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Rebuilding Inno Setups


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With InnoUnp, the Inno Setup Unpacker you can not only unpack the files inside an IS but you also get a *part* of the setup script.

Here's an example of how to repack SpywareBlaster 3.0

To get the setup script:

innounp.exe -i sblaster_setup.exe >sblaster.iss

To get the files:

innounp.exe -x sblaster_setup.exe

The extracted script only contains file, registry and run settings. All advanced features are removed.

To add shortcuts and remove the starting of SB after a silent setup edit the sblaster.iss directly or with ISTool.



Filename: {app}\spywareblaster.exe; Description: Run SpywareBlaster; Flags: skipifsilent

Name: {group}\SpywareBlaster; Filename: {app}\spywareblaster.exe; WorkingDir: {app}; IconFilename: {app}\spywareblaster.exe; IconIndex: 0
Name: {group}\SpywareBlaster AutoUpdate Configuration; Filename: {app}\sbautoupdate.exe; WorkingDir: {app}; IconFilename: {app}\sbautoupdate.exe; IconIndex: 0; Parameters: -config
Name: {group}\SpywareBlaster Help; Filename: {app}\sbhelp.chm; WorkingDir: {app}

Now compile the script and test it.

This method only works with very basic setups but InnoUnp seems to get updated frequently so keep an eye on it's site.

PS: This also works with Ad-Aware Pro :)

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do u know a way to extract the installshield executables msi files?

I mean they come with .exe and bunch of cab files.

i want to edit them but since they're distributed to "cd-rom" i cannot edit it. any way around it?

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Ok, I did this with KLR 007, but it wont compile...In Inno Setup 4 it complains about languages, then about components...In IsTool it cuts off half of my iss file because it cant handle the binary value of registry. Can Someone help me???? Please?

nevermind, got it...though it isnt exactly the same as the old exe, but it looks like it worked

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Does unpacking Ad-Aware help in solving the problem of the password?



I'm not quite sure what you mean. The stuff here is only for Inno Setup based installers.

Installshield can create msi based installations and exe / cab based. You can extract Installshield cabs (very different from MS cabs btw) with special unpackers but i don't think you can edit the installation like with msi files.

Do you have any particular program in mind?

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do u know a way to extract the installshield executables msi files?

I mean they come with .exe and bunch of cab files.

i want to edit them but since they're distributed to "cd-rom" i cannot edit it. any way around it?

the problem with Installshield and when they are in the cab/exe form is that there is also a compiled installscript that you can't edit real easily.

You can find a program to extract the cabs, but you'd have to completely recreate the setup in MSI. It's like the Nullsoft Installer. Pain in the butt to mod.

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i knew it dang :)

do u have a program for the cab's cause i cannot open them.

well actually that'd be so hard to start from scratch. they've too many files. (1 way would be repacker but not for what i'm interested in doing.)

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Well! Come on, ZoSTeR.

I'm interested in this.

I posted the script here on Apr 2 2004. You even answered that you'll check it soon.

Just use the method above and then compare the two scripts.

It's just some minor additions.

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Yes! I checked it, immediately, that day. I can't be patient when it comes to learning.

That day, I nearly downloaded everything on that site and even its relatives and neighbors!

I played with those programs but didn't understand anything; perhaps, because it was all new to me.

But now, I've just re-visited my thread and understood everything in a second. I returned to my C:\Program Files\Lavasoft\Ad-aware 6\ and did it.

I'd say: What's that CRAZY?!

Where have you got that idea?! It's really a charm!

Million thanks to you, ZoSTeR.

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Here's the complete script for repackaging SpywareBlaster 3.1 (incl. innounp and start batch).

Inno Setup must be installed.

Put the three files and spywareblastersetup.exe in an empty folder.

Run StartMe.bat

Inno Setup should come up.

Choose compile and get the new setup exe from the output subfolder.

Use /VERYSILENT for installation.


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what does it mean when i get incompatible version when running innounp on certain inoo setup installers? It says version is 4.2.1 and internal is 4201...but whne i check istool and innosetup they both say their version is 4.2.1 (I installed both because I was having problems getting KLR to run on istool and thought the real inno setup would fix it, but it didnt, so I changed a bunch of things) TIA

XtremeMac, there is a installshield decompiler here http://protools.anticrack.de/decompilers.htm I would take a look at those, I have not yet as I just found it, but I am going to soon...the only thing I can see is there is a version it doesnt go past, so if the installer is made with a newer version, it prolly wont work, but there ya go.

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