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Posted (edited)

New build of Serpent/UXP for XP!

Test binary:
Win32 https://o.rthost.win/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.8.win32-git-20210313-ab8d121-uxp-cc8a7e3f7-xpmod.7z
Win64 https://o.rthost.win/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.8.win64-git-20210313-ab8d121-uxp-cc8a7e3f7-xpmod.7z

source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commits/custom

IA32 Win32 https://o.rthost.win/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.8.win32-git-20210313-ab8d121-uxp-cc8a7e3f7-xpmod-ia32.7z

source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commits/ia32

NM28XP build:
Win32 https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-28.10.3a1.win32-git-20210313-b9ee83652-uxp-cc8a7e3f7-xpmod.7z
Win32 SSE https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-28.10.3a1.win32-git-20210313-b9ee83652-uxp-cc8a7e3f7-xpmod-sse.7z
Win64 https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-28.10.3a1.win64-git-20210313-b9ee83652-uxp-cc8a7e3f7-xpmod.7z

Official UXP changes since my last build:
- Issue #1053 - Remove build system MOZ_ANDROID_* defines and related code. (c2268033a)
- Issue #1053 - Remove android blocks from configure. (108ec4099)
- Issue #1053 - Remove mobile-specific graphics "optimizations" (=compromises) (515c1193c)
- Issue #1053 - Remove Android-specific blocks from system headers and /dom (dce8a3300)
- Issue #1053 - Remove MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID and IDB_MOBILE (cc8a7e3f7)

No official Basilisk changes since my last build.

Official Pale-Moon changes since my last build:
- [SSUAO] Add override for spotify (1dd27ce20)
- [SSUAO] Add override for kroger (adeab5002)
- [SSUAO] Update override for Citi (b9ee83652)

Edited by roytam1

Posted (edited)

New build of BOC/UXP for XP!

Test binary:
MailNews Win32 https://o.rthost.win/boc-uxp/mailnews.win32-20210313-355db4de-uxp-cc8a7e3f7-xpmod.7z
BNavigator Win32 https://o.rthost.win/boc-uxp/bnavigator.win32-20210313-355db4de-uxp-cc8a7e3f7-xpmod.7z

source repo (excluding UXP): https://github.com/roytam1/boc-uxp/tree/custom-older

* Notice: the profile prefix (i.e. parent folder names) are also changed since 2020-08-15 build, you may rename their names before using new binaries when updating from builds before 2020-08-15.


New build of HBL-UXP for XP!

Test binary:
IceDove-UXP(mail) https://o.rthost.win/hbl-uxp/icedove.win32-20210313-id-f0915f3-uxp-cc8a7e3f7-xpmod.7z
IceApe-UXP(suite) https://o.rthost.win/hbl-uxp/iceape.win32-20210313-id-f0915f3-ia-c642e3c-uxp-cc8a7e3f7-xpmod.7z

source repo (excluding UXP):

for UXP changes please see above.

Edited by roytam1

New NewMoon 27 Build!

32bit https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.10.0.win32-git-20210313-371e98abd-xpmod.7z
32bit SSE https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.10.0.win32-git-20210313-371e98abd-xpmod-sse.7z
32bit noSSE https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.10.0.win32-git-20210313-371e98abd-xpmod-ia32.7z

64bit https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.10.0.win64-git-20210313-371e98abd-xpmod.7z

source repo: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27

repo changes since my last build:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1180166 - Ensure all elements of tableBorderReset[] are properly initialized. r=dholbert (0ce218eea)
 - Bug 1177690 - part 0 - Tidy up some erratic whitespace. r=dholbert (4367c5ffd)
 - Bug 1177690 - part 1 - Bevel the correct ends of horizontal collapsed-border segments in vertical-rl writing mode. r=dholbert (0efa53fb2)
 - Bug 1177690 - part 2 - Tidy up the use of DrawTableBorderSegment similarly in BCInlineDirSeg::Paint. r=dholbert (fef2b0ebb)
 - Bug 1153140 - Include borderPadding width in the containerWidth for grid item placement. r=mats (ceaf03493)
 - Bug 77999 - Part 1: Add nsDocumentRuleResultCacheKey. r=dbaron (8d3599b2b)
 - Bug 1159772. Don't let nsContainerFrame::SyncWindowProperties make widget calls that can result in synchronous painting during reflow or frame construction. r=mats (395ec1340)
 - Bug 1009214 part 1 - [css-grid] Don't wrap placeholders in an anonymous grid item. r=dholbert (51f5db33f)
 - Bug 1009214 part 2 - [css-grid] Update the reference for a few tests that wrapped placeholders in anonymous grid items. (48d8f2363)
 - Bug 1151316 part 1 - [css-grid] Implement relative positioning for grid items. r=roc (470c7beb6)
 - Bug 1153140 - dir=rtl versions of a couple of the grid reftests. r=mats (8942648a6)
 - Bug 1079164 - Initial testcases for CSS grid in vertical writing mode. r=mats (667ec9ce2)
 - Bug 1149555 - Update resize event firing to follow the specs, dispatch right before rAF callbacks, r=dbaron (2bb998687)
 - ckout Bug 1149555 because of tresize regression, a=backout (8e9a9c614)
 - Bug 1141867 - patch 1 - Use the proper writing mode to return the inline-size from FloatMarginISize. r=smontagu (af6a62275)
 - Bug 1141867 - patch 2 - If FloatMarginISize returns unconstrained, we need to do an early reflow on the orthogonal float to find out its real size. r=smontagu (683e2f813)
 - Bug 1141867 - patch 3 - Reftests for contiguous orthogonal floats. r=smontagu (b67e31c51)
 - Bug 1141867 - Add OSX 10.10 fuzz to the newly-added tests. a=merge (d8587d21e)
 - Bug 1157691 - Explicitly enable writing-mode support for reftests that require it. r=smontagu (17890dd40)
 - Bug 1151316 part 2 - [css-grid] Tests for relative positioning of grid items. (ef8c924af)
 - Bug 1171773 - Handle reflowing a grid item with different writing mode from its grid container. r=mats (1b775f1c1)
 - Bug 1171773 - Reftest for grid item with different direction from its container. r=mats (84aa60f67)
 - Bug 1173662 part 1: Rename local variable 'wm' in nsNumberControlFrame::Reflow. r=jfkthame (2a409480b)
 - Bug 1173662 part 2: Use logical sizes in nsNumberControlFrame::Reflow. r=jfkthame (c408e7b67)
 - Bug 1173662 part 3: Use a LogicalPoint for child position in nsNumberControlFrame::Reflow. r=jfkthame (815f9c70f) (0f991de4b)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1155478 - Use smart pointers for three members of nsIPresShell; r=roc (5ebb5e433)
 - Bug 1150614: place floats correctly in vertical writing modes with dir="rtl", r=jfkthame (020ca8893)
 - Tests for bug 1150614, r=jfkthame (edba1ffeb)
 - Fix test regressions from bug 1150614, r=jfkthame (a68607adc)
 - Bug 1162485 - Ensure the vertical-text.enabled pref is set for reftests that involve vertical writing modes. r=smontagu (948cb3a80)
 - Bug 1167930 - Handle direction:rtl in vertical modes when converting a LogicalMargin to physical. r=smontagu (0ca0afe6e)
 - Bug 1180643 - Fix the SetY() method on LogicalPoint to update the correct field. r=smontagu (3071253fd)
 - Bug 1181087 - part 1 - Eliminate the few callers of physical-coordinate setters on the logical-coordinate geometry classes. r=smontagu (3462b41a8)
 - Bug 1181087 - part 2 - Remove the unused physical setter methods on logical-coordinate classes. r=smontagu (0715086a8)
 - Bug 1145218 - Make the float manager's writing-mode field debug-only, and assert that it matches what callers are passing in. r=smontagu (ee625acd2)
 - Bug 756984 - Collapse the selection on the last text node on the line, skipping br and inline frames when clicking past the end of line; r=roc,ehsan (c4dcea1d6)
 - Bug 1131451 part 1 - Replace containerWidth with containerSize in logical-coordinate classes and APIs, frame classes, etc. r=dholbert (ad4b55deb)
 - Bug 1173646 part 1: Add reftest with flex items whose writing-mode differs from their flex container. r=mats (3dd3d7f97)
 - Bug 1173646 part2: Add reftest variants with different writing-mode values on flex container. (no review) (0c82aad87)
 - Bug 1173646 part 3: Make FlexItems cache their WritingMode, for quick access. r=mats (7398c33a6)
 - Bug 1173646 part 4: Convert isize/bsize into flex container's writing-mode in flexbox macros that aim to pick a main-axis or cross-axis value. r=mats (80ebd414e)
 - Bug 1155488 - Mark nsIPresShell::mHiddenInvalidationObserverRefreshDriver as MOZ_UNSAFE_REF; r=roc (10c98ad8f)
 - Bug 1156008 - Convert CapturingContentInfo::mContent to StaticRefPtr; r=roc (9ffee3ef4)
 - Bug 1177690 - part 3 - Reftests for bevelled corners on collapsed table border. r=dholbert (26e3aff00)
 - Bug 1131451 part 2 - Respect the container height when converting vertical-RTL inline-direction coordinates. r=dholbert (594340514)
 - Bug 1131451 followup - Remove one more bidi-in-vertical-mode hack that is no longer required. r=dholbert (696b0194f)
 - Bug 1183896. Don't assume that relatively positioned table cells actually have positioned offsets computed, because in the case of position:sticky they don't. r=dholbert (remaining parts of rev c87f3d591) (f868b8a64) (8cd81a861)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1184388 - Try to use uniform groups for multidimensional constant arrays and structures, r=jandem. (9a8686e50)
 - Bug 1184388 - Don't try to reallocate inline elements buffer of unboxed arrays, r=jandem. (8cae2ec7c)
 - Bug 1184388 - Fix transposed arguments to GiveObjectGroup, r=jandem. (d417f04c1)
 - Bug 1169514 - Part 3: Use a shared preference style sheet across all pres contexts. r=jwatt (f0eb9653b)
 - Bug 1169512 - Add and remove quirk.css rather than enable and disable a clone of it. r=jwatt (537bf9210)
 - Bug 1176075 - Add a missing check for nursery objects during Ion compilation, r=jandem. (84da20541) (833190af3)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1180608 - Remove bogus assert, r=jandem. (b91acfeb8)
 - Bug 1159495 - Change Windows to Unix line endings in GMPUtils.cpp. r=whitespace (7d895d348)
 - Bug 1168053 - Unified build fix in dom/media/gmp. r=jwwang (dd78a0aa4)
 - Bug 470143 - Part 1/2 - Implement an IM IC for typeof nosuchvar. r=jandem (9e7678d6d)
 - Bug 1145442 - Add documentation for JIT strategies. r=shu (caacb732e)
 - Bug 1145442 - Update JIT Optimization docs patch. r=shu (6995cada4)
 - Bug 1145442 - More jit coach optimization outcome docs. r=shu (84deebdc0)
 - Bug 470143 - Part 2/2 - TrackedOptimization changes for TypeOfNoSuchVar. r=shu (fccfb49fa)
 - Bug 1178653 - Fix a few more tests for modified error messages. r=bustage in a CLOSED TREE (e14d56dc0)
 - Bug 77999 - Part 2: Add RuleProcessorCache. r=dbaron (f79158f64) (798773343)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 77999 - Part 3: Gather document rules and produce an nsDocumentRuleResultCacheKey in nsCSSRuleProcessors. r=dbaron (0f356122a)
 - Bug 77999 - Part 4: Mark nsCSSRuleProcessors as ready for expiration from the RuleProcessorCache once no nsStyleSets are using them. r=dbaron (f7ccd7106)
 - Bug 1170888 - Restyle the document in EnsureSafeToHandOutCSSRules if we previously cloned sheet inners outside of that method. r=bzbarsky (9b9b8d5e2)
 - Bug 77999 - Part 5: Cache eAgentSheet and eUserSheet rule processors in the RuleProcessorCache. r=dbaron (8e6bb4ee4)
 - Bug 77999 - Followup build bustage fix. (a127001fd)
 - Bug 77999 - Remove stray printf. (281aabfd3) (371e98abd)


New regular/weekly KM-Goanna release:


Out-of-tree changes:
* update Goanna3 to git 7d12d066b..371e98abd:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1180166 - Ensure all elements of tableBorderReset[] are properly initialized. r=dholbert (0ce218eea)
 - Bug 1177690 - part 0 - Tidy up some erratic whitespace. r=dholbert (4367c5ffd)
 - Bug 1177690 - part 1 - Bevel the correct ends of horizontal collapsed-border segments in vertical-rl writing mode. r=dholbert (0efa53fb2)
 - Bug 1177690 - part 2 - Tidy up the use of DrawTableBorderSegment similarly in BCInlineDirSeg::Paint. r=dholbert (fef2b0ebb)
 - Bug 1153140 - Include borderPadding width in the containerWidth for grid item placement. r=mats (ceaf03493)
 - Bug 77999 - Part 1: Add nsDocumentRuleResultCacheKey. r=dbaron (8d3599b2b)
 - Bug 1159772. Don't let nsContainerFrame::SyncWindowProperties make widget calls that can result in synchronous painting during reflow or frame construction. r=mats (395ec1340)
 - Bug 1009214 part 1 - [css-grid] Don't wrap placeholders in an anonymous grid item. r=dholbert (51f5db33f)
 - Bug 1009214 part 2 - [css-grid] Update the reference for a few tests that wrapped placeholders in anonymous grid items. (48d8f2363)
 - Bug 1151316 part 1 - [css-grid] Implement relative positioning for grid items. r=roc (470c7beb6)
 - Bug 1153140 - dir=rtl versions of a couple of the grid reftests. r=mats (8942648a6)
 - Bug 1079164 - Initial testcases for CSS grid in vertical writing mode. r=mats (667ec9ce2)
 - Bug 1149555 - Update resize event firing to follow the specs, dispatch right before rAF callbacks, r=dbaron (2bb998687)
 - ckout Bug 1149555 because of tresize regression, a=backout (8e9a9c614)
 - Bug 1141867 - patch 1 - Use the proper writing mode to return the inline-size from FloatMarginISize. r=smontagu (af6a62275)
 - Bug 1141867 - patch 2 - If FloatMarginISize returns unconstrained, we need to do an early reflow on the orthogonal float to find out its real size. r=smontagu (683e2f813)
 - Bug 1141867 - patch 3 - Reftests for contiguous orthogonal floats. r=smontagu (b67e31c51)
 - Bug 1141867 - Add OSX 10.10 fuzz to the newly-added tests. a=merge (d8587d21e)
 - Bug 1157691 - Explicitly enable writing-mode support for reftests that require it. r=smontagu (17890dd40)
 - Bug 1151316 part 2 - [css-grid] Tests for relative positioning of grid items. (ef8c924af)
 - Bug 1171773 - Handle reflowing a grid item with different writing mode from its grid container. r=mats (1b775f1c1)
 - Bug 1171773 - Reftest for grid item with different direction from its container. r=mats (84aa60f67)
 - Bug 1173662 part 1: Rename local variable 'wm' in nsNumberControlFrame::Reflow. r=jfkthame (2a409480b)
 - Bug 1173662 part 2: Use logical sizes in nsNumberControlFrame::Reflow. r=jfkthame (c408e7b67)
 - Bug 1173662 part 3: Use a LogicalPoint for child position in nsNumberControlFrame::Reflow. r=jfkthame (815f9c70f) (0f991de4b)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1155478 - Use smart pointers for three members of nsIPresShell; r=roc (5ebb5e433)
 - Bug 1150614: place floats correctly in vertical writing modes with dir="rtl", r=jfkthame (020ca8893)
 - Tests for bug 1150614, r=jfkthame (edba1ffeb)
 - Fix test regressions from bug 1150614, r=jfkthame (a68607adc)
 - Bug 1162485 - Ensure the vertical-text.enabled pref is set for reftests that involve vertical writing modes. r=smontagu (948cb3a80)
 - Bug 1167930 - Handle direction:rtl in vertical modes when converting a LogicalMargin to physical. r=smontagu (0ca0afe6e)
 - Bug 1180643 - Fix the SetY() method on LogicalPoint to update the correct field. r=smontagu (3071253fd)
 - Bug 1181087 - part 1 - Eliminate the few callers of physical-coordinate setters on the logical-coordinate geometry classes. r=smontagu (3462b41a8)
 - Bug 1181087 - part 2 - Remove the unused physical setter methods on logical-coordinate classes. r=smontagu (0715086a8)
 - Bug 1145218 - Make the float manager's writing-mode field debug-only, and assert that it matches what callers are passing in. r=smontagu (ee625acd2)
 - Bug 756984 - Collapse the selection on the last text node on the line, skipping br and inline frames when clicking past the end of line; r=roc,ehsan (c4dcea1d6)
 - Bug 1131451 part 1 - Replace containerWidth with containerSize in logical-coordinate classes and APIs, frame classes, etc. r=dholbert (ad4b55deb)
 - Bug 1173646 part 1: Add reftest with flex items whose writing-mode differs from their flex container. r=mats (3dd3d7f97)
 - Bug 1173646 part2: Add reftest variants with different writing-mode values on flex container. (no review) (0c82aad87)
 - Bug 1173646 part 3: Make FlexItems cache their WritingMode, for quick access. r=mats (7398c33a6)
 - Bug 1173646 part 4: Convert isize/bsize into flex container's writing-mode in flexbox macros that aim to pick a main-axis or cross-axis value. r=mats (80ebd414e)
 - Bug 1155488 - Mark nsIPresShell::mHiddenInvalidationObserverRefreshDriver as MOZ_UNSAFE_REF; r=roc (10c98ad8f)
 - Bug 1156008 - Convert CapturingContentInfo::mContent to StaticRefPtr; r=roc (9ffee3ef4)
 - Bug 1177690 - part 3 - Reftests for bevelled corners on collapsed table border. r=dholbert (26e3aff00)
 - Bug 1131451 part 2 - Respect the container height when converting vertical-RTL inline-direction coordinates. r=dholbert (594340514)
 - Bug 1131451 followup - Remove one more bidi-in-vertical-mode hack that is no longer required. r=dholbert (696b0194f)
 - Bug 1183896. Don't assume that relatively positioned table cells actually have positioned offsets computed, because in the case of position:sticky they don't. r=dholbert (remaining parts of rev c87f3d591) (f868b8a64) (8cd81a861)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1184388 - Try to use uniform groups for multidimensional constant arrays and structures, r=jandem. (9a8686e50)
 - Bug 1184388 - Don't try to reallocate inline elements buffer of unboxed arrays, r=jandem. (8cae2ec7c)
 - Bug 1184388 - Fix transposed arguments to GiveObjectGroup, r=jandem. (d417f04c1)
 - Bug 1169514 - Part 3: Use a shared preference style sheet across all pres contexts. r=jwatt (f0eb9653b)
 - Bug 1169512 - Add and remove quirk.css rather than enable and disable a clone of it. r=jwatt (537bf9210)
 - Bug 1176075 - Add a missing check for nursery objects during Ion compilation, r=jandem. (84da20541) (833190af3)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1180608 - Remove bogus assert, r=jandem. (b91acfeb8)
 - Bug 1159495 - Change Windows to Unix line endings in GMPUtils.cpp. r=whitespace (7d895d348)
 - Bug 1168053 - Unified build fix in dom/media/gmp. r=jwwang (dd78a0aa4)
 - Bug 470143 - Part 1/2 - Implement an IM IC for typeof nosuchvar. r=jandem (9e7678d6d)
 - Bug 1145442 - Add documentation for JIT strategies. r=shu (caacb732e)
 - Bug 1145442 - Update JIT Optimization docs patch. r=shu (6995cada4)
 - Bug 1145442 - More jit coach optimization outcome docs. r=shu (84deebdc0)
 - Bug 470143 - Part 2/2 - TrackedOptimization changes for TypeOfNoSuchVar. r=shu (fccfb49fa)
 - Bug 1178653 - Fix a few more tests for modified error messages. r=bustage in a CLOSED TREE (e14d56dc0)
 - Bug 77999 - Part 2: Add RuleProcessorCache. r=dbaron (f79158f64) (798773343)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 77999 - Part 3: Gather document rules and produce an nsDocumentRuleResultCacheKey in nsCSSRuleProcessors. r=dbaron (0f356122a)
 - Bug 77999 - Part 4: Mark nsCSSRuleProcessors as ready for expiration from the RuleProcessorCache once no nsStyleSets are using them. r=dbaron (f7ccd7106)
 - Bug 1170888 - Restyle the document in EnsureSafeToHandOutCSSRules if we previously cloned sheet inners outside of that method. r=bzbarsky (9b9b8d5e2)
 - Bug 77999 - Part 5: Cache eAgentSheet and eUserSheet rule processors in the RuleProcessorCache. r=dbaron (8e6bb4ee4)
 - Bug 77999 - Followup build bustage fix. (a127001fd)
 - Bug 77999 - Remove stray printf. (281aabfd3) (371e98abd)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.

A goanna3 source tree that has kmeleon adaption patch applied is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27/tree/kmeleon76

Posted (edited)

Is there any certificate manager add-on that could be on Serpent? I tried caa:addon/certificate-manager but it seems not work as it claims to replace the built-in certificate GUI.

Correction: After restart it launches OK.

Edited by luweitest
Posted (edited)

"Upstream" have just removed the years-long ability of official Pale Moon to accept Firefox-targeting "legacy" extensions:


UXP master branch

Pale Moon master branch

These changes haven't made it yet to the respective (UXP+PM) release branches, but I guess it's only a matter of time now... :(

 I think that route, which was already on the horizon for some time now, has been expedited considerably after the spat with (and following divorce from) ex-associate JustOff and his insistence on keeping Fx legacy extensions compatible with PM (via, among other things, CAA and MTT) ...

1. I sincerely hope/wish the above isn't even considered for inclusion by @roytam1, he's currently building NM28 with the
mozconfig flag and they've axed it now...
2. MyPal follows closely the release branch and build configuration of official, release channel, Pale Moon, I'll be waiting with bated breath to see whether @feodor2 merges this in... :whistle:
3. The code changes also touch platform (UXP) files, I hope Basilisk (and, thus, Serpent 52) aren't being harmfully affected by them, as St52 shares the same GUID with Firefox (and is natively able to load Fx extensions) ...

Edited by VistaLover

Yes. I certainly hope the legacy add-on support is never removed from any of the browsers RT1 builds if at all possible.

Posted (edited)

I'm just plain frustrated to see yet another user of Serpent 52 UNDER WINDOWS XP post and seek help in the official Pale Moon (& Basilisk) forums:


Such actions only undermine further this project in the eyes of "upstream" and often lead to additional "counter" measures from their side... :( By pure luck, the OP was replied to by Moonchild, who used more moderate/civilised language...  ;) I don't want to even fathom the verbal abuse the OP would've been subject to, had he been "welcome" in the official forums by a certain M.A.T.  :( developer...

But in the above case, XP users who don't want to get informed themselves about the software (browser) they're using on that OS is only one part of the problem; OP is still unsure where to seek support for his predicament, trying Roytam1's GitHub repo for a start (only to be discouraged by GitHub's user-agent sniffing and the fact UXP browsers no longer support Chrome/Edge-targeting GitHub without installing a third party extension first... ).

@roytam1, please make the header/banner in your blog's page more verbose; I personally know that comments there are indeed enabled, but that fact isn't at all apparent if you arrive there, much like the OP did (from God knows where...), by simply loading: 


(you'd have to scroll all the way down (END) and then click on the blue "no comments" link in the bottom to reveal the comments input form; a redirection to


takes place); or you can always include links in that blogspot banner to this thread or to the other forum(s) you provide support for your XP forks...
We, as a community of users of your splendid offerings, just can't afford anymore to further aggravate Moonchild and Co. :( ...

Thanks for reading, best wishes :) !

Edited by VistaLover
9 hours ago, VistaLover said:

But in the above case, XP users who don't want to get informed themselves about the software (browser) they're using on that OS is only one part of the problem; OP is still unsure where to seek support for his predicament, trying Roytam1's GitHub repo for a start (only to be discouraged by GitHub's user-agent sniffing and the fact UXP browsers no longer support Chrome/Edge-targeting GitHub without installing a third party extension first... ).

@roytam1, please make the header/banner in your blog's page more verbose; I personally know that comments there are indeed enabled, but that fact isn't at all apparent if you arrive there, much like the OP did (from God knows where...), by simply loading: 


(you'd have to scroll all the way down (END) and then click on the blue "no comments" link in the bottom to reveal the comments input form; a redirection to


takes place); or you can always include links in that blogspot banner to this thread or to the other forum(s) you provide support for your XP forks...

did some changes in both github settings and in blog settings, hope these help.

Posted (edited)

I'd like to try Zotero add-on for Serpent 52, as this link (https://laptrinhx.com/basilisk-browser-to-run-downthemall-zotero-legacy-addons-once-again-3877096175/ )suggested, it should install fine on Basilisk. But I tried zotero- from official site and zotero-3.0.11-fx.xpi from CAA, both failed to run, giving "There was an error starting Zotero". The add-on's option window could be opened, but it seems malfunction, e.g. the "choos..." button does not response. Please take a look.

update: I searched and found the problem has been raised before in this thread (page 14). According to the hint I verified that version 20191026 is the last that support Zotero. 

So in 20191102's changelog:


Official repo changes since my last build:
- Issue #1257 - Part1: Remove watch class-hook and proxy trap. (c59c9682d)
- Issue #1257 - Part 2: Remove watch/unwatch and JS watchpoint class. (44a077980)
- Issue #1257 - Part 3: Remove/update tests. (24027f0df)
- #1261 - Update status bar component for the removal of Object.(un)watch (ff881bdb6)

My changes since my last build:
- update libaom to rev 1f0a4746aa8bfcce3fe7fbd2092aef8fe247aef4 (without moz.build and aom_ports/aom_once.h) (4f8655fb7)

Which one could be the culprit and be reversed?

Edited by luweitest
Posted (edited)
On 3/18/2021 at 8:51 AM, luweitest said:

I'd like to try Zotero add-on for Serpent 52, as this link
(https://laptrinhx.com/basilisk-browser-to-run-downthemall-zotero-legacy-addons-once-again-3877096175/ )
suggested, it should install fine on Basilisk

... Well, that article dates back from Jan 27th 2019, so it isn't relevant anymore :( ; a lot of things have changed in the platform+application code since then, almost 25 1/2 months ago... Unlike "extensions-frozen-in-time", a browser being actively maintained evolves forward, its goal is the current web, not compatibility at all cost with abandonware... :no:

On 3/18/2021 at 8:51 AM, luweitest said:

update: I searched and found the problem has been raised before in this thread (page 14).

i.e. :

On 11/24/2019 at 2:34 AM, dmiranda said:

With the last versions of serpent52, the zotero addon zotero- ceases to work altogether. 
Up to October, I could still save media to the database, even if I could not see the entries. Now it wont start

... and

On 3/18/2021 at 8:51 AM, luweitest said:

I verified that version 20191026 is the last that supports Zotero. 

So in 20191102's changelog:


Which one could be the culprit and be reversed?

UXP issue #1257 was an important platform improvement, rightly merged IMHO, that got rid of Firefox-inherited, non-standard, JS feature that broke recent web compatibility :) ; from related UXP issue #1253 :


(Moonchild writes: )

I looked more into this; we should just remove it. It’s non-standard, none of the other browsers offer it, our devtools don’t use it any longer, and assuming Firebug has also moved on to using alternatives (since the “breaking” comment was from 2013 and a lot has changed since then).
Stuffing it behind a pref is not really possible because it has many JS hooks that will get called if present, and my guess is the sites suffering from this will trip over having the internal JS definitions existing in the first place in content that can’t be redefined (erroring out when trying to define their own watch() or unwatch() functions on objects). Since it’s not a prefable IDL API it can’t be simply disabled, and since it intercepts calls/proxies (by design) it can’t be made into something that way either.

 Asking for removal of UXP issue #1257 related changes isn't the wise thing to do... As I wrote above, an actively maintained browser targeting the web of 2021 (which is, heartbreakingly, only Chrome-centered) must follow close the recent web standards (sadly now dictated by Chrome developers :angry: ), else major webpage breakage takes place and the browser becomes less useful for today's web-surfing needs (just look how deficient UXP browsers are currently due to lack of support for Web Components/Custom Elements/Shadow DOM and related Chrome-only web technologies :( ... ) .

 As the "upstream" devs believe, a constantly evolving modern-era browser shouldn't be held hostage by a few abandoned, old Firefox targeting, legacy extensions... As I recently posted, they have taken extreme measures in their own products to make sure browser development isn't held back due to some users being reluctant to part with their old Fx extensions...

 We have kept compatibility with Fx legacy extensions in our own UXP tree, but what should be the course of action from now on, when some of those legacy add-ons break as NM28 & St52 move along to tackle the web of 2021? Should these browsers be degraded in quality just to restore the functionality of abandonware? One thing's for sure, "old addon" breakage will definitely happen!

Extensions supplement the browser, not the other way round... The removal of the "watch/unwatch()" functions did also break other extensions, like IHG (ImageHost-Grabber) and even JustOff's L4E (that I use on NM28); the latter was fixed by its author in v1.0.6 (Nov 2019), and that is the thing to do (i.e. fix the extension, not unfix the browser) !

If @roytam1 (am afraid this forum is short of JS/XUL developers :( ) is kind enough to take a look into zotero- and is further able to patch it successfully (I remember reading back in the day that a watch/unwatch polyfill could be used in lieu of the removed functions), then you should be able to use that extension with current St52 (and you should thank Roy along the way...) ; if not, move on... :P

Kind regards.

Edited by VistaLover
Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, VistaLover said:

I remember reading back in the day that a watch/unwatch polyfill could be used in lieu of the removed functions

yes it was written by someone else: https://gist.github.com/adriengibrat/b0ee333dc1b058a22b66


EDIT: extension seems to be working after prepending Object.prototype.watch.js from above in chrome\content\zotero\xpcom\locateManager.js


Edited by roytam1

@VistaLover: Thanks for letting me get a glimpse of the development trade-offs. Compatibility usually has a price.

@roytam1 : You are a great savior! I am about to seek other approaches, when unexpectedly seeing your solution! Yes the modified xpi works under Serpent52 20210312. Now I could clean my pdf hives and make my readings more organized :)

Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, roytam1 said:

EDIT: extension seems to be working after prepending Object.prototype.watch.js
from above in chrome\content\zotero\xpcom\locateManager.js

22 minutes ago, luweitest said:

@roytam1 : You are a great savior!

:thumbup :wub: ; though I can't code (but at the same time I feel I have pointed you to the right direction ;) ) and am not a user of said extension, I must publicly express my personal admiration+respect towards you, for taking personal time to cater to one of your users that does use that add-on! Your dedication speaks volumes! :worship:

Edited by VistaLover
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