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46 minutes ago, Dave-H said:

I'd appreciate being talked through exactly how to do this!

OK then, first you need to be able to run Java 8.  Try with the reference implementation here: https://download.java.net/openjdk/jdk8u41/ri/openjdk-8u41-b04-windows-i586-14_jan_2020.zip (we will need this later too for at least one file).

Unpack, and set java.exe in the jre/bin directory to windows 2000 mode (you need KernelEx installed at the minimum) and then try to run an executable jar file with it (java.exe -jar yourjarfile.jar) and see what happens.


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Thanks, I tried that running the burpsuite_community_v2020.7.jar file which I'd already downloaded.

All that happened was that a DOS box popped up for an instant and then closed.
It appeared to be blank.


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Aren't you using Burp on Windows ME?
I tried again with a different jar file, which runs fine in Java 6 update 39, which I normally use on 98SE, and got the same result just using the "run" dialogue.
Using a command prompt, I got "Error loading JAVA-SE-8U41-RI\jre\bin\client\jvm.dll".
Applying KernelEx Windows 2000 mode to jvm.dll made no difference.

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Yes I run it on ME but I don't see why you couldn't also run it on 98SE. As I expected, getting Java 8 to run is going to be the most challenging part.

What's your KernelEx status? Version, extensions, etc..? Just having the latest stable Xeno build from sourceforge won't be good enough.

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So presumably you have an older version of Burp which does run on a 32 bit system?
I have jumper's KernelEx version 4.5.2016 installed.
It works fine with everything else I've used it with.

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Last Burp version running on a 32-bit system is 2.1.04. It requires Java 8 at the minimum and runs fine on my ME system on any build/version of it I have tried, older Oracle builds as well as current Azul, Bellsoft and Red Hat ones.


Last Burp version running on Java 7 is 1.7.36


To have TLS 1.3 support via Java you need to run Burp on Azul Zulu OpenJDK 8 Update 262 or at the time of this writing.

The Azul Zulu OpenJDK is more difficult to run than the reference implementation you've so far unsuccesfully tried.

You need to identify why Java 8 doesn't start on your machine. I would use Jumper's import Patcher for that purpose.

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I've tried different KernelEx settings, but I'm still getting an error loading jvm.dll..
Java.exe is set to "Windows 2000 SP4" mode in KernelEx, is that right?
There are a couple of other Windows 2000 variants, but none of them seem to work either.
Is java.exe the only file that needs KernelEx applied?

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It turns out I don't need to set anything to 2K mode for running the reference OpenJDK but only need it on the java executables (dlls will inherit the setting if they are not set for a specific mode) for the Azul and other recent builds.

Use Import Patcher on jvm.dll and maybe other dlls to identify possible missing dependent functions not provided by the system dlls or KernelEx.



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