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We need to take Climate Change seriously


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On 12/28/2023 at 5:59 PM, 66cats said:

Common folks who run Windows run Windows 10. Less than half a percent of Windows users run XP, and [just guessing here] a much smaller fraction still does it out of necessity. 

I've *NEVER* met a person that runs XP "out of necessity" for WELL OVER A DECADE.

Heck, even the "holdouts" here at MSFN will openly admit that their Beloved XP stems more from nostalgia or don't-buy-new-until-old-is-literally-dead or new-is-waste-if-old-still-works or some sort of perhaps "bragging rights" that we (myself included) could get something that old to last so long.

As far as that goes, at least when I was running XP (I only migrated to Win10 a few short months ago), I was running XP 100%, I didn't have a "tablet" or "mobile phone" to run to when I couldn't achieve a task on XP.

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5 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

Heck, even the "holdouts" here at MSFN will openly admit that their Beloved XP stems more from nostalgia or don't-buy-new-until-old-is-literally-dead or new-is-waste-if-old-still-works or some sort of perhaps "bragging rights" that we (myself included) could get something that old to last so long.

Guilty as charged :crazy: But I also use Linux, too on this old broken down machine.

Edited by XPerceniol
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On 1/2/2024 at 10:35 AM, NotHereToPlayGames said:

I was running XP 100%, I didn't have a "tablet" or "mobile phone" to run to when I couldn't achieve a task on XP.

Guess that was easier if you only needed a newer Chrome to get something done.

Even though I run Win10 for generally better support for stuff and some specific niceties, guess I'm still oldschool in other regards (besides augmenting Win10 for more, but not totally classic experience). Like why the hell should I bother with Discord for instance? It's been a while since I first detected the hint at some places where people were apparently leaving conventional communication platforms for Discord. Maybe if you're really social, you don't care. But I just don't like the idea of using some heavy JavaScript recent Chrome requiring monstrosity in place of a conventional (search engine indexable!) forum.

On 1/1/2024 at 2:45 PM, NojusK said:

Corporations don't really care about saving the planet, it's all about the money, always been, so it's no surprise.

Meh, the entire world revolves around money. It is what it is. :unsure:

On 1/1/2024 at 2:45 PM, NojusK said:

Maybe Linux Distros will grow in popularity again?

Haven't they always been a niche? People are either used to Windows or run whatever came with their computer, which is often Windows.

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2 minutes ago, UCyborg said:

Meh, the entire world revolves around money. It is what it is. :unsure:

"truer words have never been spoken"!

2 minutes ago, UCyborg said:

Haven't they always been a niche? People are either used to Windows or run whatever came with their computer, which is often Windows.

Yeah, but even though I "fool around" with linux I still keep going back to windows and will struggle with leaving XP someday but when the association forces a new computer on me I'll have to deal with whatever it comes with. Well I know I don't have to but my knowledge is limited ya know.

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Though regardless of the OS, we have to get by what others have already programmed. And honestly, maybe we should all admit that we may be too picky sometimes.

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10 hours ago, UCyborg said:

Like why the hell should I bother with Discord for instance? It's been a while since I first detected the hint at some places where people were apparently leaving conventional communication platforms for Discord. Maybe if you're really social, you don't care. But I just don't like the idea of using some heavy JavaScript recent Chrome requiring monstrosity in place of a conventional (search engine indexable!) forum.

I've only ever "heard" of Discord by people here at MSFN.  Other than "hearing" people throw out the word "Discord", I for one personally have NO CLUE what it is.

Which is enough to tell me I HAVE NO USE FOR IT, lol.


Regarding "heavy JavaScript" - how does one define "heavy"?  Because MSFN loads fourty seven (Proxomitron counts them more accurately than things like uMatrix or uBO)!!!  And that to me has always looked "heavy".

And some of them are quite LARGE.


And I technically have NO CLUE what that GIGANTIC "thumb.png" is.  They show up all over the place in my logs, but I deny them via userstyle from ever being visually displayed!




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1 hour ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

Regarding "heavy JavaScript" - how does one define "heavy"?  Because MSFN loads fourty seven (Proxomitron counts them more accurately than things like uMatrix or uBO)!!!  And that to me has always looked "heavy".

But do you read about people having hard time using MSFN on under-resourced hardware from 2007 or so? I don't, but I've read complaints over stuff like Discord or even your hacked 360Chrome builds. The word "Discord" does bring over 300 results if you just search this forum for it.

2 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

I've only ever "heard" of Discord by people here at MSFN.  Other than "hearing" people throw out the word "Discord", I for one personally have NO CLUE what it is.

I don't remember when I've read the word first, though I've already read about it at least 6 years ago on a fan forum for an old obscure game. Today its admin tells me everyone's on Discord. Bro, I'm not on Discord. Hardly worth the bother, even what little I participate here is more for passing time than meaningful discussions, LOL.

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3 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:


That's nothing. Not even 100 KB for a single JavaScript file? These things are in megabytes in modern web apps.

Edit: OK, you'd have to add them all together, but still, MSFN never made an old school browser like Pale Moon lock up in my experience. phpBB is better if you want lightweight. But phpBB is obviously less functional, have you seen it popup notification live?

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Regarding Windows 11, no older Windows version had the kind hardware checks in place like they put them in Windows 11. No secure boot? You're out! No TPM? You're out! Maybe they relaxed at least some of them, didn't check thoroughly. But it does load slower on my machine, uses more memory, even Explorer opens folders with delay (maybe I'd have to check without augmentations in place).

Then the settings GUI preaches about eco friendliness, also noticed they cut default timeouts for sleep/screen off in half (balanced power plan at least).

On the other hand, Windows XP is also bloated when pinned next to Windows 95.

There's also this consistent pattern of people whining for each new Windows release, then they get used to it and suddenly it's good then next version is horrible again and the cycle repeats.

Another edit: I personally stopped worrying about load times years ago, as long as it's OKish afterwards.

Edited by UCyborg
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48 minutes ago, UCyborg said:

That's nothing. Not even 100 KB for a single JavaScript file? These things are in megabytes in modern web apps.

I no longer have a Chase account (and yep, Chase gets discussed here quite often), but when I did, I witnessed Chase load over 130 scripts on their login page alone!

But to me, that's also why I continue to use Proxomitron.  I was always able to log in and do everything needed with roughly only TWENTY of those 130+.

No bank account web site should be loading FACEBOOK script files, for example.

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6 minutes ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

No bank account web site should be loading FACEBOOK script files, for example.


12 minutes ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

I use full hibernate and not the hybrid sleep that newer OSs use as default.

Technically, as far as I'm aware, hybrid shutdown is just logoff and hibernate. You could always log off manually in older OS if you wanted.

One potential long term issue with hibernating/sleeping, OS bugs and/or driver bugs causing memory leaks. Don't know if it's just me, but that monstrosity that is Win11, non-paged memory pool usage seems to hold more steadily than on old Win10 install. The only notable difference between the old install, that I'll keep anyway as Win11 is just annoying in other aspects, no VMware or VirtualBox loaded. These things have their own drivers loaded in the background to be able to function at all.

Even though I'm personally also guilty of complaining about software at times and sounding like a spoiled brat, on the other hand, you have to be amazed these things work at all, given the complexity.

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5 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

I've only ever "heard" of Discord by people here at MSFN.  Other than "hearing" people throw out the word "Discord", I for one personally have NO CLUE what it is.

Which is enough to tell me I HAVE NO USE FOR IT, lol.

Actually I was recently asked to join a mental health Discord group but they want to much personal information (phone number) to verify and I'm not gonna do that; so I also have no use for it, it would seem.

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1 hour ago, UCyborg said:

Technically, as far as I'm aware, hybrid shutdown is just logoff and hibernate. You could always log off manually in older OS if you wanted.

Yeah I know the constant power on and shut down aren't good for the computer, but I have to power down everything and turn off all electronics by 8PM now due to my living conditions and sleep issues.

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3 hours ago, UCyborg said:

... even what little I participate here is more for passing time than meaningful discussions, LOL.

Lol, yeah, but don't sell yourself short; you help people on here and contribute very well to this forum.

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