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BFG nVIDIA GeForce 7800GS OC on Win98


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I don't have any .Net installed on this rig yet since I just keep re-installing to test, so I can give it a try.  I never heard of the "Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives RTI4.0", I will have to do a search for that.

With 77.72 installed when I merge the Coolbits reg. file I do not get the AGP tab at all!  When I run RivaTuner all the AGP settings are greyed-out and it just shows PCI.  :angry:  Double-checked the BIOS settings are they are not changed from when I had XP installed a few days ago, Primary Video=AGP, 8x, Fast Writes=On, etc.

Strange that with everything else the same just installing 77.72 instead of 81.98 shows no AGP at all.  Maybe I need an older version of Coolbits and RivaTuner?  I am not aware there were different versions of Coolbits.

FW77.72 came out in 2005, I currently have the Via AGP driver V4.60A which came out in 2006 installed.  Maybe I will try going one step back to the V4.43 AGP driver which came out in 2004 and see if that makes any difference.


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Installed the Via Pro 5.06 drivers and FW 77.72, still no AGP tab from CoolBits, Rivatuner, HWINFO, and CPU-Z do not show any AGP info.

Not sure if it's the FW 77.72 that is somehow blocking the display of the AGP status?

Gotta go and read some of the threads linked above and see if I can find any more clues.




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13 hours ago, Feamane said:

With 77.72 installed when I merge the Coolbits reg. file I do not get the AGP tab at all!  When I run RivaTuner all the AGP settings are greyed-out and it just shows PCI.

It is best to keep a copy of registry prior to any 3rd party video drivers are install when experimenting. It appears that the old versions are not over-writing the newer versions of libraries and control panel. This is normal even up to this day. You have to manually remove all files before going back in driver version. https://msfn.org/board/topic/178240-winxpz170z370-mb-google-chrome-firefox-opera-dont-respond-on-user-actions-games-microfreezes/?do=findComment&comment=1174797 - first paragraph. I removed about 3000 ATI registry settings manually early on when ATI no longer installed correctly. It then installed.

Edited by Goodmaneuver
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Hi guys,

I am doing a fresh install each time I try a new combination.  I have it 95% automated and it is done by booting off the NIC so it is pretty quick and easy.  So no worries about previous drivers or anything, each test I do is a fresh install.  For these tests I am just installing the OS; the MB, video, and sound card drivers; RLoew's SATA patch, and DirectX.  That's it, then I run the tests.

I looked up NVTweak and found "NVTweak (formerly Coolbits)" and "NVTweak is not fully compatible with Windows 98/Me", so it looks like NVTweak is a newer version of Coolbits but is not fully compatible with Win98--so is there some reason I should use it instead of Coolbits?  I'm not finding an older version that would be more compatible with Win98 so far....



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7 hours ago, Feamane said:

I looked up NVTweak and found "NVTweak (formerly Coolbits)" and "NVTweak is not fully compatible with Windows 98/Me", so it looks like NVTweak is a newer version of Coolbits but is not fully compatible with Win98--so is there some reason I should use it instead of Coolbits?  I'm not finding an older version that would be more compatible with Win98 so far....

Just try it in case Coolbits toggles something it shouldn't on your setup.

I have used NVTweak with my 7600GS in Win98, so it should work fine enough.

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This is all I get from NVTweak.  It doesn't seem to add any tabs to the nVidia Control Panel and it doesn't actually show me anything, just able to pick what I would want it to show me if it did.  :wacko:  Does it require a web interface or something?  Maybe you were using an older version than what I was able to find?




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It should  just enable the checked things in your driver. Maybe it needs another driver version?

There is some more in the menu, try these.

I can't check on my Win98 as i switched to ATI long ago, sorry.


Did you check AGP in RivaTuner before playing with the settings?

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1 hour ago, RainyShadow said:

It should  just enable the checked things in your driver. Maybe it needs another driver version?

There is some more in the menu, try these.

I can't check on my Win98 as i switched to ATI long ago, sorry.


Did you check AGP in RivaTuner before playing with the settings?

The AGP tab doesn't show up with the FW77.72.  It does show up with the 81.98 & 82.69.  Everything else is the same.  So far NOTHING will show me the APG status with the 77.72 driver installed.  With 81.98 and 82.69 on either the GF6800 or GF7800 the APG status is shown by everything as 4x and Fast Write=Off.

Any other tool that is known to show the AGP info?  Without being able to confirm the AGP status, trying different drivers and settings is kinda just taking shots in the dark....



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OK, so to summarize the results so far:

ASRock 775V88            P4-550(3400MHz)            GF6800    Win98    FW81.98    3DMark03=7432
ASRock 4CoreDual-SATA2 R2.0    Dual-Core E5300(2600MHz)    GF6800    Win98    FW81.98    3DMark03=4775 (IRQ share with USB)
ASRock 4CoreDual-SATA2 R2.0    Dual-Core E6800(3330MHz)    GF6800    Win98    FW77.72    3DMark03=7438 (IRQ share with USB)
ASRock 4CoreDual-SATA2 R2.0    Dual-Core E6800(3330MHz)    GF6800    Win98    FW77.72    3DMark03=7435 (no IRQ share)
ASRock 4CoreDual-SATA2 R2.0    Dual-Core E6800(3330MHz)    GF6800    Win98    FW81.98    3DMark03=5753 (IRQ share with USB)
ASRock 4CoreDual-SATA2 R2.0    Dual-Core E6800(3330MHz)    GF6800    Win98    FW82.69    3DMark03=7589 (no IRQ share)
ASRock 4CoreDual-SATA2 R2.0    Dual-Core E6800(3330MHz)    GF7800    Win98    FW82.69    3DMark03=5020 (IRQ share with USB)
ASRock 4CoreDual-SATA2 R2.0    Dual-Core E6800(3330MHz)    GF7800    XP    FW94.24    3DMark03=14436 (IRQ share with USB)

Please keep in mind that I was seeing AGP 4x and Fast Write disabled with different versions of Forceware under Win98, but as you can see above I got better scores with the 77.72.  Though of course the best scores so far with this same exact hardware is with the XP.  So the question is still: why do I get 2x the score with XP?  What is wrong with my Win98 install/drivers that is holding it back?







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