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May I never be a grumpy old man, neither greedy nor entirely oldhttps://newsrnd.com/news/2022-08-01-may-i-never-be-a-grumpy-old-man--neither-greedy-nor-entirely-old.SJ2rKVBp9.html


"Norberto Bobbio, who in

De Senectute

turned the study of age into a more than enjoyable science, says that “talking about oneself is a late-age habit.

And only, in part, it can be attributed to vanity.

As it is about learning new habits, and making use of that license to vanity, it is that I write these lines when crossing the threshold of 80 years.

Old people tend to talk about the past in a didactic way, with the understanding that all experience teaches, and, therefore, there is a risk of falling into self-help advice, which is not so disrespectful if one thinks of the other.

De Senectute,

written more than 2,000 years before Bobbio's.

Aging, as an art that can be taught.

Cicero gives voice in his book to an 84-year-old man, Cato ..."


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13 hours ago, msfntor said:

...Old people tend to talk about the past in a didactic way, with the understanding that all experience teaches, and, therefore, there is a risk of falling into self-help advice, which is not so disrespectful if one thinks of the other.

Very true words spoken or written :)

My dearly departed dad almost 80 always said to be humble and he never was vain even in things such that he should've taken great pride in, but, from him, I learned that everything we allow ourselves to feel is usually ego based and one needs to be cautious when allowing ourselves to adopt that thinking that others are somehow 'beneath' and we could become egotist and self indulgent. Vanity or inflated pride (in oneself) sometimes can lead to disappointment as fame is fleeting, rather, we can still be aware that we are living in a vain world and best ways to adapt or 'go with the flow - the current' can also help us.

RE Self-Help Advice

Really need to not always trust the sources when searching online as its can come from conflicted people therefore the advice from them is slanted and tainted by their own experiences or lack or processing them which results in questioning our own beliefs, though, I do enjoy hearing from others online but need to be cautious when taking of others 'baggage' and maintain that understand of such. The collective conscious or so attractive and belonging in this existence (struggling for the right wording as this is all coming from my head. Its a circus in there sometimes ... hahaha


Seems like a long read, but very worth it if you can read that article and appreciate our connection. We humans are not just computers. 


I've been enjoying many of your recent posting here ... I think it helps you to help others ... I guess I also feel the same :)


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44 minutes ago, XPerceniol said:


Seems like a long read, but very worth it if you can read that article and appreciate our connection. We humans are not just computers.

"The internet has become a global collection of our psyches, intuitions, beliefs, feelings, and inner most values. 

There’s no doubt that the internet has become a new source for collecting the collective consciousness of the human race."


- YES, with ZERO privacy, we are finally fully communized

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50 minutes ago, XPerceniol said:


I've been enjoying many of your recent posting here ... I think it helps you to help others ... I guess I also feel the same :)

and this is not too

- well finally for everyone, without violence, blood, and politics

cool, help me out

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13 hours ago, msfntor said:

- YES, with ZERO privacy

Yeah, I wouldn't want to grow up in this world again, at least when I got home school it was over, now, with social media, the bullying continues :(

13 hours ago, msfntor said:

cool, help me out

Well I am cautious to offer "Help" to others, I mean, I 'full of it' (Advice .. ha) but while the internet may be the only means people can reach out, its not substitute for professional help. I'm not more than just a mere option, a reclusive nut that hardly ever leaves my own little bubble now. I just share as I see from my POV; only and I'd never want to steer others towards anything harmful.

Yep .. after 1PM stuck inside still in sweat pants while the world turns around me, not a good shining example.

Again, working on it and a work that likely will be in progress until I expire, I doubt I'll ever "get it" and don't really want to get it, just to survive.

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Sparks - The Existential Threat (Official Video)

"Here is a music video I made for the legendary band Sparks. It concerns a subject close to my heart, the eternal nightmare of our impending doom. During the 3 months it took to make this video the world was in lockdown due to a mysterious new virus. And so I found myself animating a character who hides in his house in fear of the outside world, while hiding in my house in fear of the outside world. Along with everyone else of course. Stay safe." - by Cyriak, on his blog: http://cyriak.co.uk/animation/category/blog/


- by Cyriak


2.46M subscribers

The official video for 'The Existential Threat' by Sparks, taken from the album 'A Steady Drip, Drip, Drip'. Listen: https://sparks.lnk.to/dripCY. https://allsparks.com

Lyrics: The existential threat that I always feel Nothing's happened yet today and yet I have to feel Danger near, danger here Nowhere to escape to and nobody there to hear as I now Scream in fear, scream in fear The existential threat is drawing very, very near and they all Look away, look away Can't they see the existential threat is on its way The existential threat that I tend to feel When I'm walking down the street or right behind the wheel Turning left, turning right Trying to escape the cloud that's close enough to feel and you may Laugh out loud, laugh out loud The existential threat is always hanging about and you may Say go way, say go way The existential threat is never going away Doctor gave me these, I said what are these? He said that they'll cure an existential type disease Doubt they will, doubt they will But I'm keen to try whatever, gimme that pill and he said Here's the bill, here's the bill In the end they didn't work, I paid the whole bill because Insurance won't, they just won't Cover existential meds, I wish I had known How should I react under this attack Even when I'm standing up I feel I'm on my back Quagmire here, quagmire there I cannot elucidate the danger that is always there but it is Looming large, extra large My semi-automatic weapon ready to discharge but it's a Futile act, better pack The existential threat is bulletproof and looming large Sartre and Camus seemed to understand Something close to what I'm feeling though they were in France Deux Magots they would go Each comparing existential threats they came to blows and then The crowds came near just to cheer For the greatest existential threatened philosophe and it is Comforting, comforting Then the comfort starts to very quickly fade away Did I wake you up, sorry if I did Guess I woke you up and also woke your little kid Threat outside, let me hide Just until the danger passes, then I'll go outside and have to Come again, once again The existential threat is at your patio door and do not Let it in, let it in When you fight the existential threat you will not win The existential threat that I always feel Lots of things have happened and I seek an even keel Danger near, danger far Nowhere to escape to and I'm racing in my car as I now Scream in fear, scream in fear The existential threat is drawing very, very near as I now Drive away, by the way Can't you see the existential threat is on its way


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Can you all believe its already August 4th?!

Its soo hot here ... chickens are laying hard-boiled eggs. :w00t: While freezing in other parts of the world right now :sneaky:


. :cool:spacer.png




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19 minutes ago, XPerceniol said:

I have a pretty severe phobia to bees and wasps, but I read they are deadly. Luckily there were never any sightings of them up north here :)

Yes I agree. I also have phobia to them. I have seem them outside, but, they luckily never enter my house. :)

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5 hours ago, XPerceniol said:

I have a pretty severe phobia to bees and wasps, but I read they are deadly. Luckily there were never any sightings of them up north here :)


5 hours ago, mina7601 said:

Yes I agree. I also have phobia to them. I have seem them outside, but, they luckily never enter my house. :)

I had positive contact with the Asian hornet (Vespa velutina) - I saved him from drowning, and he was grateful! He came back on my hand... Very funny experience with this friendly insect created by God, like us! Don't be fooled by bad propaganda...


Why Propaganda is Dangerous: https://www.theodysseyonline.com/why-propaganda-is-dangerous


NONE phobia here, sorry

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11 hours ago, msfntor said:

I had positive contact with the Asian hornet (Vespa velutina) - I saved him from drowning, and he was grateful! He came back on my hand....

Such a beautiful experience - thank you for sharing it!

I use honey in my tea and never forget when that comes from :)

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Rainwater everywhere on Earth unsafe to drink due to ‘forever chemicals’, study finds: https://www.euronews.com/green/2022/08/04/rainwater-everywhere-on-earth-unsafe-to-drink-due-to-forever-chemicals-study-finds

Rainwater almost everywhere on Earth has unsafe levels of ‘forever chemicals’, according to new research.

Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a large family of human-made chemicals that don’t occur in nature. They are known as ‘forever chemicals’ because they don’t break down in the environment.

They have non-stick or stain repellent properties so can be found in household items like food packaging, electronics, cosmetics and cookware.

But now researchers at the University of Stockholm have found them in rainwater in most locations on the planet - including Antarctica. There is no safe space to escape them. ...


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1 hour ago, msfntor said:

Rainwater everywhere on Earth unsafe to drink due to ‘forever chemicals’, study finds: https://www.euronews.com/green/2022/08/04/rainwater-everywhere-on-earth-unsafe-to-drink-due-to-forever-chemicals-study-finds

Rainwater almost everywhere on Earth has unsafe levels of ‘forever chemicals’, according to new research.

Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a large family of human-made chemicals that don’t occur in nature. They are known as ‘forever chemicals’ because they don’t break down in the environment.

They have non-stick or stain repellent properties so can be found in household items like food packaging, electronics, cosmetics and cookware.

But now researchers at the University of Stockholm have found them in rainwater in most locations on the planet - including Antarctica. There is no safe space to escape them. ...


I've been using a Brita water filter for quite some time now ... but it mainly promises to remove Chlorine and bad taste ... people pay a lot for water and I often wonder if those bottled waters are from the cloudy creek down the street.  

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