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Posted (edited)

Has long since there was not a look at the website, I saw today that version 3.0 came out so did the new translation in Portuguese Brazil


I always use in miniXP but now with the new version I can not load the language because it is a DLL, is there any way to load the language manually?

Sorry, bad English im use Google Translator

Edited by tiagotecno

Posted (edited)

Doing a "trial-run" in VMWare I am getting this:


I have already tested the source, it is in fact the OS in which I start WinNTSetup from, no issues installing that.


Edited by tordenflesk

Sorry for the delay.

Dear JFX. Could you add to your program support files *.esd?

No, that sadly not possible. ESD files are just encrypted WIM files like password protected RaR files.
But I'm not aware of any possibility to use them with the WIMGAPI library.

Thanks for the new language.
There currently no way to manually load a language.
But with v3.04 a file called "language.dll" in the Lang will always be preferred.
So you can have loaded your language independent to the host os language


Never seen such an error message. Do you have a modded XP source?

Posted (edited)

The following regtweak is no longer present for Win7 using 3.0:


Some tweaks do not always apply to a specific system, so is there any way to only show the applicable tweaks for a given system?

i.e. Boot to Desktop, etc. don't apply to Win7, but you can still select them.

Edited by click-click

Yeah, the TakeOwnership tweak should not have been added at to version 2 and is now removed.

Would be easy to hide the last 3 tweaks from GUI, if and older OS ins set to be installed.

But it's that necessary or would a better description be more useful?


Update v 3.05

- mount system drive check box is gone

- tweaks that are not compatible with the OS to install are now hidden

- new cmdline option to load a language, ex.: -lng:1234 will load the file Lang\1234.dll


Yeah, the TakeOwnership tweak should not have been added at to version 2 and is now removed.

Would be easy to hide the last 3 tweaks from GUI, if and older OS ins set to be installed.

But it's that necessary or would a better description be more useful?

Sorry for not getting back to your question. Looks like you already made your decision with 3.05 so thanks

for that. Either way would have been fine.


There are 2 tweaks of which first breaks (aka gets "fixed" by Windows) really fast and second, which stopped working after 2 months.

JFX, I wan't to know, how to reapply the following tweaks:

Turn off USB Device after safe remove

Disable Security Warning for downloaded files


Could you include a separate tool for reapplying tweaks in download by default?



Save following as *.reg file and double click it to re-enable these 2 tweaks.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Attachments]"SaveZoneInformation"=dword:00000001[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\usbhub\hubg]"DisableOnSoftRemove"=dword:00000001

A separate tool isn't really necessary, is it?


Thanks for the info! Seems it's the fast boot feature of Windows 8 that reset the hibernate option.

Should now be fixed.

BTW: What software you using to create the video?

Posted (edited)

Disable Hibernate is working OK now - tested for Install of Win 8.1 x64 Enterprise

Thanks for the Update to version 3.06 :)

I have used FastStone Capture 7.6 to make the Video
This Screen Recorder is indeed very handy to make a Video :)
You can Select a Rectangular Area of the screen e.g. 960x540 in my case
and it has a Hotkey to Pause / Resume Ctrl + F11
Edited by wimb


Save following as *.reg file and double click it to re-enable these 2 tweaks.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Attachments]"SaveZoneInformation"=dword:00000001[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\usbhub\hubg]"DisableOnSoftRemove"=dword:00000001

Okay, this is wierd. I DO have both entries in my registry still, but my Windows (7 SP1 64-bit) is somewhy ignoring them. Either my Windows got seriously corrupted (in just 2 months of usage, mainly playing GW) or there's another place, which has higher priority than registry modifications. Which makes me ask, if no viruses, then which piece of legit software messes up my system like that... I wonder if registry cleaners (CCleaner, Glary's, Auslogics) may add their own adjustments to system... or maybe those NSA terrorists planted a secret door in my system through GW. :lol:


I noticed in the last few versions of WinNTsetup that it no longer accepts an ini file using a name other than WinNTSetup.ini. For example, the following shortcut is ignored

C:\Toolbx\WinNTSetup\WinNTSetup_x86.exe nt5 -configfile:XP_WinNTSetup.ini

I have various ini files that I use depending on which system I'm building. WinNTSetup only uses

WinNTSetup.ini if present, otherwise it uses a default and ignores anything else.



Hmm that's really wierd. I'm not a fan of registry cleaner, tuners or whatever, but even these could not override these setting without deleting them.

Security warning will remain for all files, only new wants should be free of it.

Can't remember which software adds this warning to downloaded files. Think it was IE, Chrome and mybe Firefox, too.

But Opera never did this :)


It's shorter now:

C:\Toolbx\WinNTSetup\WinNTSetup_x86.exe nt5 -cfg:XP_WinNTSetup.ini

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