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Whats the best Defragmentation Software

Whats the best Defragmentation Software  

916 members have voted

  1. 1. Whats the best Defragmentation Software

    • Diskeeper
    • O&O
    • Perfect Disk
    • System Mechanic
    • Contig
    • Power Defragmenter

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My vote goes to - Diskeeper Pro 8.0.

And that is the one used by MS as well (in a cut-down manner, of course) since win2k onwards.

The best part is that it simply updates/replaces windows' own defrag tool - since it is actually a cut-down version of itself.


O&O Defrag. It may not put on a dazzling display/lightshow for you, but it does highly decrease the Windows boot-up and starting of programs (using the Defrag/NAME option). AM I WRONG? Or is that not why we defrag? Pretty much you install it, defrag it the way you desire (differs on your computer & whether it is a laptop) & setup your options. Last, set-up the fully-automated defrag "job" by clicking on "automation" & then "OK." It then sits in the background and defrags occasionally using an intelligent CPU detection-thingy and selects the best defrag method for each drive (that even varies over time). Basically you don't ever notice that it's defragging (no slowdown at all - playing a game? it won't start, then...) The background monitor only uses up 4MB or less (varies) of RAM (i've got 2GB on my computer).

The downside would be the cost for the Pro & Server Editions. I have also incorporated the server version on my server at work. It not only does the above, it also does it for the 22 other computers networked to it. Check out www.oo-software.com for the marketing/"technical" stuff.

My vote goes to - Diskeeper Pro 8.0.

And that is the one used by MS as well (in a cut-down manner, of course) since win2k onwards.

Yeah but Fatdog says

DiskKeeper sucks!
so.... Besides Raxco rocks.

PerfectDisk. I noticed that after an offline defrag, the Metadata section had moved to a different location. I do like the SmartPlacement feature to move files (depending on usage) closer to the HD for faster access. Diskeeper locked up my system, it sucks :realmad:

But I do like the things said about O&O Defrager in this thread. I am all for faster boot time, does it decrease it a lot?

Well, I tried O&O and it seemed to have a bit more to defrag, but not much. Everything was pretty organized already from PD. And since PD has the SmartPlacement feature, I think I will stick to that. Vopt had a lot of features, though.


Have been using Perfectdisk for months now and I absolutely love it! O&O is also good (better than Diskeeper) but I feel it takes WAAAAAY too long to do a COMPLETE DEFRAG.....and I really didn't notice much difference in speed after that (not even in boot time).


Well, all of this is new for me (yeah! I'm a newbie) :blushing:

Could someone possible change the topic to a pool style? :}

I'm also toooo lazy to read all posts... :boring:

Looking for manageable ones.


I believe PD is the only defreg certified by MS
O&O Has a M$ Gold Certified Partner at every end of each page...

Windows Defrag shoud be certified also :D


diskeeper or perfectdisk

diskeeper has its newest version out so its currently better, but the end of the year is approaching....

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