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Official - Windows 10 Worst Crap Ever!


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On 9/17/2018 at 9:17 PM, mikedigitize said:


Do you realize how many people will switch to Apple products when they try to get their PCs to cleanly update? 

A comparison of an Apple MacBook running Windows 10 to a Dell laptop running Windows 10 both about 10 years old and both running Insider 17760.1.  The comparison time factor for update to 17763.1:  The MacBook completed the update in 1 and 1/2 hours; the Dell laptop completed the update in about 15 hours.

That put a smile on my face.  It is fun when I smile.  :thumbup So yes, fun!  :cool:

[An that's no crap.]

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I have doubts that people are flocking to Apple due to Windows 10. I currently do not know any people IRL that own Macs. Instead I think that people would either just give up on computing entirely and use a tablet or phone. In fact, given wage disparity in the world, it would make more sense from a financial perspective if more people ended up buying Chromebooks over Macs. And while Apple likes to toot their horn about how many iPhones they sell, everyone knows that they are outsold by Android and other phone manuacturers by huge numbers simply because Apple just happens to sell the most (overpriced) expensive stuff on the retail market.

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3 hours ago, Tripredacus said:

I have doubts that people are flocking to Apple due to Windows 10.

+1 In my experience, they're going unix, mostly to Android phones or tablets. And a handful I know kept their notebooks and went Linux (or... FreeBSD: I know of one case only but, in the context, I think it's a lot!). Less and less people uses desktops at home, AFAIK. I have yet to see a Chromebook, here in Brazil, though.

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Maybe it's just this area.  There's an Apple store within 4 miles from here.  Also, there is a SunMacs Apple club even closer.  A lot of people have abandoned laptops and desktops and went to iPads.  Most people around here don't go to unix because of the learning curve.  A lot of people here like iPhones and iPads because of the ease of using Facetime.

Yes, people do go to Costco to buy the low priced laptops that have Windows 10 on them.  But then they hit the learning curve again.  But it's the updates that are the zinger.  Past experience has seen too many PCs have been left unusable trying to update.  Then, it's, "Hello Apple. What have you got for me?"  Maybe it's just an Arizona thing?

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In Brazil, like in any of the BRICS (just under 45% of the world's population), Macs are just a luxury, except maybe for musicians or graphic artists with no tech inclinations. Why, here in Brazil, the same money that pays for a resonably top-tier iPhone can buy one both a freezer and a fridge, not a combo, mind you, and both frost free. Is it insane or what?

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15 hours ago, dencorso said:

Why, here in Brazil, the same money that pays for a resonably top-tier iPhone can buy one both a freezer and a fridge, not a combo, mind you, and both frost free. Is it insane or what?

It's not like it is Brazil only, I don't think that situation is very different in Italy, maybe the iPhone is (comparatively) a little bit cheaper, but not by much.

An iPhone 7 8/8 plus revolves around the 900-1200 Euro range. (which to me - being notoriously cheap - seems like a lot of money)

A fridge (a normal one usually already has a freezer) is in the 300-700 range

A freezer (again a "normal" one) is in the 300-500 range.

The twist (at least here) is that you see around lots of people with iPhones and iPads, they have become a sort of (poor man's) status symbol, though I believe that most are not actually "bought" but rather "rented" from the SIM card provider, and paid on a monthly basis.


Edited by jaclaz
I wrongly wrote 7 instead of 8
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1 hour ago, mikedigitize said:

I say in Sweden it's about 700 Euro or so

My bad, I meant the 8, more or less prices should be the same between Sweden and Italy on these items, possibly a little less in Italy:


here the 7/7 plus is between 549 and 789.

The 8/8 plus have been rebated recently I believe due to the launch of the new XR/XS, they are currently :


889 and:



to which you add the Apple Care 169 Euro.





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Bear in mind, however, that, while in the US the federal minimum wage is US$7.25 per hour, it's just about US$ 2.00 (PPP) per hour, in São Paulo State in Brazil (the highest in the country), and some 60% of the population earns less than that (if at all, we've got a 13% official unenployment rate)...

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2 hours ago, dencorso said:

Bear in mind, however, that, while in the US the federal minimum wage is US$7.25 per hour, it's just about US$ 2.00 (PPP) per hour, in São Paulo State in Brazil (the highest in the country), and some 60% of the population earns less than that (if at all, we've got a 13% official unenployment rate)...

Well, this doesn't take anything away from the (correct) comparison you made, stupid smartphone vs. fridges.

It remains insane no matter how much the country's population median (or lower, or top) income is, that would only affect how many people will be able to afford the one (or the other).


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Interesting cost comparisons.  The iPhone 7 Plus with maximum sized storage had a retail price of about US$1,200 versus a refrigerator with freezer that cost about US$1,800.  I expect the iPhone to last for more than 5 years technology and software wise.  I saved for more than 2 years to get the money to buy it and also got a discount at the Apple store which helped.  Wages are a little different in Arizona.  I have a job as a custodian (Fancy name for janitor.) now and make US$2 per hour more than what I was paid as a computer technician at a public school here.  Also, I can walk to work now and don't have to drive 40 to 60 miles just to get to work.  Glad to have a job.

Seven years ago I had saved up and bought a maxed out 27 inch iMac.  The technology in that iMac is still beyond most of the computers on sale at retail stores here today.  And the iMac runs Apple, Windows and Unix software and applications.  Stopped buying cheap new computers because they cost too much in the long run.  So, yes, a higher priced Apple is a much better buy than a cheap computer that comes with Windows 10.

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Like I said a fridge (with the usual small freezer) on top *plus* a stand-alone freezer of the same size for the same amount needed to buy an iPhone 8/8+ !!! And the same holds in Brazil as in Italy. Ain't it preposterous? And there are plenty of Samsings and Huaweis here to satisfy one's every smartphony (pun intended) need (if any) for way less than that.

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hmmm....spend thousands on a mac computer or spend a few hundred on a pc.

macs in my opinion are for graphic designers or people who think they need a mac because they want to do graphic designing.

when they could just build a cheap pc and then get photoshop for windows instead. (or get an older version that's not got the cloud crap)

plus when stuff goes wrong on a pc, you don't have to waste time contacting apple for support, you do it yourself.




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9 hours ago, dencorso said:

Like I said a fridge (with the usual small freezer) on top *plus* a stand-alone freezer of the same size for the same amount needed to buy an iPhone 8/8+ !!! And the same holds in Brazil as in Italy. Ain't it preposterous? And there are plenty of Samsings and Huaweis here to satisfy one's every smartphony (pun intended) need (if any) for way less than that.

Talking of preposterous, paying only a little bit more you can also have a Samsung fridge (mechanically/electrically they are very good I am told) that can interact with you, your smartphone, your family, the TV and even order your food /besides advising you on how to cook it):


think about how much you can save by having the possibility, thanks to the 3 (three) internal cameras, to inspect the contents on the fridge when at the supermarket, thus avoiding to buy duplicated items that would otherwise be thrown away.

And you can also save that 5 Euro whiteboard in your kitchen, with the advantage that family messages can also be retrieved, no more "I didn't see it, someone must have deleted it".

Also, obviously nothing beats watching - say -  a soccer match while standing in the kitchen on a screen that is taaaall and naaaaarrow :w00t: (missile launchs are OK, though ;)) , of course provided that the software works:






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