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A stripped down Windows 10


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On 5/30/2023 at 2:06 PM, D.Draker said:

I just wonder why (all of a sudden) @NotHereToPlayGames, with his "energetic spirit", is so quet!

Because I never read this thread until today.

What I wonder is why you had to throw my name out there?

It's okay if your world revolves around me, I get it.  My world revolves around me also.  (Technically speaking, EVERYBODY'S world revolves around THEMSELF - their eyes, their ears, their perceptions.)


waka waka waka

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1 hour ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

I have not tried it.

I have very quickly in a VM. After a bit of clicking around in the Settings app, RAM usage went back to normal Win10 levels.

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I do my own install media slipstreams and customizations and bloat removal and I guess I don't need some "Tiny10" developer doing it for me.  :cool:

My used-space is HALF the disk space that Tiny10 boasts, and this is AFTER installing a web browser and email client.

I have two flavors of Win10 - 2016 LTSB and 21H2 LTSC.

Technically, my 21H2 LTSC is "temporary/testing" and not activated, my company allows one company laptop and one home desktop install but I don't want to do an activation until I know it's tweaked to my liking.

I thought I had a 2019 (LTSB?) around also but can't find it offhand (which tells me it never gained me anything over 2016).





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20 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

Because I never read this thread until today.

What I wonder is why you had to throw my name out there?

It's okay if your world revolves around me, I get it.  My world revolves around me also.  (Technically speaking, EVERYBODY'S world revolves around THEMSELF - their eyes, their ears, their perceptions.)


waka waka waka

Could you for once take into account I just missed you, and no strings attached. (some foreigners will probably need to look for a translation).

And I missed your errors also :buehehe:, it's *themselves* (plural) ,because you wrote everybody/their.

And I have to admit, your small Win10  ISO is quite impressive in size!


Why does it say only 3GB of RAM? I don't remember they made 1GB DDR3 modules. (assuming you have 1GB+2GB modules?).

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2 hours ago, D.Draker said:

And I have to admit, your small Win10 ISO is quite impressive in size!

Why does it say only 3GB of RAM?

Those are from my two VMs since I was replying to UCyborg that tried Tiny10 in a VM.  I've never actually tried Tiny10 and agree with @Tripredacus that is should be considered warez.

I use WinReducerEX and it falls in the same class of "tools" as nLite, vLite, NTLite, and others that I don't recall the name of offhand.

I also place these "tools" in the same category of "extended kernels" and feel MSFN is not the place to discuss details on how to use these "tools" to customize install media.

"But I'm no lawyer", lol.

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On 6/14/2023 at 4:02 PM, NotHereToPlayGames said:

I use WinReducerEX and it falls in the same class of "tools" as nLite, vLite, NTLite, and others that I don't recall the name of offhand.

I also place these "tools" in the same category of "extended kernels" and feel MSFN is not the place to discuss details on how to use these "tools" to customize install media.

I'm not sure about the lumping those tools with extended kernels. I used nLite years ago on XP to add drivers and apply TCP half-open connection patch. I don't bother with that anymore, modern Windows do basic AHCI out-of-the-box and having the rest of the drivers right after installation vs. installed a bit later, well, I don't find the latter problematic.

Not sure about stripping either. I don't really know how to approach it, stuff breaks easily and my interest list is short, almost non-existent as it is, so messing with Windows isn't on it, troubleshooting problems that occurred because something is missing even less. I turned off some scheduled tasks and put some services from auto-start to manual, although the latter seems pointless as something else turns them on soon anyway.

I'd like to upgrade to the Windows version that doesn't memory leak over pro-longed period, I haven't found it so far, though I haven't tried Win11 yet. Seems more of a hassle than it's worth at this point, even if it miraculously solves memory leaks, which I still think is doubtful. Stuff never works right anyway.

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You won't have the memory leaks once you strip it down.

Not for the faint of heart, it is a tedious process and you won't get it right the first time.

But none of my Linux versions have ever worked right the first time either - so it boils down to whether your heart is in it to get it working or not, if your heart isn't in it, you'll give up way too easily.

Proxomitron is another one, a great deal of power but a steep learning curve where far too many give up way too easily.

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Ya think? In this case, svchost.exe hosting RpcSs and RpcEptMapper services has unusually high RAM usage. Before Win10, I rarely used hibernation and usually always performed full shutdown, so things would clear up every day. I keep fast startup enabled, so it basically hibernates every time I shutdown. I do full shutdown every two months at least.

One laptop at my house running Win 1903 (I think, it's definitely 190x) at one point in time wasn't fully shutdown in about a year and half, it has 4 GB of RAM and then it must have used little over 3 GB out of 4 GB on idle (showing desktop without any applications opened), likewise caused by one or more Windows services.

My installation seems to have extra unusual faults so I'd have to reinstall anyway if I hope to get rid of them. I probably should've stuck with Win10 1809, but I felt like trying out newer builds at some point in the past and now I am where I am...

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On 6/18/2023 at 1:41 PM, NotHereToPlayGames said:

Not for the faint of heart, it is a tedious process and you won't get it right the first time.

That and I'd have to have at least faintest idea what to do, which I don't. I don't even know what to expect from such tinkering, but I can't imagine they would be significant enough, also considering the experience messing with Windows XP in that way back in the old days, with significantly weaker hardware at disposal.

Heh, the most noticeable improvement I did on that computer was overclocking 2 GHz Intel Celeron by a whooping half-gigahertz. Also did it with cheap low-end NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440, just put the graphics processor's frequency straight to the max RivaTuner allowed without showing any warning. CPU overclocking might have contributed to the early demise of the motherboard, which was then replaced. CPU had locked multiplier, so other components took some strain as well. But I had the faster computer for a while. What else was the teenager without regular income supposed to do?

Back to today, maybe the best result would be ability to open 5 more tabs in Firefox. 4 GB more RAM would probably up that to 50 while a brand new computer - maybe 500?

Edited by UCyborg
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