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Rebuilding Inno Setups


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yes i have the the inno set up installed and i was going by zoasters post a previous page or so ago, and for some reason it wont extract thats why its saying it cant find the file on line 13.

im sure its not extracting because i dont see any files that come out of it,, i havnt tried to use your setup yet because i wanted to use that as a last resort,, i wanna try to do this for experience so that i can say i can do it

so my steps were

i installed isetup-5.1.4.exe

then i put zoasters files in the same folder as the original sw blaster setup file, and then i ran the StartMe.bat

and thats what im doing,,,

can you tell me what im doing wrong..

is there some thing i missed.

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dont use that files they are for SpywareBlaster3.1. and i tryied that one and gives me errors. try the way i said in my previous post. it's working.


thanx for the input. what compression do u use?. also did u try to modify Spybot - Search & Destroy installer?

Edited by boooggy
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Here is a setup for unpacker that puts an entry on the context menu that extracts the exe (if created with inno).


I haven't done the final version but did the 1.4 beta. When I get time I will be doing it.

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yea, if the exe isnt unpackable, i use inctrl5 to figure out where the files go and what reg changes the setup makes, then rebuild...I have rebuilt close to 50 apps with inno...all specifically to my liking...one thing ive noticed...almost no setup programs use lzma/ultra and solid compression ultra...wonder why...I always rebuild inno setup apps just to get the size down...and another thing, the app makers include sys files for like every windows, or stuff that overwrites what windows installed, so I remove all those...the reason being is because i use ryans pack which is going to have the most up to date files...

Also, if anyone wants an app rebuilt, either post here, pm me, or I may make a new topic for requests...one note, the setup cannot be an msi...not that msi's cant be done, just really no reason to do so.

Edited by evilvoice
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thank you boooggy i missed your previous post,, i understand now why i couldnt get it done i didnt have all the tools needed to unpack it with,,

and thank you benners for providing me with a link to the unpacker

Edited by Lost Soul
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@benners how exactly do you use that adware iss file that youve created, ive tried extracting the adware setup and that dosnt have all the necessary files then i tried using the already placed adware thatsd been installed in the program directory and im still missing files like the icon

pls explain .

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@lost soul

first u have to extract the installer. use this command: %systemdrive%\setup.exe /x %systemdrive%\destinationfolder. then in this folder u create another folder called {app} here u put the files u extracted. then u create the installer script using istool. or u can edit mine that is attached bellow.

i remove the languages and some skins.


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@ Lost Soul

The files like the icon.ico and side bmp are custom images you can specify under the Options - Appearance tab in ISTool, these changes and a few others are not saved if you extract the iss file from the exe so I always save mine, I have upped them here.

To cut down on size I have removed things like extra languages as I only need the English, and I have added a couple more skins that I have downloaded.

What other files, apart from the side.bmp and icon.ico are you missing?

Here is one for Spybot v1.4, again with a few tweaks and skins removed\added english lang only


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No, I have not built spybot...but it cant possibly be as hard as some of the ones Ive done...seriously, try building morpheus ultra where it automatically inserts the registered stuff for you...quite complicated...in the beginning I just extracted whatever install i wanted to change, then wrote the iss script to handle it...used reshack to capture the image of the program and added that...now, what I have done later is add all the url's and some other stuff that isnt really needed, but I believe to be a completed install it was needed...stuff like the app version...this is a list of what all I have rebuilt

7zip 4.20, 911cd, a4dvdshrinker, abyss, bulletproof spyware thingie, carcare, ccleaner, crystal xp visual style, dvdshrink, easytracker, everest corporate and ultimate, freesmtp, grabit, idsuite, innosetup, iroffer, istool, ite, kiri, mailwasher, mirc, morpheus, no1vc, notepad2, offline commander, active perl, winrar, winavi dvd copy, winavi video converter, ultraiso, thegodfather, tauscan, spamaid, SHARM, quickbfc, and a custom bulk installer for these items...cdimage, cdshell, flexible renamer, inctrl5, keepass, adaware, pebuilder, shortcut, ultrafxp, vcdcontrol, wassociate, winimage, xpcleaner, audioshellext, avipreview, cmdcmx, contextattrib, cpext, foldersize, fullsource, gmailfs, hardlinker, hashtab, hijackthis, innounp, internetnotepad, keyfinder, nircmd, openselectedurl, purrint, sdeextensions, selall, toolbarcop, tsrsizer, vdk, and hwun (will be adding an installshield decompiler soon...found a great one called winpack300b)...and nlite...and before I get jumped about nlite, the reason I did this one is because I did not want to have to copy cdimage over to the data dir...also, I am not sure, but I think I added a custom icon too...but dont hold me to that...So those are the setups that i broke and created an innosetup for.

I believe I am done for all the apps I could ever possibly want to put on a UA cd...just waiting for someone to tell me how to after installing programs and on reboot after that, how to get the person to enter their own cdkey...Also, need to create specific uninstallers for the bulk pack...and spamaid needs to get their website up so I can add that and finish that one out.

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I know what you mean about the reg entries, the hardest one I had to do was a Video kit for DVD ripping and video conversion containing :-

AC3Machine, AVICodec, CloneDVD2, DivFix, DVD Decrypter, DVD Santa, DVD Shrink, DVD43, Dvd95Copy, G Spot, DVD Guides, headac3he, TMPGEnc, videocalc, VirtualDub and html how to guides found on the web, edited then converted to pdf

Trying to find the minimum files and reg entries needed is a ballache, you can just back up the reg keys and keep all the language files but I like my exes to be as small as possible

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