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OK, I finally found Import Patcher!
It was here on MSFN all the time of course!
No problems reported by java.exe, but this was the output on jvm.dll -

[Patches needed]
jvm.dll=DLLs, Functions


[DLL replacements]


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On 1/10/2015 at 5:56 PM, loblo said:

Installed those and it seems allright so far. 

Success story: it's now possible to run Java 7 and Java 8 without having to resort to my hacks, great job!

Looks like that  auxilliary psapi is all that might be needed. :)

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I already had psapi.dll in the KernelEx folder, although the one in the thread you mentioned is newer, so I've replaced it.
How do I use it though?
Brilliant though KernelEx is, its lack of usage and configuration documentation is a real problem for people like me!

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Sorry, I don't see the significance of "Azul".
It appears to be a Java platform of some sort, but what specific Azul software would I actually need to download and use?
They seem to offer several different things.
Won't Burp work with Opera 12 as it is, why is Azul needed and what does it actually do?

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23 hours ago, loblo said:

The Azul Zulu OpenJDK is more difficult to run than the reference implementation you've so far unsuccessfully tried.


On 7/22/2020 at 7:23 PM, loblo said:

Try with the reference implementation here: https://download.java.net/openjdk/jdk8u41/ri/openjdk-8u41-b04-windows-i586-14_jan_2020.zip (we will need this later too for at least one file).

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Ah, I think I get it now! :D
Installing Java 8 Update 41 was just a test to see if the later version would work, and to provide a needed file!
OK, I will try installing the Azul version of Java 8 Update 262 and report back!

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OK, it works, I can run Burp with Azul OpenJDK 8 Update 262!
I am getting a warning from Burp that it might not work properly because I'm using Azul's Java implementation.
Is that what I need that file from Java 8 Update 41 to fix?

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Yeah, you'll have to deal with this message every time you start it unfortunately. Version 2.1.07 has an option to dismiss this message on subsequent runs but it exits soon after with a message saying 32-bit systems not supported on the console. Maybe it's possible to edit some resources to make Burp believe it run on Oracle's.

You're fully loaded, right, intimidating interface in front you? I need to replace sunmscapi.dll with an older version that doesn't have the ncrypt.dll dependency in addition to set the java executables to 2K mode (older KernelEx version) for these Azul builds to work.

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Does the ncrypt.dll dependency matter on Windows 98?
I thought that was just an XP problem.
It does seem to be working OK without any files changed, and just the Windows 2000 SP4 KernelEx mode on java.exe.
Now I've got to work out how to use Burp!
It may well be that errors will appear when I actually try to set it up.

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There is no more ncrypt.dll on 9x than there is on XP. It's possible the newer KernelEx you've got installed takes care of it but I get Burp crashing before getting to the main interface if I don't downgrade this file.

Basic setup is to export a CA certificate from the Proxy tab > Options tab > Proxy Listeners and import it as trusted authority in your browser and set your browser to use the same host and port as Burp for proxying ( and localhost is the same thing).

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