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Posted (edited)

hi dimo&Co., thanx very much for the update, it all looks pretty carefully organized, which fascinates me. I see u have prepared a wizard, but since I am not familiar with it, would u pls "wizard" me thru the wizard? thanx in advance for this undertaking. in other words, where do I start from and how do I go about baking a minwinned vhd according to u?

woops, I guess I have put a foot on my mouth - by wizard above, I meant, quite wrongly, a real or imaginary wizard that would guide the user to baking a vhd from scratch (imagine buying a softwareless computer that u have to feed with os and everything). Now I have found out that "download with wizard" had nothing to do with the technicalities of vhd-making, but it was about downloading the new nthelper on a special basis. The initial misunderstanding was due to my realizing (after downloading the software the regular way) that dimo has placed a lot of software which I reckoned would stand the well-informed in good stead for baking a minwinned version of the os from scratch in a semi- or fully-automatic way. if it is not the case, pls accept my apologies and do not consider my plea. 

Edited by Antonino
Posted (edited)

at the outset, I can say that my autounattend.xml appears to take out more than ur win7-11-auto.xml, but I am willing to integrate whatever I find useful of urs into mine. As far as the customizing of ur software is concerned, I have started it all from winntsetup.exe, but I am sure u have setup quite an overall automation process worth my while learning. then again, if it is not so, pls ignore my plea.

Edited by Antonino
Posted (edited)
On 5/27/2024 at 6:20 PM, JFX said:

That's because vmware mounts in the user session and WinNTSetup now uses TrustedInstaller for WIM operations.
You can get back old behavior by adding this to WinNTSetup.ini



i tried this before as write my question, but this dont help me, same error.


On 5/27/2024 at 6:20 PM, JFX said:

However VMware did removed the buggy disk mapping in version 17, so maybe better to mount the VDMK with OFSMount.


its sad cuz i use 15.6 its last for my windows 7.

ofs mount can mount partition without snapshots by vmware?

On 5/27/2024 at 6:20 PM, JFX said:

This allow you to mount as physical disk and the capture won't have problems with special files like WIMBoot pointer files.

i see u uploadeв new version, i will testing it then.


ps i tested new version, it did captured image from mounted by vmware! thank u very much!

Edited by Wu-Tang
Posted (edited)

Well, I guess dimo&Co. did a great job, which must be reckoned with, especially by way of cooperation for the sake of higher aims ahead!!!

So I am willing to integrate all our efforts in the name of "what looks unnecessary today might be vital tomorrow"

I am going for the smallest most efficient custom build, which is no doubt an oximoron - unprobable but still possible, so I think I might integrate what can be useful for me of what the others have done. and the same goes mutually for all the rest of u and us. so, if only I could understand all the steps that must be taken to complete dimo's steps, I guess all the effort will not have been in vain.

Edited by Antonino
Posted (edited)

one more thing: would anybody tell me what is the real difference between one vhd that does load in ram (as a ramdisk) and another that does not? even though they have been built, defragmented and configured in the same way, what does the former have that the latter does not? is there an a-priori way of detecting that one does and the other one doesn't, so that the one that does not load in ram can be made to load in ram by adding or doing something necessary for the purpose? 

Edited by Antonino

Tell me, does Win7-11-Select.xml support the <ProductKey> parameter?
How to correctly write <ProductKey> in Win7-11-Select.xml?
For example, this M7XTQ-FN8P6-TTKYV-9D4CC-J462D for switching to LTSC 1809. Thank you.


No, <ProductKey> is not supported with WinNTSetup's direct WIM apply.

Maybe you can use FirstLogonCommands to run: slmgr /ipk M7XTQ-FN8P6-TTKYV-9D4CC-J462D

3 hours ago, JFX said:

No, <ProductKey> is not supported with WinNTSetup's direct WIM apply.

Maybe you can use FirstLogonCommands to run: slmgr /ipk M7XTQ-FN8P6-TTKYV-9D4CC-J462D

Ok, worked great. Thank you

2 hours ago, Nikolay said:

Hi, why is your msr partition 128 MB and not 16mb?

Because older Windows versions used a 128 MB MSR partition.

The default unattend and diskpart scripts should work for all OS,
but you are free to edit them or add your own.

Posted (edited)

Yes, Windows 10 2015 version already uses a 16 MB partition.

Edited by JFX

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