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StartAllBack for Windows 11

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On 2/2/2022 at 12:41 PM, Tihiy said:

One may disable it via 'NoDarkTooltips'=(DWORD)1 value in HKCU\SOFTWARE\StartIsBack



Listviews group header is hard to read.
File operation dialog looks good, but I think a thinner border for the progress bar would look better,

BTW: 2 things about the update check and Installation.

1 - If Windows toast notifications are globally turned off, update check show nothing
2 - After update the restarted explorer has Temp folder as working directory



StartAllBack 3.3

Since last beta:


- Dark Explorer menu bar

- Dark messages in configurator

- Fixed dark horizontal scroll bar




I have an issue with the acrylic tooltip colors in the new version being wrong.  I have tried deleting the StartIsBack registry key and reinstalling to no avail.  Classic tooltips are still the right color.


Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, c3141msf said:

I have an issue with the acrylic tooltip colors in the new version being wrong. 

Can you download debugview, open it, restart Explorer and attach its output? Do you have any font tweakers or shell enhancements?

Also try http://startisback.com/StartAllBack_setup.exe

5 hours ago, bapt said:

Thank you, I tried, it changes the font but not the tooltip

Yep seems the disabling doesn't work fully, try http://startisback.com/StartAllBack_setup.exe

1 hour ago, JFX said:

Back to 3.2.9c. Later version remove Clear Type from my classic context menus

ClearType was never there, as they're acrylic

Edited by Tihiy
Posted (edited)
15 minutes ago, Tihiy said:

ClearType was never there, as they're acrylic

I mean the old classic menus not the owner drawed "ImmersiveContextMenu" ones.
You can still get them in explorer, if screen reader is used or with a simple IATHook on shell32.dll

bool __stdcall _SystemParametersInfoW(UINT uiAction, UINT uiParam, PVOID pvParam, UINT fWinIni) {

    int iReturn = SystemParametersInfoW(uiAction, uiParam, pvParam, fWinIni);
    if (uiAction == SPI_GETSCREENREADER) *(int*)pvParam = 1;

    return iReturn;

But after some time (usually under 30 min) SAB 3.3 seems to remove Clear Type from them.

Edited by JFX
Posted (edited)
24 minutes ago, JFX said:

But after some time (usually under 30 min) SAB 3.3 seems to remove Clear Type from them.

Sorry, this sounds totally insane, classic menus are in the kernel. Most likely your hook has stopped working, as SAB IATHook's that too.

Download test version http://startisback.com/StartAllBack_setup.exe and create HKCU\SOFTWARE\StartIsBack (DWORD)ImmersiveMenus = 0

(0 - classic, 1 - acrylic, 2 - shell)

Edited by Tihiy


clicking this will crash explorer and restart explorer.

also, i have noticed with previous builds that the title bar font of some windows will increase in size but since it has happened it hasnt happened again. this might have been a conflict.

thank you for fixing windows 11. i will buy a license soon.

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