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the future of microsoft is in shakey hands


What Will The Future Be For Microsoft As A Company?  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. With The Direction Windows 11 Is Taking What Is The Future For Microsoft?

    • Windows Sells So Horrible They Go Bankrupt For Good And Linux And MacOS Rule
    • Microsoft Somehow Makes A Miracle And Windows Does Good Again And MacOS & Linux Lose Share

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@legacyfan Personally, I've never heard of a word in my life called shakey, only shaky. Also, what's wrong with Windows 11 currently? I mean, what are your complaints now about Windows 11? It's currently at a good status, now that 2 years have passed. I'm currently at the Insider Canary Channel, so I get to know what's being baked very early. Also, in my opinion, you shouldn't be concerned about Windows as a user who loves Linux very much, and uses it.

Yes, I know about MS's cloud storage, called OneDrive (which filled my desktop with trash many times, but I was still able to get rid of OneDrive nonetheless), and MS's enforced web browser, which has been shoved to our thorats since its release date, called Edge, I was able to get rid of it as well.

Edited by mina7601
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Windows sales numbers in B2B are in the toilet. Retail seems OK but mainly driven by video games. Most productivity these days is done OS agnostic, requiring only a web browser.

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I asked the director of our big PC store about the sales, he said: "it's the same, basically". People still buy lots of PCs with the OS already preinstalled, esp. laptops. German Fujitsu Notebook LIFEBOOK U7613, their ultra-light LIFEBOOK U9413, LIFEBOOK U9313X (ultra-light, silver-white convertible) are very popular here, they come Windows 11 Pro already installed.

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I don't buy Windows in any form anymore. It will drive them to bankruptcy.

And I'm still waiting for nVidia to drive off the cliff since I don't buy anything from them since 2013.

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10 hours ago, mina7601 said:

@legacyfan Personally, I've never heard of a word in my life called shakey, only shaky. Also, what's wrong with Windows 11 currently? I mean, what are your complaints now about Windows 11? It's currently at a good status, now that 2 years have passed. I'm currently at the Insider Canary Channel, so I get to know what's being baked very early. Also, in my opinion, you shouldn't be concerned about Windows as a user who loves Linux very much, and uses it.

Yes, I know about MS's cloud storage, called OneDrive (which filled my desktop with trash many times, but I was still able to get rid of OneDrive nonetheless), and MS's enforced web browser, which has been shoved to our thorats since its release date, called Edge, I was able to get rid of it as well.

its all the little annoyances like the new start menu windows copilot being a thing now plus many others im just not a windows fanboy in general anymore

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22 hours ago, Tripredacus said:

Windows sales numbers in B2B are in the toilet. Retail seems OK but mainly driven by video games. Most productivity these days is done OS agnostic, requiring only a web browser.

It's all about mobile phones / tablets versus traditional desktops / laptops.  And Microsoft / Android / Chrome all have an AUTOMOTIVE presence nowadays.

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3 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:


Yeah, but it's minus 0.23% because I didn't buy anything from them this year, too.:buehehe:

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