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Rebuilding Inno Setups


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These are the lines in the iss file for the dictionary files, I extracted them from the ukdic.exe file I downloaded from the Incredimail site.

Source: {app}\sscebr2.clx; DestDir: {pf}\IncrediMail\Data\lex
Source: {app}\sscebr.tlx; DestDir: {pf}\IncrediMail\Data\lex

This is the line for the registry entry, there was an additional flag "Don't Create Key" that some how got applied you should delete this flag

Root: HKCU; Subkey: SOFTWARE\IncrediMail\SSCE; ValueType: string; ValueName: MainLexFiles; ValueData: sscebr.tlx,sscebr2.clx

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ive finally got home and tested out your script and ive got these problems

first the way i instal everything is the incredamail.exe first with the /S

then the yourfile.exe /S

this is what happened

still the identity bollocks when Incredimail starts up appears

then directly after that

yourfile.exe pops up

it says

incredamail tweaks pops up with the next button, then destination of install, then the finish button..

so my questions are.. was i supposed to instal your incredimailtweaks file before the original installer..?

and if its supposed to be silent,.. its not working completly right or my switch is wrong. ?

.... other then that.. if like to edit out the incredimailtweaks file to

startup on windows start..

when program starts it dosnt look for mail

and remove the uk, dictionary..

let me know what you think..

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I use xplode to install my programs and after installing Incredimail run pskill to shutdown imapp and incmail, the identity\welcome box still appears but is force closed by pskill.

If installing Incredimail on other machines than mine, run my exe (default.exe) which is an inno setup so use default.exe /verysilent, this will overwrite Incredimails identity, which is randomly created each time, for a default one that is tweaked, the default.exe I posted previous has been redone to not to check for mail when Incrediamil runs and to delete the inbox.imh and inbox.imm, this will remove the 5 welcome emails installed with every installation so you can download it again if you want this.

To edit the tweaks you can just edit the script to alter or remove the lines that you do not want so, to have windows run Incredimail each time windows restarts delete

Root: HKCU; SubKey: Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run; ValueType: none; ValueName: IncrediMail; Flags: deletevalue

To have Incredimail not check for mail on opening (already done) change

Root: HKCU; SubKey: SOFTWARE\IncrediMail\Identities\{{FC5D8038-394C-4A01-B2FB-6326AA21650C}; ValueType: dword; ValueName: CheckMailOnStartup; ValueData: $00000001


Root: HKCU; SubKey: SOFTWARE\IncrediMail\Identities\{{FC5D8038-394C-4A01-B2FB-6326AA21650C}; ValueType: dword; ValueName: CheckMailOnStartup; ValueData: $00000000

and remove the British dictionary files delete

Source: {app}\sscebr2.clx; DestDir: {pf}\IncrediMail\Data\lex
Source: {app}\sscebr.tlx; DestDir: {pf}\IncrediMail\Data\lex
Root: HKCU; Subkey: SOFTWARE\IncrediMail\SSCE; ValueType: string; ValueName: MainLexFiles; ValueData: sscebr.tlx,sscebr2.clx

this will leave the default dictionary a American.

When you have registered Incredimail with your serial, close the program down and check the windows directory for files named MF_C420.lfa, MF_C421.lfa, MF_C425.lfa or similar, copy them to a safe place along with IM_PREM.imk from C:\Program Files\IncrediMail\bin\Licenses, these are the files for silent registering that I am working with along with the registry keys here


these will be the same names as the files in windows dir.

I am working on a script to add these after installation but of to work right now so I have no time.


It appears that these files will need to be created for each machine as they don't work on different ones, it may use the MAC address or something when creating the files, its not the username or computer name :realmad:

Edited by benners
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I know I havent given any hints or anything, but please bear with me, this week I am being pulled between 3 houses...house sitting for a friend, living with roommates, and helping my parents out...so as soon as I get everything Ive worked on in 1 central location, I will go through each of the setup's ive created and see what it can offer to people.

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For someone with evil in his name you sound a very helpful person :D

Well I finally got Incredimail to register, here's what I did, (Deleted by Me)

Well at least I thought I had :blushing: .The Way I tested it was to install a clean XP image with no other software installed, then using a program called DeepFreeze locked the image against changes, files and reg entries etc are reset when you reboot the machine. I then installed Incredimail and used my inno setup to copy the correct files and registry entries, this process worked so I thought yippee, but I have tested it on a fresh install and the files do not work :realmad: .so they registration must use something like the time Windows or Incredimail was installed, I don't know and I'm not clever enough to figure it out :}

It looks from testing that the files IM_PREM.imk and MF_C420.lfa are the same as they are identical when compared with Beyond Compare, I deleted the 3 files from windows

and the registry entries and just left the IM_PREM.imk and ran IM, the 3 files in the Windows dir were recreated as were the reg entries so it looks as though all that was needed was the imk file. f anybody is tinkering with this do not keep removing the code whilst connected on the web or you will get one of these cheeky w*****s, and you will be forced to send one of these

Regarding your previous e-mail accusing me of piracy, I have purchased a licence and do support your work, I will explain what I am doing.

I reformat my machine once every 1 - 2 months to keep it clean, to this end I have created a disc that unattendedly installs Windows and a selection of applications. I sometimes forget to remove or am unable to remove the registration for Incredimail before a reformat and, have been blocked before from registering because there were probably to many registrations on you server, I had to contact VIP support to clear this up and sent an e-mail asking for help on the 2nd June contents below

I have had a few problems recently with my computer and I have either forgot or been unable to remove the license for Incredimail before re-installing and registering.

The product is currently unregistered after a fresh installation, and I have started to re-install once every couple of months, does your registration server log each time I register my Incredimail? and limit the number of times it can be registered with the license details?, because if this is so could you please reset the counter as with the problems I have been having I feel I may be coming close to a limit and would not want to be denied the ability to register the product for the extra features.

Thank You

Tony Bennett

your response...

Hello Tony,

According to our database, you have received and registered your IncrediMail registration codes.

If you encounter any problems or if you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,


IncrediMail Support

well DUH!, I know I have received my codes, and what about the response to my questions, even a "We don't give out registration procedure information" would have sufficed.

I use avast! antivirus, the programmers of which have the foresight to include a way to silently install and register their program, as this updates over the web it would be easy to check the validity of the serial provided, why can your program not do this. I don't expect a change or a response just defending my good name.

Just as a side note I originally started to use Incredimail as it was a better alternative to Outlook and helped secure my PC, now it is just turning into downyourthroatware as not everybody like icons and shortcuts scattered all over their desktop and start menu advertising your premium products, add and option to the installer to include these icons if desired, can you say virus!!!.

Tony Bennett

Well as my Mum said to my Dad "I don't like being beaten" so I will continue on with this and apologise for pretending I knew what I was doing.


looking forward to learning something from your posts.


Edited by benners
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  • 7 months later...


can you check out this site

http://www.jrsoftware.org/isdl.php and download a copy of QuickStart Pack

The Inno Setup QuickStart Pack includes additional third-party add-ons such as the ISTool script editor and Inno Setup Preprocessor. These add-ons are not official, have not been exhaustively tested, and are not required for general usage, but make Inno Setup easier to use, especially for new users. See the Third-Party Files page for more information.

The Inno Setup QuickStart Pack also includes an easy to use option to download and install encryption support.

its an all in one pack for in the inno setups and it can install silently with the /VERYSILENT

But it needs to connect to the internet to download the extra files... is there a way we can just add the extra files to this program so it dosnt need to download them off the internet ?

Edited by Lost Soul
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I may have already done what you want. I have created an installer the installs Inno Setup 5 with the ISCrypt.dll in the dir (Never actually used it to encrypt) ISTool, custom settings and a adds an option to the new menu to create a new inno script from a default template.

here if you want to test it.I have not come across any probs using it.

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Unsure of the question m8, by register do you mean username and serial register or register the app in Windows?.

If you mean serial number that would depend on whether the app stores registration info in the registry, or creates another file like WinRAR.

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username and serial register

lets say it stores its info in the registry,, ive been looking at the reg strings in every iss file and im not sure how to set it up,, now im not working on any program at this moment, but i know i have a program or 2 that im going to attempt to set it up this way,,

is there any chance you may have a sample you could throw out with some fake serials just for demo..

or do you feel its best to register the program after wards with a simple reg file ? i was just thinking while im in the iss why not give it a try to do everything :)

Edited by Lost Soul
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I find the easiest way is to locate the registry entries for the registration infomation and export to a reg file, then, in the registry section select Import From File and chose the exported reg file.

Root: HKCU; SubKey: Software\JetCar\JetCar\General; ValueType: string; ValueName: RegDisp; ValueData: Bruce Wayne
Root: HKCU; SubKey: Software\JetCar\JetCar\General; ValueType: string; ValueName: RegName; ValueData: batcave@gotham.city
Root: HKCU; SubKey: Software\JetCar\JetCar\General; ValueType: string; ValueName: RegPass; ValueData: generated password here

I will also try to uninstall all the created registry keys, really bugs me when an app doesn't cleanup after itself

Root: HKCU; SubKey: Software\JetCar; Flags: uninsdeletekey

for the software settings and, any other files created during normal running of the program.

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im trying to create an install of avdesk 1.3 and have all my created theme settings as well as my imports scripts added in as well as making the app register in the registry

i understand what you mean about the import of registry and that sounds easy enough

heres the hold up

i need to send files to the

(current user) program files directory

(current user) application data folder

create short cuts in startup and in Start Menu\Programs\AveDesk\

plus have it import its own registry file

btw this is a completly free application, its mainly a type of desktop custom docks that are eye candies

you can find out more info from here


can you tell me where to start, this is technically my first creation of inno from the ground up, ive edited a few with you in the past but that was just simple editing, this to me feels like a different ball game


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I have downloaded the program and there are a lot of files and folders. I could be more helpful if you supplied me with the information regarding the files you need copied to the places you specified, the shortcuts required and the file that needs to be imported, I can only find the shellext.reg, do you have settings stored in a reg file?.

I have never used this program so am unaware where the settings are stored. What you want is possible and there are a few ways to achieve some of your requirements.

1. i need to send files to the (current user) program files directory

Source: {app}\*.*; DestDir: {app}; Flags: recursesubdirs ignoreversion createallsubdirs

this will compile all the files in the {app} dir and extract them to the folder you designate in the Setup Options - App Directory - Default directory name. I use this especially if there are a lot of files and folders, the main draw back is it limits the use of flags for the files, like being able to register dlls etc, this I normally do under the install run section if using this method.

2. (current user) application data folder

Source: {app}\register.bat; DestDir: {userappdata}\register.bat
Source: {app}\settings_overrides.ini; DestDir: {userappdata}\settings_overrides.ini
Source: {app}\unregister.bat; DestDir: {userappdata}\unregister.bat

these files will be copied to the root of the users app data folder

3. create short cuts in startup and in Start Menu\Programs\AveDesk\

Name: {group}\AveDesk; Filename: {app}\AVEDESK.EXE

Creates a shortcut to the main executable in the start menu programs in a folder you specify in Options - Program group - Default group name.

4. plus have it import its own registry file

Root: HKLM; SubKey: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved; ValueType: string; ValueName: {{6DD050D8-FBDF-4562-AB05-8BF879FAE89E}; ValueData: AveInst Extension; Flags: uninsdeletekey
Root: HKLM; SubKey: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved; ValueType: string; ValueName: {{F756AF2A-EB0E-4D42-9495-B61BD6D99B82}; ValueData: AveDesk Preview Extension; Flags: uninsdeletekey

will let the installer add the registry entries and delete them on uninstall, notice the {{, the first { escapes the data imported from the reg file or,

this will compile all the files in the {app} dir and extract them to the folder you designate in the Setup Options - App Directory - Default directory name. I use this especially if there are a lot of files and folders, the main draw back is it limits the use of flags for the files, like being able to register dlls etc, this I normally do under the install run section if using this method.

2. (current user) application data folder

Source: {app}\register.bat; DestDir: {userappdata}\register.bat
Source: {app}\settings_overrides.ini; DestDir: {userappdata}\settings_overrides.ini
Source: {app}\unregister.bat; DestDir: {userappdata}\unregister.bat

these files will be copied to the root of the users app data folder

3. create short cuts in startup and in Start Menu\Programs\AveDesk\

Name: {group}\AveDesk; Filename: {app}\AVEDESK.EXE

Creates a shortcut to the main executable

4. plus have it import its own registry file

Root: HKLM; SubKey: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved; ValueType: string; ValueName: {{6DD050D8-FBDF-4562-AB05-8BF879FAE89E}; ValueData: AveInst Extension; Flags: uninsdeletekey
Root: HKLM; SubKey: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved; ValueType: string; ValueName: {{F756AF2A-EB0E-4D42-9495-B61BD6D99B82}; ValueData: AveDesk Preview Extension; Flags: uninsdeletekey

will let the installer add the registry entries and delete them on uninstall, notice the {{, the first { escapes the data imported from the reg file or,

Filename: regedit; Parameters: "/s ""{app}\Data\shellext.reg"""; WorkingDir: """{app}\data"""; StatusMsg: Importing Registry Entries

this will let regedit import it silently at the end of the install.

If you want to chat via messenger PM me and we can arrange a time.

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hi im going back to work soon so in alittle bit but i just poped in to say

the file that needs to be ran that i was considering was the registry files were this

register.bat file its commands inside it are

AveDesk.exe /RegServer

AveDesk.exe /AssocFiles

so i guess this will have to run silently to register the dlls and stuff

sorry i should of checked that out more indepth then a quick browse

ill be back to look into this more later

btw i added AveScripter

with the addition of AH's-Weather

i then customized and resized the bin doc with custom icons

and the reason i want to send some settings / files to the application data current user place is to have the program start up with my custom made theme,, its not much just a bin and the ah weather

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