";----- Enable Cascading My Documents"CascadeMyDocuments"="YES""CascadeNetworkConnections"="YES""CascadePrinters"="NO""StartMenuScrollPrograms"="NO""IntelliMenus"=dword:00000000"TaskbarSizeMove"=dword:00000001"TaskbarGlomming"=dword:00000000;----- don't auto search for LAN folders/printers"NoNetCrawling"=dword:00000001"FolderContentsInfoTip"=dword:00000001"FriendlyTree"=dword:00000000;----- Show file extensions"HideFileExt"=dword:00000000;----- display system folder contents"WebViewBarricade"=dword:00000001;----- Disable thumbnail caching"DisableThumbnailCache"=dword:00000001;----- Show hidden files/objects"Hidden"=dword:00000001;----- Show protected OS files"ShowSuperHidden"=dword:00000001"ClassicViewState"=dword:00000000"PersistBrowsers"=dword:00000000"ServerAdminUI"=dword:00000000"EnableBalloonTips"=dword:00000001"Start_ShowNetPlaces_ShouldShow"=dword:00000041"Start_MinMFU"=dword:00000004;----- Show Control Panel as cascaded menu"Start_ShowControlPanel"=dword:00000002"StartMenuFavorites"=dword:00000000"Start_ShowHelp"=dword:00000001"Start_ShowMyDocs"=dword:00000002"Start_ShowMyMusic"=dword:00000000"Start_ShowMyPics"=dword:00000000"Start_ShowPrinters"=dword:00000000"Start_ShowSetProgramAccessAndDefaults"=dword:00000000"Start_ShowRecentDocs"=dword:00000002;----- Disable higlighting of new applications in start menu"Start_NotifyNewApps"=dword:00000000;----- Administrative Tools in your Start Menu"Start_AdminToolsRoot"=dword:00000000;----- Startmenu 1 = Large / 0 = Small Icons"Start_LargeMFUIcons"=dword:00000001HTH.@shaokahndont add that key at all it's not normally in the registry, could be your problem.@sleepnmojoThat entry has worked just fine with my ATI AIW for the last couple years since XP was first released.@Diabolical82 Not sure what Webview is mines always been set to 1FriendlyTree has always been set to 1 on my machineCascadeControlPanel should be in form of 00000000(1) if its a real tweakCascadeMyDocuments same as aboveCascadeNetworkConnections same as aboveCascadePrinters same as aboveStart_ShowNetConn should be changed to Start_ShowNetConn_ShouldShowDont forget there are HKLM settings for these as well which also could be the culprit.StartMenu.reg
DisabledTrucker Posted September 30, 2004 Posted September 30, 2004 (edited) ah thanks for pointing that out!EDIT: nope i dont have that.... could it be this?"Start_MinMFU"=dword:00000004 No thats how many programs you allow on your list in the startmenu.RT click start select PropertiesCustomizeNumber of programs ---> Yours is 4 by that lineI do want to make a note, that more of you are using ones for just the HKCU, if you look in your registry you may find it in HKLM as well, if your wanting that to be a default setting for all users use the HKLM setting instead as it has presidence over the HKCU. If not, it's trial and error as to what will work and what wont for default values in HKLM that works also in HKCU, though most will.*EDIT*See attached CustomShellMenu.reg for the correct entries in the regirstry for these settings, note also I took out the ones for the cascade as there is a setting in that line which allows for it, but the ones which were being called were not the correct ones for XP w/SP2. Start_AutoCascade=dword:00000000 is the setting for the Start Menu cascading, the rest are done with # switches like for MyDocs would be dword:00000002 (2) instead of dword:00000001 (1)CustomShellSettings.REG Edited September 30, 2004 by DisabledTrucker
hoverhead Posted September 30, 2004 Posted September 30, 2004 Oh... that's a new set of tweaks hover head! Thanks for them. But since its so difficult to sort thru them.. could you re-post a file which has only new tweaks, or the ones that need modification. So that they can be added.ANNOUNCEMENT:Spent many, many hours with this. Many new tweaks, updates/modifications to existing ones. Re-download from attachment to first post to get 'em. UPDATED FIRST POST WITH TIME OF LAST UPDATE.@Prata..Ok I will download your file now... 30/09/2004. I will then only give you a list of the added ones that is not in your list I download NOW. I will give you my added list of registries tommorow. I will upload for you then you can itegrate them into your file. .... but please dont update your file now after I have downloaded, otherwise we might have duplicates as I would not know of these updates you do now.
RyanVM Posted September 30, 2004 Posted September 30, 2004 Anybody have a clue which registry key causes the little user icon to disappear from the start menu?...
hoverhead Posted September 30, 2004 Posted September 30, 2004 @prata...Here is the registry tweaks I added that is not included in Johnnydo's file.I checked duplications and I am pretty sure here is no duplications. However you can check again.When you and johnnydo have got the files , can you please remove these files otherwise we are going to confuse pple. Prata.../ Johnnydo. When you have updated the files let us know so that we can have only one database.Chiaoadditional_registries.txt
-= MD =- Posted September 30, 2004 Posted September 30, 2004 @prata...Here is the registry tweaks I added that is not included in Johnnydo's file.I checked duplications and I am pretty sure here is no duplications. However you can check again.When you and johnnydo have got the files , can you please remove these files otherwise we are going to confuse pple. Prata.../ Johnnydo. When you have updated the files let us know so that we can have only one database.Chiao;-----[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\DriveIcons\C\DefaultLabel]""="Local OS"[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\DriveIcons\C\DefaultIcon]""="c:\icons\myicons.dll,4""c:\icons\myicons.dll",4 should be "c:\\icons\\myicons.dll,4"anyone know what the universal "documents and settings" pathname is in windows? (like %homedrive%)
evilvoice Posted September 30, 2004 Posted September 30, 2004 @DisabledTrucker...nm...i see what you are saying...but according to a bunch of places, yes/no is correct for cascading...but i see that you are setting cascade using the show reg setting.@MD %ALLUSERPROFILE%???
prathapml Posted September 30, 2004 Author Posted September 30, 2004 anyone know what the universal "documents and settings" pathname is in windows? (like %homedrive%)Post-install, there's no variable like that.But during unattended setup, the "$OEM$\$Docs" folder is used for that purpose - a direct reference to "documents and settings" path whatever the path is (even if it is set by you to "D:\UserDocs").This is not related to registry, but still its mentioned here if someone wants to know.
Powerhouse Posted September 30, 2004 Posted September 30, 2004 I encountered a problem with one of HoverHeads tweaks...;----- Active Window Tracking for XP;----- Value: (0=disable, 1=enable);----- This tweak allows you to bring running programs to the foreground just by ;----- moving you mouse of the application window. This is similar to the X-Mouse ;----- feature found on UNIX operating systems.[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]"UserPreferencesMask"=hex:ff, 3e, 00 00"ActiveWindowTracking"=dword:00000001"ActiveWndTrkTimeout"=dword:000003e8Doesn't seem to work on my Logitech MX700 mouse (with the 9.80 Logitech drivers).
shaokahn Posted September 30, 2004 Posted September 30, 2004 disabledtrucker,i've removed that key from registry and also other keys in that policies\explorer folder in registry, rebooted and still no programsalso made a search in registry for this key "NoStartMenuMFUprogramsList"=dword:00000000and didn't find any, also made a search at johnydo's file for a repeted key and did'nt find any.what a hell is causing this to happen? i've cheked the explorer section at johnydo's file and i see nothing related with this except the 2 lines i've comment befero me with this one guys. i ran out of ideas.BTW, ppl using johnydo's file, ain't this happening to you to?
evilvoice Posted September 30, 2004 Posted September 30, 2004 actually, it has always happened to from the time I started reg tweaking on unattended..but I cant say I like the MFU start menu...and my display picture has been gone since then also...both of which just seem to not matter to me.
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