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WinNTSetup v5.3.5.2


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@ilko_t & BlueLife,

happy you like it :)

@ click-click

with windows vista and later most system files belong the "Trusted Installer", no sure why this is so.

At least this is no real security feature, since every elevated process can simply change the ownership.

Windows 7 have takeown.exe and icacls.exe to change the rights, but if you also need to do this under Windows XP, SetACL is a better option.

Here a batch file example to change the permission of 3 files, so everyone with admin rights can use them, as he like.

@echo off
for %%c in ("D:\Windows\System32\eventvwr.msc"
) do (

SetACL.exe -ot file -on "%%c" -actn setowner -ownr "n:S-1-5-32-544;s:y"
SetACL.exe -ot file -on "%%c" -actn ace -ace "n:S-1-5-32-544;p:full;s:y"

Not sure what the problem with power schemes and the reg file is, can you give more details?

Also there is powercfg.exe that can export and import power settings.


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This looks interesting. I believe the the power reg entries that I am trying to change are also protected. I need to start an install for Win7 to get the security attributes for the keys, but your idea about export/import sounds good.

SetACL looks very promising and your sample does the trick. What I would like to do is restore the original permissions after replacing the .msc files. I did a list with the -bckp option, but it won''t restore the original settings.

SetACL.exe -on w:\windows\system32\eventvwr.msc -ot file -actn list -bckp evwrACL


I can't change the owner back to S-1-5-80-956008885-3418522649-1831038044-1853292631-2271478464 and if I try to change the Administrators permission back to read_ex, it still shows full.

C:\>SetACL.exe -ot file -on "c:\Windows\System32\eventvwr.msc" -actn ace -ace "n:S-1-5-32-544;p:read_ex;s:y"
INFORMATION: Processing ACL of: <\\?\c:\Windows\System32\eventvwr.msc>
SetACL finished successfully.

C:\>SetACL.exe -ot file -on "c:\Windows\System32\eventvwr.msc" -actn setowner -ownr "n:S-1-5-80;s:y"
INFORMATION: Processing ACL of: <\\?\c:\Windows\System32\eventvwr.msc>
SetACL finished successfully.

C:\>SetACL.exe -ot file -on "c:\Windows\System32\eventvwr.msc" -actn setowner -ownr "n:S-1-5-80-956008885-3418522649-1831038044-1853292631-2271478464;s:y"
INFORMATION: Processing ACL of: <\\?\c:\Windows\System32\eventvwr.msc>
SetACL finished successfully.

SetACL.exe -on w:\windows\system32\eventvwr.msc -ot file -actn list

SetACL finished successfully.

I guess I haven't caught on how to correctly use SetACL yet. Thanks for any help. :blushing:

Edited by click-click
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:blink: I use it to install windows 7 from pe(XP based) and select both the boot drive and installation drive as C(first and primary partition of hdd)

:w00t: OK everything goes well...

:wacko: Then after installation finished,I go to "my computer" and I found my OS partition becomes the letter D ..... :wacko: and it's unchangeable ...

I tried again with other option such as change the instdrive to D or mount installation drive as D,but still have some letter errors: in my computer there comes a virtual partition B,it is the same as C(now C is the OS partition)....

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hi zomk777,

that interesting, someone else already report me that the "drive letter preassignment" option can assign 2 letter for a partition.

I could never reproduce this, but mountvol.exe should be able to removed the wrong drive letters. :unsure:

The assignment of the system drive letter always works well for me.

One think that maybe help finding the problem:

- after winntsetup finished load the the offline system hive and save the MountedDevices key:

reg load HKLM\SYS C:\Windows\system32\config 
reg export HKLM\SYS\MountedDevices C:\MountedDevices_before_Reboot.reg
reg unload HKLM\SYS

reboot and let installation continue, after new windows has booted to desktop

export the new MountedDevices key

reg export HKLM\System\MountedDevices C:\MountedDevices_after_Setup.reg

please send me both reg files


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hi zomk777,

that interesting, someone else already report me that the "drive letter preassignment" option can assign 2 letter for a partition.

I could never reproduce this, but mountvol.exe should be able to removed the wrong drive letters. :unsure:

The assignment of the system drive letter always works well for me.

One think that maybe help finding the problem:

- after winntsetup finished load the the offline system hive and save the MountedDevices key:

reg load HKLM\SYS C:\Windows\system32\config 
reg export HKLM\SYS\MountedDevices C:\MountedDevices_before_Reboot.reg
reg unload HKLM\SYS

reboot and let installation continue, after new windows has booted to desktop

export the new MountedDevices key

reg export HKLM\System\MountedDevices C:\MountedDevices_after_Setup.reg

please send me both reg files


Hi, thanks for your reply,but i am sorry that i had format my partition after i find the assignment error.so i can't give u my reg file :unsure:

But i used another inst tool and everything goes well (I choose both Inst & boot drive as C),It is also based on Fujianabc's NT6 Fast Installer,but Its interface is Chinese...

hope you can find its code and get something useful. :yes:


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Well no problem.

this Win$Man is zhhsh new version, looks very good :thumbup

I guess the main difference is that this app and Fujianabc's NT6 Fast Installer read the MountedDevices of the current running system and I calculate them.

But this should be a more accurate solution, especially in WinPE 1.x, where MountedDevices is not very reliable.

Anyways, good there are alternatives that works :)


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Update: Version

- accept nativeVHD Boot for Embedded editions

- fixed wrong reported partition as active primary

- suppress boot configuration error on mounted Vmware/imdisk disk

- added Option to automatically reboot after setup finished

- added Command line switches

- /nt6, /nt5 or /vhd have to be the first parameter all other don't require any order

- does not matters if -paramter or /Parameter

- give paths can be relative (to WinNTSetup_x??.exe)

- if a path includes spaces enclose it with " "

- /nt6 or /nt5 - will let winntsetup know which os to install (nt6: for vista and later, nt5 for XP/2003)

- /source:(path) - defines the installation sources (for nt5 the root of the windows CD, for nt6 the install.wim file)

- /syspart:(driveletter:) - defines the driveletter you want as boot drive

- /tempdrive:(driveletter:) - defines the driveletter you want as installation drive

- /unattend:(file) - defines the path of the unattend file (winnt.sif or unattend.xml)

- /drivers:(path) - defines the path to a drivers folder you want to use

- /wimindex:n - defines the edition inside install.wim which should be installed beginning with 1 (like in the combo box Edition)

- /setupwait - will push the setup button and show you the proceed page

- /setup - will start the setup

- /reboot - will automaticly reboot 30 seconds after setup finished

- /forceunsigned - (only for installing Windows 7) will let the driver integration accept unsigned drives

- /testsigning - will set testsigning flag for the new Windows installation

- /disableuac - will disable User Account Control

- /Sysletter:{Letter} - will define the systemdrive letter the new windows installation will have

- /SaveDriveLetters - will save the current driveletter assaignment for the new windows installation

- /Uxtheme - will patch the uxtheme related dll's to enable the use of custom msstyles files

- /nobootsect - will not update BootSector and Master Boot Record

- /RunAfter:{command} - will run a command before reboot

- /cfg:{inifile} - load settings from ini file

- /HiveFix:{inffile] - use a special inf, to customize setup

- /vhd

- /create

- /VHDFile:{path} - defines the full path for the new VHD file

- /VHDSize:{size} - defines the size in MB or GB (ex. 25600MB or 25GB)

- /VHDType:{type} - defines the type of VHD: fixed, expandable or fixedfast

---- optional ----

- /VHDLabel:{Label} - label for the vhd partition

- /VHDAlig:{Alig} - Allignment (32|64|128|256|512|1024|2048) of the partition

- /VHDAllo:{Allo} - Allocation unit (512|1024|2048|4096|8192|16K|32K|64K) of the partition

- /mount - attach a VHD to system


- /unmount - detach a VHD from system



- Install Windows7 Ultimate (usually Wimindex 5) to drive C:, using unattend.xml file and define driver to integrate.

Use C: as driveletter for the new Win installation, run set_7_usb_boot.cmd before rebooting

WinNTSetup2_x86.exe -NT6 -source:G:\sources\install.wim -WimIndex:5 -syspart:C: -tempdrive:C: -unattend:"unattend\Win7x86_Ultimate_en.xml"
-ForceUnsigned -drivers:"D:\driver_Win7x86" -Sysletter:C -RunAfter:"set_7_usb_boot.cmd C:\windows" -setup -reboot

- Install Windows XP to drive D:, where boot drive is C:, using unattend file [app dir]\unattend\winnt.sif,

integrate drivers [app dir]\XP_drivers, finsih install and reboot. But does not change MBR and BPR

WinNTSetup2_x86.exe -NT5 -source:E:\XPCD -syspart:C: -tempdrive:D: -unattend:"unattend\winnt.sif" -drivers:"XP_drivers" -setup -reboot -nobootsect

- creating a 25GB fixed VHD file

WinNTSetup2_x86.exe -VHD -create -VHDFile:"C:\my.vhd" -VHDSize:25GB -VHDType:fixed

-attach vdisk "C:\my.vhd"

WinNTSetup2_x86.exe -VHD -unmount -VHDFile:"C:\my.vhd"

-detach vdisk "C:\my.vhd"

WinNTSetup2_x86.exe -VHD -mount -VHDFile:"C:\my.vhd"

feel free to ask or comment about commandline ;)


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  • 2 weeks later...

:blink: I use it to install windows 7 from pe(XP based) and select both the boot drive and installation drive as C(first and primary partition of hdd)

:wacko: Then after installation finished,I go to "my computer" and I found my OS partition becomes the letter D ..... :wacko: and it's unchangeable ...

Thought about it, one reason that it use D: instead of the selected C: could be when the the installation drive is a removable drive.

Currently drive letter assignment only works for fixed disks.

Don't think this will be fixed soon, so If a direct installation of windows to usb is need it's better to use Fujianabc's NT6 Fast Installer.


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  • 2 months later...

Hi, sorry for my english but i've got some problem when i try to install windows vista

i've got this message :


maybe it's because it is a french install disk but how can i correct this message ?

I'm using a winPE 1.0 disk for do the job (Gena Winbuild)

it's working perfectly for win XP

thanks in advance

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Hi Killerdog,

is your Windows Vista a original or modified Windows source (maybe a integrated lanaguage pack)?

The bootstr.dll.mui file is a resource only file, so there should not be a problem, installing Vista x64 from a x86 Winpe.

Maybe the file C:\Windows\System32\fr-FR\bootstr.dll.mui got corrupted during copy. :unsure:


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my vista wim is a AIO version i made from both x86 and x64 disk

i've got the same problem with Seven, and it's an original dvd (both x86 and x64).

i have the same problem with nt6.x fast installer.

i've see this post on reboot pro. but i can't find what i need to do exactely.

temporaly i use the method of Steve6375 on the RMPrepUSB website, but unfortunatly it's work with seven, but with vista it can't find the "Sources/INSTALL.WIM" file (i think it don't load firadisk correctly).

so for now i've got a working solution, but very dirty.

install seven thru steve6375 method; install xp with WinNTSetup v2 (thru a winpe iso); install vista directly from my external hard disk (direct copy of all the directory to the root partition and add a BCD entry to launch the setup.

it's very dirty and i'm not happy with this.

i need some help.


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i test the new version of gena, but it don't solve my problem.

i've got a message that want to install in my external disk M: (where i launch gena with syslinux) when i select the internal disk C: .

i've already have this message in the past and don't know why.

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