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OldNewExplorer 1.1.9


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I have two user accounts, both uses different VSs so this could not be a complete solution. I guess, I'll have to stick with files from older build until this gets fixed by one of the people who created tools for bypassing VS signatures.

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Since there is a way to do this, MS has no objections.  If they didn't want us to do it we wouldn't be able to, now would we?



Heh, no.  See Mr GRiM's comments on the likely outcome of running SFC or DISM on a system tweaked in this way to restore the Microsoft-prescribed system configuration.  I certainly would not advocate doing something that there are already automatic processes to undo.


Gone are the days, my friend.  Sooner or later they'll make a feature or function you love impossible to achieve and your bright outlook on what Microsoft's doing may change.



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Sooner or later they'll make a feature or function you love impossible to achieve and your bright outlook on what Microsoft's doing may change.



I doubt it! So far, everything they have done has just made Windows better than ever! I even added a new monitor just for some Metro Apps! Life is good.
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Sooner or later they'll make a feature or function you love impossible to achieve and your bright outlook on what Microsoft's doing may change. -Noel

I doubt it! So far, everything they have done has just made Windows better than ever! I even added a new monitor just for some Metro Apps! Life is good.

There is no doubt Microsoft has made some improvements in Windows 10 in many aspects but it has also made many mistakes and has removed many customization options. For me, the improvements don't compensate the failures and that is why after a few months using Windows 10 I have gone back to Windows 7. When so many people does this or stay with Win10 but miss many features from previous versions, undoubtedly something is wrong with the choices of Microsoft.

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Sooner or later they'll make a feature or function you love impossible to achieve and your bright outlook on what Microsoft's doing may change. -Noel

I doubt it! So far, everything they have done has just made Windows better than ever! I even added a new monitor just for some Metro Apps! Life is good.

There is no doubt Microsoft has made some improvements in Windows 10 in many aspects but it has also made many mistakes and has removed many customization options. For me, the improvements don't compensate the failures and that is why after a few months using Windows 10 I have gone back to Windows 7. When so many people does this or stay with Win10 but miss many features from previous versions, undoubtedly something is wrong with the choices of Microsoft.

Windows 7 was good for its time. But, it is no longer its time.
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Yes, it is no longer the time of "things that actually work" taking precedence over "dude, that's so cool!"


Thing is, they're not done yet.  There's enough "actually work" still in 10 to convince many/most Win 7 users.  Just wait.



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Anyone else having this problem?




It only look like that after a system restart/shutdown, right after i try to open any application (Explorer, Browser: Firefox, Opera, Etc..), tried to remove a couple of apps that i have installed recently, removed/deleted oldnewexplorer and reinstalled it, Still the same :(.


Note: It only occurs per restart/shutdown and then everything goes back to normal.


Update: Got it fixed by removing this option: Enable glass on navigation bar.

Edited by Surreal90
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Anyone else having this problem?




It only look like that after a system restart/shutdown, right after i try to open any application (Explorer, Browser: Firefox, Opera, Etc..), tried to remove a couple of apps that i have installed recently, removed/deleted oldnewexplorer and reinstalled it, Still the same :(.


Note: It only occurs per restart/shutdown and then everything goes back to normal.

Only seen it in open and save screens, don't know if it can be fixed but it has been reported before..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Now it also occurs when i get a UAC prompt (when screen the dims) also the screen gets a black flicker for a second for some reason, then explorer start to look like that again, after i close explorer and reopen it, it start to look normal.

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I keep getting a problem with OldNewExplorer (using latest version, 1.1.7). Sometimes after I wake my computer from sleep mode the details pane returns to the right side, even though I already had explorer windows open and it was on the bottom. It's not even a consistent thing like after every time it wakes up, it'll just happen randomly. It could possibly be because windows installs a new updates, but I don't think so because the latest windows update (which is only for Internet Explorer anyway) isn't even installed yet.


The only way to fix it is to reboot, uninstall, delete the DLLs and then extract/reinstall it. But it's a pain in the a$$ because then I have to re-open all of the programs I had open. Plus it shouldn't just change on a whim when nothing changed.


Side note: Does windows 10 save your programs open? Monitor wouldn't wake up so I held down the power button to turn off completely, saw my motherboard manufacturer logo pop up as normal, but then it opened on the lock screen and resumed where I was as if I didn't even turn it off. Really weird.

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I keep getting a problem with OldNewExplorer (using latest version, 1.1.7). Sometimes after I wake my computer from sleep mode the details pane returns to the right side, even though I already had explorer windows open and it was on the bottom. It's not even a consistent thing like after every time it wakes up, it'll just happen randomly. It could possibly be because windows installs a new updates, but I don't think so because the latest windows update (which is only for Internet Explorer anyway) isn't even installed yet.


The only way to fix it is to reboot, uninstall, delete the DLLs and then extract/reinstall it. But it's a pain in the a$$ because then I have to re-open all of the programs I had open. Plus it shouldn't just change on a whim when nothing changed.

It's a known problem. This probably happens because of the non-brutal way used in this tool in order to change Windows elements—memory patching. I agree that it's very annoying because there are some other things which make this problem more complicated. For instance, you've to open Save / Open dialogs from 64-bit processes double times in order for the changes you made in your tool to take effect.



Side note: Does windows 10 save your programs open? Monitor wouldn't wake up so I held down the power button to turn off completely, saw my motherboard manufacturer logo pop up as normal, but then it opened on the lock screen and resumed where I was as if I didn't even turn it off. Really weird.

Your computer probably just hibernated. This means saving open processes to hard disk and then shutting down computer after the computer is idle for some time.

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Crap, I was hoping there was a solution, as this is literally the only tool I know of that fixes the detail pane (at the very least), and some other settings. There's something in the readme about adding UIFILES to shellstyle. Would that make it permanent so it can't just be tossed out of memory?


Huh, never knew that's what hibernate does.


Thanks for the quick response.

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Crap, I was hoping there was a solution, as this is literally the only tool I know of that fixes the detail pane (at the very least), and some other settings. There's something in the readme about adding UIFILES to shellstyle. Would that make it permanent so it can't just be tossed out of memory?


Huh, never knew that's what hibernate does.


Thanks for the quick response.

I always use the shellstyle UI files and I have never had a problem with the details pane staying on the bottom so maybe it does work better this way.

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I always use the shellstyle UI files and I have never had a problem with the details pane staying on the bottom so maybe it does work better this way.


Yes, it does. Memory patching is never completely stable.

Edited by MDJ
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