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Hi, I don't know if that will be helpful, but I recently discovered that on "WinWorld", there was copy of Windows 98 (so called "VMware Edition"). I installed it and there aren't anything particulary interesting, the mains differences are that VMware tools are pre-installed as well as some programs but also updates. image.png.5f0dc0a1458d162a2bab5084f05ab3bd.png


In the Windows folder, there's also a "Windows Update Setup Files" directory with some files inside. image.png.798bfb6d4dd550ef3b4a3deb39cd6743.png


If you want to see if there are interesting things, here's the download link:https://winworldpc.com/download/3dc3943c-c386-18c3-9a11-c3a4e284a2ef

Dne 9.22.2023 v 7:50 WULover řekl:

Mluvil o všech na toto téma, ne o vás :D

Jak jsem řekl, pro Windows 95 a NT4.0 používejte pouze v3.1, protože v4 a v5 nejsou kompatibilní s těmito systémy. Pracuji na opravě pro v3, takže buďte trpěliví.


Není třeba návodu, funguje to po vybalení z krabice. Měli jsme problém se serverem a je to opraveno, nebojte se


To je v pořádku, ne každý mluví anglicky :)


Tak se mě to podařilo zprovoznit ten windows update v3 na ten windows 98, ale jak kliknu na windows update v4 tak to napíše chybu a když se chci vrátit na v3 tak to už napíše červeně stránku nele zobrazit, musel jsem znovu instalovat celý windows 98 znovu. A nevím jak to bude fungovat když tam manuálně nainstaluju ten internet exolorer 6. A když bych tam nainstaloval ty neoficiální service packy a ten autopatcher 2008?

A jen se tak zdvořile zeptám to nevyhledá všechny aktualizace co existovaly, ani nenabídne třeba internet explorer 6 co byl vydán pro windows 98?  Ani žádné microsoft net framework? jsem si tam manuálně nainstaloval microsoft net framework 1 a myslel že to vyhledá další aktualizace - microsoft net framework 2 atd? Já jsem myslel že to všechno vyhledá a třeba nabídne i nějaký antivirus starý co byl dřív , to je asi lepší si stáhnout ty neoficiální service packy to je asi jenom tak na hraní? Omlouvám se že se tak hloupě ptám? Mám i Windows 2000 a tam mě dokonce funguje google chrome na internet, tak jsem si myslel že bych i ten windows 98 použil někdy na internet samozřejmě jako ne porád jako jenom někdy mám tu staré notebooky IBM do sbírky, tak jsem si říkal že bych je někdy použil i na internet ale to asi není pod windows 98 možné a tam taky už nefunguje ten windows update ale je tam zase legacy update ten funguje. Jaký rozdíl je prosím mezi legacy update a windowsrestoreupdate? :cool:


So I managed to get the windows update v3 working on the windows 98, but when I click on windows update v4 it says an error and when I want to go back to v3 it says red and the page can't be displayed, I had to reinstall the whole windows 98 again . And I don't know how it will work if I manually install the internet exolorer 6 there. And if I install the unofficial service packs and the autopatcher 2008 there?

And I'll just ask politely, it won't search for all the updates that existed, nor will it offer, for example, Internet Explorer 6, which was released for Windows 98? No microsoft net framework either? I manually installed microsoft net framework 1 there and thought it would look for other updates - microsoft net framework 2 etc.? I thought it would search for everything and maybe even offer some old antivirus that was there before, it's probably better to download the unofficial service packs, it's probably just for playing? Sorry to ask such a stupid question? I also have Windows 2000 and even google chrome works for me there, so I thought that I would also use Windows 98 for the Internet at some point, of course, not all the time, but sometimes I have old IBM laptops for my collection, so I thought that I would sometimes he also used it on the Internet, but that is probably not possible under Windows 98, and the Windows update doesn't work there either, but there is a legacy update that works. What is the difference between legacy update and windowsrestoreupdate please?



On 9/27/2023 at 3:13 AM, Radovan said:

So I managed to get the windows update v3 working on the windows 98, but when I click on windows update v4 it says an error and when I want to go back to v3 it says red and the page can't be displayed, I had to reinstall the whole windows 98 again . And I don't know how it will work if I manually install the internet exolorer 6 there. And if I install the unofficial service packs and the autopatcher 2008 there?

When you install the Windows Update v4 ActiveX Control, you can no longer use Windows Update v3. You'll need to uninstall it (not in Add/Remove programs and not by reinstalling Windows 98) to get v3 working again.

Also, AutoPatcher does not have anything to do with Windows Update, it'll just hide the available updates on the website.

On 9/27/2023 at 3:13 AM, Radovan said:

And I'll just ask politely, it won't search for all the updates that existed, nor will it offer, for example, Internet Explorer 6, which was released for Windows 98? No microsoft net framework either? I manually installed microsoft net framework 1 there and thought it would look for other updates - microsoft net framework 2 etc.? I thought it would search for everything and maybe even offer some old antivirus that was there before, it's probably better to download the unofficial service packs, it's probably just for playing? Sorry to ask such a stupid question? I also have Windows 2000 and even google chrome works for me there, so I thought that I would also use Windows 98 for the Internet at some point, of course, not all the time, but sometimes I have old IBM laptops for my collection, so I thought that I would sometimes he also used it on the Internet, but that is probably not possible under Windows 98, and the Windows update doesn't work there either, but there is a legacy update that works. What is the difference between legacy update and windowsrestoreupdate please?

Windows Update v3 will show a specific amount of updates, depending on the inventory used. Windows Update v4 shows much more updates in the list. Legacy Update is for Windows 2000 SP3+ to 11 and Windows Update Restored is for Windows 95 to XP/Server 2003. Windows Update does not provide Chrome updates, and .NET Framework 2.0 is only supported by Windows Update v4. The FAQ on the Windows Update Restored site might help you on some points.

  • 4 weeks later...

Can someone explain how to use the fiddler program? Where to download it from? How to set up? And log the windowsupdaterestored info? I'm asking because I have a windows 98 second edition pc with the hungarian version of windows on it. Earlier in this thread the author mentioned that you need to use fiddler to get some log and upload here. If I try to acces windowsupdate v3.1 i get page cannot be displayed error. WULover said that it has something to do with language inventories, maybe. I would really like to get this to work and sorry for my bad English.


Hello! If your system is hungarian, then we surely do not have any language inventories for it, do not bother to use Fiddler :)

If you wanna help us find those invs, try to collect the C:\Program Files\WindowsUpdate folder from old Windows 9x/NT4/Me/2000 hungarian machines. We can only add updates this way on Windows Update Restored.

20 hours ago, WULover said:

Hello! If your system is hungarian, then we surely do not have any language inventories for it, do not bother to use Fiddler :)

If you wanna help us find those invs, try to collect the C:\Program Files\WindowsUpdate folder from old Windows 9x/NT4/Me/2000 hungarian machines. We can only add updates this way on Windows Update Restored.

Do you happen to have the inventories for the Dutch language? I have some Windows 2000 PCs that were daily used up until 2005/2006 which might have some useful files for the project, if required. No Windows 9x/Me unfortunately.

On 10/29/2023 at 8:43 AM, zerocool1999 said:

Do you happen to have the inventories for the Dutch language? I have some Windows 2000 PCs that were daily used up until 2005/2006 which might have some useful files for the project, if required. No Windows 9x/Me unfortunately.

We do not have any so we need them. They are located in C:\Program Files\WindowsUpdate folder (it might be hidden).


Unfortunately the WindowsUpdate folder was empty on 7 HDDs that had early Windows XP and Windows 2000 installs on it. The folders were all hidden as you indeed indicated.

9 minutes ago, zerocool1999 said:

Unfortunately the WindowsUpdate folder was empty on 7 HDDs that had early Windows XP and Windows 2000 installs on it. The folders were all hidden as you indeed indicated.

That's sad to hear :(

Unfortunately there's a risk to get nothing because Windows cleant its contents

On 11/1/2023 at 7:32 PM, WULover said:

That's sad to hear :(

Unfortunately there's a risk to get nothing because Windows cleant its contents

Ah oke, that is very unfortunate that it clears itself. Can understand why though but sad.

  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/5/2023 at 11:24 AM, zerocool1999 said:

Ah oke, that is very unfortunate that it clears itself. Can understand why though but sad.

That is indeed sad since Wayback Machine has not archived dutch inventories.

On 11/15/2023 at 11:05 AM, WULover said:

That is indeed sad since Wayback Machine has not archived dutch inventories.

Nor the hungarian inventories? 

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