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WinNTSetup v5.3.5.2


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2 hours ago, JFX said:

That path is invalid, some API's will misunderstand "..\Tools" to be the parent directory.
I doubt you could even open that folder in windows explorer.

5.3.3b works perfectly well

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JFX, is there a way to write directory for searching wim files sources via ini file, or some other way? For example i use 2 part flash drive and in second NTFS part i have \sources folder with various folders inside with wim files. But when i press button for wim source it opens just current folder

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Thanks, seems usefull


PS:  I try but noting import in .txt found with scanfiles.cmd

Maybe better include ability scanning for sources in next version of WinNTSetup?

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sorry about changing the subject - would anyone tell me how to change the default x: vhd drive into any other one when creating it in winntsetup? me, I would be better off having i: as the default vhd drive instead.

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On 2/19/2024 at 1:06 PM, dimo70 said:

Maybe better include ability scanning for sources in next version of WinNTSetup?

I don't plan any new version. Create your own tool for scanning or modify the scanfiles.cmd to your need.


16 hours ago, Antonino said:

sorry about changing the subject - would anyone tell me how to change the default x: vhd drive into any other one when creating it in winntsetup? me, I would be better off having i: as the default vhd drive instead.

Change it with Disk management or bootice and hit F5 in WinNTSetup.

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great jfx, what u suggest is what I have done so far; what I was advocating is actually changing the default x: drive letter - is it hardcoded in the exe file or can I go to a txt or ini file and change it in there?

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I apply such a filter in System32-DLL.txt, example

18362 \Windows\System32\systemcpl.dll

In Server 2019 (17763) the file is not deleted, in Win11 (22635) it is deleted, as I need

In NetFX.txt I do this

18362 \Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.Windows.ServerManager.Common\*

But the folder is deleted in both Server 2019 and Win11

If there is a way to make the filter work in NetFX.txt? Thank you.

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I've never had this problem before when applying an image with Winntsetup to a partition or a vhd, but now I'm having a problem applying to a vhd.
When I boot the image, I get  the following msg after the installing devices phase:


The apply image is not broken because it installs fine to a partition. What could be the problem with the install to vhd and how to fix?

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Where did you set the boot drive to?  This happens to me when I make the VHD but I forgot or deleted it's internal ESP partition later, before clicking at WnNTSetup's final button to start the process....

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6 hours ago, sakatgg said:

But the folder is deleted in both Server 2019 and Win11

If there is a way to make the filter work in NetFX.txt? Thank you.

Are you sure you don't delete it somewhere else. Lines that get skipped will be logged:


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3 hours ago, click-click said:

The apply image is not broken because it installs fine to a partition. What could be the problem with the install to vhd and how to fix?

Start by looking at the log files: \Windows\Panther.
Maybe your BCD is a bit unusual are edit it to much with bootice.

Maybe you some alternative boot manager.

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Well, whatever it was, I can't recreate the problem above right now. Things are working again. It may have been caused because I renamed an OS Title that appears in the boot selection menu. I want to keep a test VHD that always shows the same name in the boot menu no matter what OS gets installed in it, but Winntsetup always uses the name from the OS in the image when it updates the BCD for that VHD. Is there a way to tell WinntSetup to use a different name for the OS Title?




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