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Is a /h key a really working? When I put it as parameter to restore original permissions for registry, install_wim_tweak just ignore it and take ownership again:

D:\Test>utils\install_wim_tweak /p Mount /h---------------------------------------------------Registry Tweak Tool v1.4.6.0----------------------for Windows 6.x----------------------Created by Michal Wnuowski-------------------Modified by Legolash2o-----------------------------------------------------MountPath : "Mount"------------------Starting-----------------Creating BKP of registry file...         OKMounting registry file...                OKTaking Ownership...                      OKEditing 'Packages' subkeys        571/571OKEditing 'PackagesPending' subkeys        FAIL - Key not existModifying registry completed sucessfully.-------------------Ending------------------Unmounting key...                        OK

have u check the list package available with dism command?

dism /image:"mounted drive" /get-packages > "path to save file"\"name of the list package file".txt 
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have u check the list package available with dism command?

dism /image:"mounted drive" /get-packages > "path to save file"\"name of the list package file".txt 

Yes, I realized that /h key doesn't restore original permissions for a registry but only hides back a packages. Will try to do it by SubinACL.

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have u check the list package available with dism command?

dism /image:"mounted drive" /get-packages > "path to save file"\"name of the list package file".txt 

Yes, I realized that /h key doesn't restore original permissions for a registry but only hides back a packages. Will try to do it by SubinACL.

kels have stated in the previous post :

*/d will not delete owners keys.

is that what u means? but u need to use that before unhide the hidden package...

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  • 1 month later...

So I used this to delete the pre installed flash on my computer because I have windows 8 and IE was fucking up but all other browsers are shitty with playing videos so I need IE back. Can anyone tell me how I can get flash for IE 11 back?

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  • 4 months later...

So I used this to delete the pre installed flash on my computer because I have windows 8 and IE was f***ing up but all other browsers are s***ty with playing videos so I need IE back. Can anyone tell me how I can get flash for IE 11 back?

 same thing here. want to know how i could re-install the built in flash? i know i could install flash from adobe.com, but is there a way to re-install the built in flash in win 8.1? Thanks guys :)

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  • 1 month later...

 same thing here. want to know how i could re-install the built in flash? i know i could install flash from adobe.com, but is there a way to re-install the built in flash in win 8.1?

You need to first extract the adobe flash .cab from a .wim that still has it. 


What's that ?  You don't know how to extract packages from a .wim, try Bubbles Super Nasty SFX Extractor Tool.  (written by myself and bubbles)  The trick apparently is to do all this under the TrustedInstaller account so that things extract properly (don't worry, instructions included).  It helps you create a package that can be re-inserted via DISM add-package command (or something similarly easy). 



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  • 4 months later...

I've uploaded 1.4.7 which just adds credits to Aviv00. I've noticed how bad/messy/un-organised the code is. :(


So if anyone is interested, I'm willing to tidy it up a bit? Possibly add a GUI to it (but still have the same commands).

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I've uploaded 1.4.7 which just adds credits to Aviv00. I've noticed how bad/messy/un-organised the code is. :(


So if anyone is interested, I'm willing to tidy it up a bit? Possibly add a GUI to it (but still have the same commands).


I wrote this a week or three ago, the packages tabpage is basically an install_wim_tweak gui.  It does wildcards, unhides single packages, pre-populated drop-down list, etc.  All credits to Lite8 / Aviv00 for the original idea back in 2008 that everyone has since stolen. 



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  • 1 month later...

Guys, I've a problem concerning Windows 7 SP1.


I downloaded the install image directly from Digital River. It is an official image of Windows 7 from Microsoft with Service Pack 1.


What bothers me is the fact that this image have 7600 SxS cache files, not just the indexes (manifests). Because when I do a "Light" version of Win7 ver7600 I got 1.5GB occupied on disk. When I try to repeat the procedure with Win7 ver7601 I got 3.4GB occupied on disk.


I am using install_wim_tweak.exe to unhide the packages, and when I remove them to hide them back again.


The other glitch is that I am unable to remove the following packages:


Basically these are Drivers packages, but I do not need them. When I try to remove them using DISM i got error: 1168.

And have to discard all changes on the image.


When i use install_wim_tweak with /r option I have an error message saying File not found. And when I check with dism /get-packages, the questioned ones are still there.


Checked the DISM logs, and I got there a lot of E_PATH_NOTFOUND and ACCESSDENIED errors.

It seems that a file is missing from these packages. How can I find which one is this file?


If I leave the mentioned packages untouched, and try to boot the 3.4GB "lighted" Win7ver7601 I always got:

'winload.exe' Windows cannot verify the digital signature for this file 

even before the install procedure had begun.


Of course I had pressed F8 choose

"Disable driver signing"


but then I got an error saying that classpnp.sys is not found. Which is not true because the file is located in \windows\system32\drivers\ and in the same time it is in the SxS cache directory.


Have you ever had a chance to modify Win7SP1 in any way using DISM and Install_wim_tweaks?

Edited by DreamworlD
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Of course you will have 7600 files, SP is an update to the RTM system, not a new system, it doesn't replace all of its components

install_wim_tweak /p C:\mount /c Microsoft-Windows-Common-Modem-Drivers-Packagedism /image:C:\Mount /remove-package /packagename:Microsoft-Windows-Common-Modem-Drivers-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~6.1.7601.17514install_wim_tweak /p C:\mount /h /c Microsoft-Windows-Common-Modem-Drivers-Package
Edited by abbodi1406
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm trying to use this tool to unlock permissions on a .wim mounted using DISM. Before I tried this tool on the mounted wim I tried adding driver packages and receive:


Unloading offline registry hive: {bf1a281b-ad7b-4476-ac95-f47682990ce7}C:/Mount/Windows/System32/config/SOFTWARE
2015-02-04 13:02:44, Info                  
CBS    Failed to unload offline registry: {bf1a281b-ad7b-4476-ac95-f47682990ce7}C:/Mount/Windows/System32/config/SOFTWARE, the client may still need it open. [hrESULT = 0x80070005 - E_ACCESSDENIED]
There is a similar error for config\SYSTEM,SECURITY,SAM,COMPONENTS, and DEFAULT. I have set administrator to the owner of these files and given full control with the intent to set back after.
I receive the same error even after having run: install_wim_tweak.exe /p <MountPath>
I'm still getting the same error. Is there a way to use this wim_tweak tool to get rid of the error and allow the addition of the driver packages? I think I need to unlock these registry keys maybe? I have ran both the wim_tweak tool and DISM as admin so I don't believe that is the issue. Also added an exclusion to AV so it isn't scanning the mount location.
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  • 5 months later...

i was removing Adobe Flash Package manually through PowerShell.

Needless to say this is much easier!


Tested, confirmed.




Edited by ElChapo
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  • 3 weeks later...

Would be nice to have some gui for the noobs like me, i usually use wintoolkit because i can see what i whant to do or not do.


I dont understand  DISM functions, imagex  etc ...


Or maybe a new wintoolkit  who wil unhide the component packages.


I have tried install_wim_tweak but i have registry file errors, i am trying to modify an install.wim file to remove like : cortana, xbox  ....  from my windows 8.1 x64,   do i need  more files ??



Edited by coromonadalix
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  • 2 weeks later...

I thought I'd make a friendly request here for someone to compile the latest version of install_wim_tweak to run on .NET4(.6). This way, one shouldn't have install an entire .NET runtime on Windows 10 in order remove a couple of components.

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