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No love for the vertical taskbar users? I don't think adding an option to display start menu aligned with the taskbar would take too much effort.

I'll add a hidden option. Even though I don't like this idea.
Thanks! Why don't you like it though? It looks much better aesthetically:


having such options is always a good idea.

+1 on that!


Hi, Tihiy

I noticed also the cancel button in the congiguration windows,actually doesn't cancel the last operation, but

simply closes the configurator window .. If you make some changes in the settings and hit the apply button and suddenly decide to

cancel those changes the cancel button doesn't revert back to the last settings, but simply closes the congiguration window.


Hi, Tihiy

I noticed also the cancel button in the congiguration windows,actually doesn't cancel the last operation, but

simply closes the configurator window .. If you make some changes in the settings and hit the apply button and suddenly decide to

cancel those changes the cancel button doesn't revert back to the last settings, but simply closes the congiguration window.

That's how OK/Cancel/Apply buttons work for setting dialogs since 1995.


Hi, Tihiy

I noticed also the cancel button in the congiguration windows,actually doesn't cancel the last operation, but

simply closes the configurator window .. If you make some changes in the settings and hit the apply button and suddenly decide to

cancel those changes the cancel button doesn't revert back to the last settings, but simply closes the congiguration window.

That's how OK/Cancel/Apply buttons work for setting dialogs since 1995.

Thank you for the quick reply

I agree with that,

Then I shall kindly request adding a feature or an option to revert back to the last settings or ignore last changes, That would be very handy.


Hey Tihiy I've got a suggestion and a question. Is it possible for SIB+ have a silent installer variant? If yes, would you create one? Because I'd really love being able integrate your amazing start menu in my Windows 8.1 install.

Posted (edited)

Hi Tihiy (and all),

Is it possible to add an option to remove (or add) this separator (and the space which it occupies)...


... ?

Otherwise, please, can you tell me, which value/key (in Regedit) i must (if possible) modify, to remove this separator ?
I sought with RegScanner and RegShot, but nothing found.

Another thing :

It would be possible (?) to add another option, in order not to display the user picture, without obtaining that : http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/1816/3ef6.png

But if you cannot or that is too complicated, that is not "dramatic" because (if that is always possible with the final version of Windows 8.1 ->) it is possible (just like under Windows 8) to get this result without* option.

*Of course, it is enough to ask me (by PM, for not cluttering up this topic) whether somebody wants to know...

If not, i have just noticed (it is perhaps a bug) :

Disable Windows Search, don't remove (with StartIsBack+ Beta 4, under Windows 8.1 preview) the zone of research, in bottom of the Start Menu.

It is annoying, when Windows Search is not used.

Otherwise, it is pleasant, be able (now / with StartIsBack+ Beta 4, under Windows 8.1 preview) to adjust the height of the start menu, with : http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/2892/m93j.png

I would not have to use the registry file (which in any way no longer works, with StartIsBack+ / under Windows 8.1 preview) : http://pastebin.com/jDvtVvXH

That is, i hope that you understand me (not easy to translate in english) and not have written too. The more important, is to remove this separator.

Congratulations for your software, is the best !

If you want to this other style (Aero 8 slightly modified) to add to the others : http://www.multiupload.nl/MY5LHIRZSM

Edited by dopseu
Posted (edited)

+1.0 Release Candidate Zero


It kind of boring waiting for 8.1 RTM. This release brings more polish.

Feels weird being 1.0 again.

- New icon
- Ready for translation
- Fixed bugs
- Improved policies respect
- 'Welcome to StartIsBack' screen sets booting to the Desktop as default
- Run command is in menu by default

Hidden setting:


"AlignMenuTop" = DWORD 1
to make start menu not cover the taskbar when on the side

Edited by Tihiy
Posted (edited)

Thank you very much Tihiy for the separator ;)

For the search area (in bottom of the Start Menu) that remains (and therefore occupies space unnecessarily) after have disabled Windows Search in Programs and Features, i have the feeling that it is a novelty of windows 8.1. I hope that this will change with the final release of Windows 8.1.

I redid the style Aero 8 slightly modified with the light version of Aero 8 : http://www.multiupload.nl/IH5GTGW47Y

Edited by dopseu
Posted (edited)

I have been working in a concept for StartIsBack for Windows 8.1.

Tihiy, what do you think about it?


These are all the settings:


  • Store and display recently opened programs
    • Number of recent programs to display
  • Store and display recently opened items in Jump Lists
    • Number of recent items to display in Jump Lists
  • Delete history of recently opened programs and items at shutdown


  • Power button action
    • Turn off
    • Switch user
    • Logout
    • Block
    • Suspend
    • Reboot
  • Windows key action
    • Open the Start menu
    • Open the Start screen

Advanced Settings

  • Open submenus when stopping on them with your mouse pointer
  • Writing in the list view:
    • Write automatically in the Search box
    • Select the item written on the view
  • Apps
    • Show on All Programs menu
    • Do not display this item
  • System Administrative Tools
    • Show on All Programs menu
    • Do not display this item
  • Show pop-up description for Start menu items
  • Sort All Programs menu by name
  • Sort All Programs menu by category
  • Enable context menus and drag and drop
  • Highlight newly installed programs
  • Use small icons


  • Change start menu button
  • Hide the Ribbon
  • Enable transparency

The properties window also has a new icon with the same style as the Taskbar properties one.

I also want to add more settings to make it even more configurable.

Excuse my s***ty English, corrections are welcome :P I hope you like it.

Edited by Bizkit

It's nice concept but it's not StartIsBack.

The point of Start menu is to be a central place of the system to get to place you want as quickly / easily as possible.

Your concept does not solve any problems start menu has.

Try to concept having those problems / ideas in mind:

- Start menu should show as many things as possible without feeling too cramped or overblown

- Start menu should have all items accessible in 1 click

- All apps should show only useful items (programs), which are categorized somehow

- Start menu should show all items user can be interested in: programs, files, websites

- Start menu should show thumbnails for documents

- Modern apps should be in Start menu, but be distinguished

In other news, Windows 8.1 Build 9471 has leaked and SIB+ works there, although there's some minor issues.

Posted (edited)

Hi, Tihiy

I wonder how to prevent an application from appearing in MFU list?

Can you please add a feature to exclude programs from appearing in MFU list?

Edited by humanangle

Hi, Tihiy

I wonder how to prevent an application from appearing in MFU list?

Can you please add a feature to exclude programs from appearing in MFU list?

If you right-click a program and choose "Remove from this list" it should not reappear again. If you noticed that some program does, please tell me which program that is.

Posted (edited)

I just bought StartIsBack+ but when I add the code it say me this and it doesn't activate... can somebody help me please?

Invalid data type for "

Beta 4 works, RC doesn't


Edited by albza97

I just bought StartIsBack+ but when I add the code it say me this and it doesn't activate... can somebody help me please?

I guess something wrong in the registry. Do you have any error before you press Activate button?

Try uninstalling StartIsBack+ with checkbox 'Remove settings and license data'.

Posted (edited)

I just bought StartIsBack+ but when I add the code it say me this and it doesn't activate... can somebody help me please?

I guess something wrong in the registry. Do you have any error before you press Activate button?

Try uninstalling StartIsBack+ with checkbox 'Remove settings and license data'.

Yes, it shows this error also when I right-click start-botton and then click Properties, but then it opens :) and Start-Menù tab (in properties) its blank... i tryed unistalling (with "Remove settings and license data" checked) but nothing changed

Edited by albza97

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