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WinNTSetup v5.3.5.2


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I always advertise WinNTSetup to as many people as possible, among others on the MDL forum.

One of the users there tried it, with the "No Defender" tweak, and left the comment below. I have to say I haven't had any problems like that, but then again I haven't tested W11-24h2 that much yet (only tested it to see if I could live with it if I ever have no other options). But I wanted to leave his comment here, to see what you guys think of this. Here it comes:

(About the "No Defender" tweak):

"When I tried this on IoT LTSC 2024 I noticed that reputation based protection in settings was enabled and I could not disable it so I had to re install and disable defender in other way. On my 26100 Enterprise G it is showing as disabled. So maybe it's better to not disable WD this way on IoT or perhaps both versions of LTSC 2024."

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It is great to know we publicize what we do, in an atmosphere of sharing digital wellbeing. Just out of curiosity, do they have a section or group devoted to making windows smaller and running it on ram in MDL?

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Antonino, MDL is a great forum with some very clever developers (I'm sure you heard of Abbodi1406's script collection), why not join there and open a topic? A little "warning" though: Don't be discouraged by some of the most active users that seem to have nothing better to do than criticize other people. Just ignore them and calmly wait for serious reactions from users that maybe only have time to post once a week, due to busy jobs etc.

This patient approach can be difficult, I know, but it's the only way to "survive".

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Posted (edited)

The MDL user I mentioned did some more research. Sorry for the dirty cut-and-pase, but my previously edited message disappeared when I tried to post it here:


(My question was: "What is 'reputation based protection'?")



I try to disable it but it doesn't want to.


I also tried to disable it from registry and policy editor but it was still enabled.
Probably happens only on IoT version.

Edit: I did some tests. It happens on both IoT and non IoT version of LTSC 2024.
When I don't disable Defender with WinNTSetup I can disable Smartscreen.
I tested to disable Defender with a script from TairikuOkami "Microsoft Defender Disable.bat"


(Windows Defender quarantines the script so disable tamper and real time protection first) and both Defender and Smartscreen was disabled after using the script. So it is the way WinNTSetup disables Defender that is the problem. You can contact the dev and report it. Thanks


Edited by Atari800XL
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It's just a problem with settings app. It properly tries to communicate with Defender and does not get any respond. 

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So now we need to know (from that MDL user or by testing) if Smartscreen is -actually- enabled or not.

Het mentioned it was set to "on", without the option to turn it off, but I will ask if that is actually the case. It might be a problem in that case.

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Posted (edited)

for atari,

thank you ever so much for your answer, I do not mind weird people's attitudes, so I will cope with what u said of them, ... but, btw, why can't we have the same here as well? as for the strange dialogue with wd, I have not had it installed for ages, so I am not the one to give proper advice there.

for jfx,

win11 has 128, win 10 2015 has 16, what is the optimal size for loading the vhd into ram thru svbus, if there is one?


Edited by Antonino
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  • 2 weeks later...

Need to keep the folder \Windows\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell
! \Windows\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell
Invalid, only folder name, no reserved files in the folder

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The above writing style, only the directory files will be retained, the directory folders will not be retained.

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Posted (edited)
On 6/23/2024 at 4:40 AM, wuliyen said:


The above writing style, only the directory files will be retained, the directory folders will not be retained.

Yes, MinWin focus on deleting files. It's unusual to delete complete folder and than want to keep it.

In that case, use wildcard pattern:



Edited by JFX
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Tick "Use Classic 'legacy' boot menu Legacy" from Boot Menu Style set Policies to attempt force disabled Hiberboot (=Disabled Fast Startup) with HiberbootEnabled=0 in
"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System" and "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System" (this last seems wrong, if we look at ADMX).
but these Policies doesn't work and they are not required.
Need to be replaced by HiberbootEnabled=0 set in "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Power" location

(sorry for my wording)

Edited by Sonic
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v5.3.5.1 crash when I click "Setup" button after selecting Boot part then Windows part without source (ok if I select a source)
v5.3.5 is ok without source (used to post install boot/integrate drivers/reg tweaks ...)

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9 hours ago, Antonino said:

So, what are we supposed to do to right these wrongs?

sorry for my wording, I've re-re-re-edited my post.

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