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  • 3 weeks later...
Taking Ownership...                      FAIL
Unhandled error occured.
Method not found: 'Void System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.StructureToPtr(!!0, IntPtr, Boolean)'.

No matter what version of .net I try this always happens. Any ideas? 

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  • 3 months later...

Hello there!
I'm trying to prepare bloatware-free Win8.1x64 Pro image using subj tool.
All's going fine until I try to deploy result image on target system: setup process reports that image is corrupted with something about "image is not servicable" - blah-blah and stops the process. OK, i tried another way - first deploy image, next remove bloatware using tool and then capture image. This way fails at sysprep stage and it looks normally because sysprep usually needs all the App-X installed for the user also to be in the system storage, but we have removed them the previous step using the tool.
Has anybody tried to do something similar? Does the subj tool break the sysprep functionalyty and as the result all the windows deployeing/capturing functionalyty?

Edited by kirill_ant
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  • 2 months later...
9 hours ago, WOLFRAM said:

I recompiled win6x_registry_tweak under visual studio 2017 ,but the output error is always the same :(

Wait a minute, from the screenshot you are running it without any command line option?

I.e. what happens with:

install_wim_tweak.exe /p <MountPath> /l

This will list all the packages available in the selected image and write them to a text file in the same directory.


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On 21/10/2017 at 6:56 PM, jaclaz said:

Wait a minute, from the screenshot you are running it without any command line option?

I.e. what happens with:

install_wim_tweak.exe /p <MountPath> /l

This will list all the packages available in the selected image and write them to a text file in the same directory.


jaclaz,ma vai a fare in culo.

Edited by WOLFRAM
Cuz im dumb
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I don't get it. :w00t:

If you use DISM to remove a package you don't need the install_wim_tweak.exe, in any case -  it is perfectly possible, that - for whatever reasons - it keeps *somehow*  hooked the .wim (or mountpoint) in such a way that DISM has later issues with accessing it, but what is the rationale about running it (if not to list or unhide or remove some packages)?

On the other hand, if issued without any command parameters, it may well NOT "lock" the .wim/mountpoint (because essentially it does nothing). :dubbio:


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1 hour ago, jaclaz said:

I don't get it. :w00t:

If you use DISM to remove a package you don't need the install_wim_tweak.exe, in any case -  it is perfectly possible, that - for whatever reasons - it keeps *somehow*  hooked the .wim (or mountpoint) in such a way that DISM has later issues with accessing it, but what is the rationale about running it (if not to list or unhide or remove some packages)?

On the other hand, if issued without any command parameters, it may well NOT "lock" the .wim/mountpoint (because essentially it does nothing). :dubbio:


Sto usando il tool win6x_registry_tweak per poter sbloccare i pacchetti nascosti che in default su dism non sono visibili...cosa non hai capito ?

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  • 1 month later...

Hi guys,

Does this tool remove registry keys or packages?

Because, I still see the removed packges (/c /r) inside the image.


I did the same question 8 months ago... no answer.

So let's do some spam.

Does this tool remove registry keys or packages?

How does it work?

Does it work?

No errors and no packages removed.

No errors and no packages removed.

No errors and no packages removed.

No tv and no beer make Homer go crazy.

No tv and no beer make Homer go crazy.

No tv and no beer make Homer go crazy.


It works only if quotation marks are used (eg. "SystemRestore").


I tried to remove System Restore in online mode and it worked, now I try in offline...


Completely useless...

It removes nothing in offline mode.

I don't need it.

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Ok I did some tests, as I did some months ago (this is not the first time I try to use this tool).

So here are the conclusions:

-It DOES NOT remove anything in OFFLINE MODE.

-Use DISM instead (after you have unhided the packages) or use the tool in ONLINE mode.

-These packages (removed with DISM) break Windows Setup:

Windows Client Language Pack

Windows Client Drivers

Windows Common Drivers

-Internet Explorer package removal breaks MMC (you can remove optional and troubleshooter packages).

-Some packages cannot be removed in DISM (error 0x800F0805), but they can be removed with install_wim_tweak in Online Mode.


Edited by Mark7ones
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  • 2 years later...

hi there i saw ur youtube video on how to uninstall microsfot

edge i just credted my free accont on uir site here. but sitll do not understnad

how do i acutallly do the uninstall of the micrsoftre edege and where is the link

for the uninstall ap u spoken about

cannot see it eiuther pls help me out thank u


i saw this video on yotube

so  hope u guys do support ur members writing 

utube urls that is allowed too.


best regards from rasmus  a guy from


 that is having problems with removing the edge ap i do run

windows 10 64 by the way.




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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Modified version of this tool floating around the www:





For example. Sha256 of modified install_wim_tweaks.exe: AFBF22880D0129F8B11B1A5876F175C874F52C8572CB5C4BEDA3C528241A8E6C

Pretty sure this is malware, as I get an alert from Defender when running it and it does max out my gdd once it ran.

Any idea what this is?

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