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Posted (edited)


I have install NM28XP V28.7.0a1 (32-bit) and have a problem.

I have activate browser.showQuitWarning: true in about:config, but it don't inform at close. Can you fix this?

And second: Can you add "tab duplicat" in the Tab-Contex-Menu?

Do you have a other Browser with a german language-pack for WinXP x86?



Edited by AndreasB.

3 hours ago, AndreasB. said:

I have activate browser.showQuitWarning: true in about:config, but it don't inform at close. Can you fix this?

since I don't change this part of code, may upstream break this.


3 hours ago, AndreasB. said:

Can you add "tab duplicat" in the Tab-Contex-Menu?

why not install a tab-related extension for example Tab Mix Plus?


3 hours ago, AndreasB. said:

Do you have a other Browser with a german language-pack for WinXP x86?

you may try installing upstream language pack instead.

Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, AndreasB. said:

I have install NM28XP V28.7.0a1 (32-bit) and have a problem.

I have activate browser.showQuitWarning: true in about:config, but it don't inform at close. Can you fix this?

Hi and welcome to MSFN forums :P

What you describe isn't a bug to fix but intended behaviour implemented by the Mozilla devs and thus inherited in the FxESR52 based UXP platform (so present in upstream Pale Moon 28 and forked New Moon 28); you can read more about it in the following SU question: 


If you have configured NM28 to save and restore previous tab session when launching, then the following Mozilla logic applies:


However, setting the "When Firefox starts" option to "Home page" or "Blank page" (not "Tabs from last time" !) makes Firefox ask for confirmation before the exit.
As far as I understand the Mozilla's logic, there is no harm of closing the FF if all tabs get restored on next startup. They don't consider the possibility of failure to save the tabs

6 hours ago, AndreasB. said:

Can you add "tab duplicat" in the Tab-Contex-Menu?

If this is not implemented upstream, then implementing it only downstream (in NM28) will cause the official Pale Moon language packs (maintained and provided by the Pale Moon devs and community) to break when installed in New Moon 28; we don't want this (and have avoided this breakage several times during the past months by not implementing downstream-only patches that introduce new strings - it may be done in Serpent 52.9.0 for which no official language packs exist, but it's undesirable in New Moon) ;).

As suggested, best route is using a tab-related extension! I'm recommending Duplicate in Tab Context Menu, retrievable via the Classic Add-ons Archive (CAA) extension: 


Regards :)

Edited by VistaLover
Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, AndreasB. said:

I have install NM28XP V28.7.0a1 (32-bit) and have a problem.

I have activate browser.showQuitWarning: true in about:config, but it don't inform at close.

I'm confused. It worked for me:untitled.PNG.67a8b8ee7a740767f0ef280fc6395ec1.PNG

Edited by Mathwiz
18 minutes ago, Mathwiz said:

I'm confused.

... You shouldn't be, had you read more closely what I've written in my previous post ;)

(Hint: It depends on what the user setting is for

Preferences -> General -> When Pale Moon starts: )


Ah - I see; if it's set to "Show my windows and tabs from last time," the browser.showQuitWarning setting is ignored.

At the risk of being overly pedantic, the superuser.com page you linked to asked about a different dialog:


... and the answer you quoted referenced FF 57 (though the page title does say FF 50+). So it wasn't clear to me that it applied to @AndreasB.'s situation.


New build of Serpent/UXP for XP!

Test binary:
Win32 https://o.rths.cf/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.4.win32-git-20190907-6db06749e-xpmod.7z
Win64 https://o.rths.cf/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.4.win64-git-20190907-6db06749e-xpmod.7z

source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commits/custom

NM28XP build:
Win32 https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-28.8.0a1.win32-git-20190907-6db06749e-xpmod.7z
Win64 https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-28.8.0a1.win64-git-20190907-6db06749e-xpmod.7z

Official repo changes since my last build:
- Issue #1179: fix indentation (f67e3f054)
- Correctly return zero vertices if clipping plane 0 or 2 clip away the entire polygon. (09a8b2f19)
- Issue #1222: Don't load plugin instances when they have no `src` URI. (8f7d40e85)
- Merge working copy branch (7b986188c)
- Issue #1217 - Add support for (later versions of) the Windows 10 SDK (44cfc6d21)
- Revert "Correctly return zero vertices if clipping plane 0 or 2 clip away the" (69ac63358)
- Correctly return zero vertices if clipping plane 0 or 2 clip away the entire polygon. (7c09f0ed7)
- Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/MoonchildProductions/UXP (cc60a093c)
- Fix an issue with the html5 tokenizer and tree builder. (0ce08b418)
- Belatedly fix html5 parser attribution for files not covered by the MPL. (abc6b2f3a)
- Remove HTML5 parser java docs and generation code. (c6446f112)
- Kill newly-spawned threads if we're shutting down. (4266966ee)
- Fix a crash in IndexedDB. (4d4924e51)
- Add checks to respect CSP-wildcard + Ports. (334a892eb)
- Ensure the right body element is used throughout the method call. (d90dd7b0c)
- Use the correct group for JIT constraints. (2b223cce0)
- Properly implement various HSTS states. (e3c13af97)
- Fix whitelisting of JavaScript-uris by CSP hash. (6db06749e)

My changes since my last build:
- import change from tenfourfox:
 - #568: update certs, pins, TLDs, miners (fe73f72f7)
 and added -bigobj compile switch to ssl/moz.build. (058ed959e)


New build of BOC/UXP for XP!

Test binary:
MailNews Win32 https://o.rths.cf/boc-uxp/mailnews.win32-20190907-ffac0ff-uxp-6db06749e-xpmod.7z
Browser-only Suite Win32 https://o.rths.cf/boc-uxp/bnavigator.win32-20190907-ffac0ff-uxp-6db06749e-xpmod.7z

source patch (excluding UXP): https://o.rths.cf/boc-uxp/boc-uxp-src-xpmod-20190720.7z

Official repo changes since my last build:
- [UXP] Update commit pointer (ffac0ff)

For UXP changes please see above.

Posted (edited)

New New Moon 27 Build!

32bit https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.6.win32-git-20190907-c6d625af7-xpmod.7z
32bit SSE https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.6.win32-git-20190907-c6d625af7-xpmod-sse.7z
32bit noSSE https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.6.win32-git-20190907-c6d625af7-xpmod-ia32.7z

64bit https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.6.win64-git-20190907-c6d625af7-xpmod.7z

source repo: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27

repo changes since my last build:
- update Twemoji font to KwanEsq/twemoji-colr v12 branch with twemoji-12.1.2. (8a07ee587)
- add twitter SSUAO. (8440aaa98)
- try to fix issue mentioned in https://msfn.org/board/?app=core&module=system&controller=content&do=find&content_class=forums_Topic&content_id=177125&content_commentid=1169926 (eb1f745f3)
- import change from rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1135100 - Don't update GC thing pointers that haven't changed after marking r=terrence (0df3ea820)
 - Bug 1135857 - Remove ContentClientIncremental. r=mattwoodrow (059587352)
 - Bug 1135809 - add apz. prefs to about:support. r=kats (6439aaf6b)
 - Bug 1135361 - Fix position of ruby annotation in vertical-rl mode when justification is applied to the base. r=jfkthame (a00bb53be)
 - Bug 1133288 - Remove nonstandard expression closures from editor. r=ehsan (605992184)
 - Bug 1135361 - Reftest for ruby positioning in justified vertical text. r=xidorn (60fe87ae3)
 - Bug 1135984 - Fix typo which made Context.__init__ set the unused exe (312c35ef2)
 - Bug 1077864, Part 1: Check consistency of certificates' signature and signatureAlgorithm fields, r=keeler (9a11f90c3)
 - Bug 1077864, Part 2: Override the trust level for OCSP response signer certs so that they are never considered trust anchors, r=keeler (c46772e6d)
 - Bug 1077864, Part 3: update nsserrors.properties so error message gets localized. (935233549)
 - Bug 1135407: Factor out duplicate logic in tests, r=keeler (383ff80c5)
 - Bug 1131767: Prune away paths using unacceptable algorithms earlier, r=keeler (55182b7e2)
 - Followup to Bug 1135563 - uiUnsupportedAlreadyNotified.js doesn't use httpd.js. r=me (cef9dbdcd)
 - Bug 1135563 - Fix several javascript warnings for xpcshell app update tests and cleanup style. r=spohl (6330eb78c)
 - Bug 1123019 - In DrawTargetTiled::StrokeRect and StrokeLine, skip tiles that don't intersect the stroke. r=jrmuizel (71afc7653)
 - Bug 1123019 - Shrink clipped stroked rectangles and stroked lines. r=jrmuizel (17e93d70f)
 - Bug 1123019 - Actually use the clipped rect variable. r=jrmuizel (29c96ab43) (f672f60d2)
- partly import change from tenfourfox:
 - #568: update certs, pins, TLDs, miners (fe73f72f7)
 and added -bigobj compile switch to ssl/moz.build. (2570c3be2)
- import changes from rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1135591 - Fix build breakage from bug 1132153 in code conditional on '--enable-ipdl-tests'. r=dholbert (711edeb82)
 - bug 1121845 - Don't include generated IPDL header from nsPluginHost.h. r=bsmedberg (1929312e8)
 - Bug 755070 - Move WrappedJavaObject comment to the class it refers to. rs=snorp DONTBUILD NPOTB (9562583ec)
 - Bug 1135151. Add a WrapNativeParent specialization for the nsIGlobalObject case, and make Event return nsIGlobalObject as its parent object. r=smaug (2c002cd7d) (c6d625af7)

Edited by roytam1

New regular/weekly KM-Goanna release:


Out-of-tree changes:
* update Goanna3 to git 18efcca64..c6d625af7:
- update Twemoji font to KwanEsq/twemoji-colr v12 branch with twemoji-12.1.2. (8a07ee587)
- add twitter SSUAO. (8440aaa98)
- try to fix issue mentioned in https://msfn.org/board/?app=core&module=system&controller=content&do=find&content_class=forums_Topic&content_id=177125&content_commentid=1169926 (eb1f745f3)
- import change from rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1135100 - Don't update GC thing pointers that haven't changed after marking r=terrence (0df3ea820)
 - Bug 1135857 - Remove ContentClientIncremental. r=mattwoodrow (059587352)
 - Bug 1135809 - add apz. prefs to about:support. r=kats (6439aaf6b)
 - Bug 1135361 - Fix position of ruby annotation in vertical-rl mode when justification is applied to the base. r=jfkthame (a00bb53be)
 - Bug 1133288 - Remove nonstandard expression closures from editor. r=ehsan (605992184)
 - Bug 1135361 - Reftest for ruby positioning in justified vertical text. r=xidorn (60fe87ae3)
 - Bug 1135984 - Fix typo which made Context.__init__ set the unused exe (312c35ef2)
 - Bug 1077864, Part 1: Check consistency of certificates' signature and signatureAlgorithm fields, r=keeler (9a11f90c3)
 - Bug 1077864, Part 2: Override the trust level for OCSP response signer certs so that they are never considered trust anchors, r=keeler (c46772e6d)
 - Bug 1077864, Part 3: update nsserrors.properties so error message gets localized. (935233549)
 - Bug 1135407: Factor out duplicate logic in tests, r=keeler (383ff80c5)
 - Bug 1131767: Prune away paths using unacceptable algorithms earlier, r=keeler (55182b7e2)
 - Followup to Bug 1135563 - uiUnsupportedAlreadyNotified.js doesn't use httpd.js. r=me (cef9dbdcd)
 - Bug 1135563 - Fix several javascript warnings for xpcshell app update tests and cleanup style. r=spohl (6330eb78c)
 - Bug 1123019 - In DrawTargetTiled::StrokeRect and StrokeLine, skip tiles that don't intersect the stroke. r=jrmuizel (71afc7653)
 - Bug 1123019 - Shrink clipped stroked rectangles and stroked lines. r=jrmuizel (17e93d70f)
 - Bug 1123019 - Actually use the clipped rect variable. r=jrmuizel (29c96ab43) (f672f60d2)
- partly import change from tenfourfox:
 - #568: update certs, pins, TLDs, miners (fe73f72f7)
 and added -bigobj compile switch to ssl/moz.build. (2570c3be2)
- import changes from rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1135591 - Fix build breakage from bug 1132153 in code conditional on '--enable-ipdl-tests'. r=dholbert (711edeb82)
 - bug 1121845 - Don't include generated IPDL header from nsPluginHost.h. r=bsmedberg (1929312e8)
 - Bug 755070 - Move WrappedJavaObject comment to the class it refers to. rs=snorp DONTBUILD NPOTB (9562583ec)
 - Bug 1135151. Add a WrapNativeParent specialization for the nsIGlobalObject case, and make Event return nsIGlobalObject as its parent object. r=smaug (2c002cd7d) (c6d625af7)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.

A goanna3 source tree that has kmeleon adaption patch applied is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27/tree/kmeleon76

Posted (edited)

New build of Firefox 45ESR SSE:

test binary: https://o.rths.ml/gpc/files1.rt/firefox-45.9.17-20190907-6d2d37b9f-win32-sse.7z

repo: https://github.com/roytam1/mozilla45esr

Changes since my last build:
- import changes from palemoon27:
 - Issue #1610 part 1: Add valgrind suppression for uninitialized memory access and leak in old fontconfig. (1673cb36c)
 - Issue #1610 Part2: Supply a bundled emoji font on Windows. (8129a17b6)
 - Issue #1610 Part 3: Bypass GDI table loading for embedded fonts. (96465b766)
 - Switch to the Open Twemoji font resources. (682ec5e9e)
 - update Twemoji font to KwanEsq/twemoji-colr v12 branch with twemoji-12.1.2. (8a07ee587) (cbfb827dc)
- import change from tenfourfox:
 - make tele really impossible (78ce567c4)
 - #568: update certs, pins, TLDs, miners (fe73f72f7) (6d2d37b9f)

Edited by roytam1
19 hours ago, roytam1 said:

why not install a tab-related extension for example Tab Mix Plus?

you may try installing upstream language pack instead.

I have install Tab-Mix-Plus and now all is working.

For PaleMoon I have installed the German language pack. But is there another browser with German language pack for Windows XP?

Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, AndreasB. said:

I have install Tab-Mix-Plus and now all is working.

For PaleMoon I have installed the German language pack. But is there another browser with German language pack for Windows XP?

If upstream language pack works, why bother making my own? I don't have time maintain my own set of language packs.

BTW OT: suffered from leak of TLS 1.2 support in Orbit Downloader for years, I finally made a patch to its download.dll to use OpenSSL-1.0.2, check rtfreesoft blog for details. SNI is not supported (yet, don't know if I am able to add this call by myself)

Edited by roytam1
4 hours ago, AndreasB. said:

For PaleMoon I have installed the German language pack. But is there another browser with German language pack for Windows XP?

This is from memory, so correct me if I'm wrong, but:

  • Serpent 52 should be able to use Basilisk language packs
  • Seamonkey 2.49.5
  • IIRC, @roytam1's build of Navigator can also use Seamonkey's language packs, but they require some "surgery" first
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