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StartAllBack for Windows 11

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Posted (edited)


Since ancient times I have been using this tweak to open PowerShell in the current directory.


( Shift +Right mouse click to see second "AsAdmin" line )

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


@="C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -NoProfile -NoExit -Command \"Set-Location '%V'\""


@="C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -NoProfile -Command \"Start-Process powershell.exe -verb runAs -ArgumentList '-NoProfile','-NoExit', '-Command', 'cd %V'\""

Looks like StartAllBack broke default "HasLUAShield" key behaviour in combination with "Icon" key

This is SAB disabled



And this is enabled


When disabled, the second PoSh has a small shield, as expected

Edited by Vavun

2 hours ago, Xao_Fan-Tzilin said:

I do not have that. Everything is as usual.

Not the case, though, I also get the warning and same with a friend of mine.

What's that all about?

36 minutes ago, BlakByte said:

Not the case, though, I also get the warning and same with a friend of mine.

This means that there is a certain division of visitors either by browser (I use Brave), or by territory, or it all depends on security extensions. By the way, I have SAB 3.7.9 and Win 11 Canary 26040.




Hello. I have encountered a bug in the StartAllBack program. I'm writing here because I couldn't find any feedback on the official site. The problem is as follows: I attach a video: https://disk.yandex.ru/i/ZEMy1Qhq0qRYHg
When minimizing a window (no matter what kind of window - Explorer, Control Panel, etc.), and clicking on the application icon again to minimize it again, if you catch a certain timing as in the video up to the 10th second - the window does not minimize, but just blinks. If you click on the application icon faster or slower, everything works as it should (at the 11th and 13th seconds respectively).

Is there any way to fix this? And another question - how can I buy a license of the program from Russia? PayPal is not available here.

Здравствуйте. Я столкнулся с багом в программе StartAllBack. Пишу сюда, потому что не нашёл на офф. сайте обратной связи. Проблема заключается в следующем: Прикладываю видео: https://disk.yandex.ru/i/ZEMy1Qhq0qRYHg
При разворачивании окна (неважно какое окно - проводник, панель управления и тд), и повторном нажатии на иконку приложения для повторного его сворачивания, если поймать определённый тайминг как на видео вплоть до 10й секунды - окно не сворачивается, а просто моргает. Если же нажимать на иконку приложения быстрее или медленее, то всё срабатывает как нужно (на 11й и 13й секундах соответственно).

Можно ли это как-то исправить? И ещё вопрос - как приобрести лицензию программы из России? У нас недоступен PayPal.


@TihiyThis is not typical taskbar behavior. Because in the stock state (without StartAllBack) there is no such problem. This is exactly a bug.


@TihiyAnd by the way, payment by card and SBP on the RU site does not work...


hi @Tihiy can i add an sugestion to StartMenu? for example to change search provider from Windows Search to Everything?

You can inspire from Everything Toolbar which is working fine with classic taskbar?

1 minute ago, Ups said:

And by the way, payment by card and SBP on the RU site does not work...

You are inattentive. I gave you a link to the Russian site for SAB payment above.
And there is payment through FreeKassa. Next there will be a large list of payment methods, including SBP, MIR cards, YooMoney, and even cryptocurrency.. :)


@Xao_Fan-TzilinI'm not inattentive - I meant specifically the Russian site where payment via Freekassa does NOT work. I tried from different devices and different methods. There is no possibility to pay with cryptocurrency.



The SAB home site is being actively blocked in a few countries apparently, besides it possibly being blocked internally. Two of the ISPs I'm subscribed to actively block most if not all RU domains currently. Recently I was able to reach rt.com (random choice) through Tor on one ISP but today startallback.com was unreachable even through Tor on the other ISP. Not Tihiy's fault obviously. It's all getting ridiculous but I'll refrain from further comments as free speech has long become an illusion.


When elephants fight it's the grass that's hurting.


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