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New NewMoon 27 Build!

32bit https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.10.0.win32-git-20240817-afafcc8fa2-xpmod.7z
32bit SSE https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.10.0.win32-git-20240817-afafcc8fa2-xpmod-sse.7z
32bit noSSE https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.10.0.win32-git-20240817-afafcc8fa2-xpmod-ia32.7z

64bit https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.10.0.win64-git-20240817-afafcc8fa2-xpmod.7z

source repo: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27

repo changes since my last build:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1256731 - patch 2 - Notify front-end code when screen resolution changes on Windows, so that TabsInTitlebar code can refresh its computations. r=gijs,emk (4b0baacc83)
 - Bug 1261307: Convert |StreamSocketConsumer::ReceiveSocketData| to |UniquePtr|, r=nfroyd (65088da288)
 - Bug 1264377. Get rid of some unnecessary custom JSClass hook functions in xpconnect sandboxes and DOM simple globals. r=bholley (578df7a830)
 - Bug 1249518 - Make DaemonSocketPDU able to send multiple file descriptors in single unit. r=tzimmermann (1bf04f8f43) (4cf8b0e818)
- partly revert "Bug 1256547: When the DWM is disabled don't force presentation. r=milan" as this crashes in XP-x64. (afafcc8fa2)


New regular/weekly KM-Goanna release:


Out-of-tree changes:
* update Goanna3 to git fe3519e975...afafcc8fa2:
- Revert "reinstantiate assert, present in up to esr68 (221cec53)" (54aedc161f)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1256731 - patch 2 - Notify front-end code when screen resolution changes on Windows, so that TabsInTitlebar code can refresh its computations. r=gijs,emk (4b0baacc83)
 - Bug 1261307: Convert |StreamSocketConsumer::ReceiveSocketData| to |UniquePtr|, r=nfroyd (65088da288)
 - Bug 1264377. Get rid of some unnecessary custom JSClass hook functions in xpconnect sandboxes and DOM simple globals. r=bholley (578df7a830)
 - Bug 1249518 - Make DaemonSocketPDU able to send multiple file descriptors in single unit. r=tzimmermann (1bf04f8f43) (4cf8b0e818)
- partly revert "Bug 1256547: When the DWM is disabled don't force presentation. r=milan" as this crashes in XP-x64. (afafcc8fa2)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.

A goanna3 source tree that has kmeleon adaption patch applied is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27/tree/kmeleon76

Posted (edited)
On 7/9/2024 at 4:18 PM, NotHereToPlayGames said:


Somewhere between the July 31, 2023 version of Serpent 52 and the July 4, 2024 version of Serpent 52, the Restore Session tab does not seem to work.

Sometimes it will never show up and the last session is restored without this tab.

Sometimes it will show up but the table will not be populated with the windows or tabs that are to be restored (such as the below screencap).

Sometimes it will work correctly and does display the windows or tabs being restored.


I'm bumping this to bring it back to @roytam1's attention.

I'll post additional screencaps shortly and will attempt to isolate "when" this started happening.



Still happening in yesterday's release:




This is the last known WORKING version (over a year old, I will attempt to isolate WHEN this feature was broken):




This version reveals that this feature has been broken with ALL of the 2024 releases:


Edited by NotHereToPlayGames

Working in this release  --  basilisk52-g4.8.win32-git-20230812-3219d2d-uxp-08a62b0b06-xpmod

This is the last version where the Session Restore feature fills in the table of Windows and Tabs.

Every version since August 12, 2023 has this feature broken.

51 minutes ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

Working in this release  --  basilisk52-g4.8.win32-git-20230812-3219d2d-uxp-08a62b0b06-xpmod

This is the last version where the Session Restore feature fills in the table of Windows and Tabs.

Every version since August 12, 2023 has this feature broken.

anything came from browser console?

Posted (edited)
37 minutes ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

To replicate, don't "close" or "exit" the browser.  But go to OS's Task Manager or something like System Informer and terminate the .exe from there.

can't reproduce it in new profile:


Edited by roytam1
16 hours ago, roytam1 said:

New build of Serpent/UXP for XP!

Official UXP changes picked since my last build:

- Issue #2554 - Block access to on non-Windows OSes. (d44b309966)
- Issue #2554 - Follow-up: Correct code comment (no functional changes) (fad481b612)
- Issue #2554 - Follow-up: Also block [::] and [::] IPv6 addresses. (dd4e060135)
- No issue - Update TwemojiMozilla to 15.1.2 (8e3c07960d)
- Issue #1925 - Follow-up: Fix debug builds (namespace) (5bd7896c05)

No official Basilisk changes picked since my last build.

Hello @roytam1, there was a "major development, bugfix, stability and security release" of Basilisk yesterday (see here) with a lot of changes and fixes.

Just curious: none of them relevant/applicable for Spt_52.9, or did that update simply come some hours too late for your build?

Thank you and have a nice sunday!

Posted (edited)

NotHereToPlayGames said:

"To replicate, don't "close" or "exit" the browser.  But go to OS's Task Manager or something like System Informer and terminate the .exe from there."



1. Rendering above URL(website) with ST52
2. End Process (basilisk.exe) with Windows Task Manager
3. Restart St52
4. Recovering/rendering above URL(website) with ST52
5. Again End Process (basilisk.exe) with Windows Task Manager
6. Stop All Traffic with FIREWALL
7. Again restart St52
8. Well, this is embarrassing.
    Serpent is having trouble recovering your windows and tabs.
    This is usually caused by a recently opened web page.
    You can try:
     Removing one or more tabs that you think may be
     causing the problem
     Starting an entirely new browsing session

Of course St52 didn't know about the FIREWALL when "feelimg" embarrassed.
As you can see St52 works as intended.

Edited by anton12

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