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WinNTSetup v5.3.5.2


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OnePiece is absolutely correct here, it's a WInNTSetup issue.

I only parse dosnet.inf to create the boot files, but not txtsetup.sif to create $WIN_NT$.~LS folder.

Instead the complete folder is copied.

While this is of course not the right solution, it much faster.

But It only works flawless as long no files are renamed or new created during $WIN_NT$.~LS population.

And so it always was with official and unchanged sources.

Well, I won't change that anymore, but adding a small check for these 6 files shouldn't be a problem.

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Thanks JFX, that's a very clear explanation (even for me...).

So you think you can add a special "OnePiece UItimate Post-SP3 pack" check? That would be great, no need to add them manually then...

I couldn't fully understand, but these 5 files (or six?), are the only "problem cases"?

Once again, thank you very much...

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In the meantime, Nonno Fabio has added another workaround/ solution to modify the new updatepack specially for WinNTSetup:


Everybody's so friendly and helpful!!!

I will test this later today, if it works, then maybe there's no need to change anything in WinNTSetup, but of course that's up to JFX, I guess checking the files won't hurt either?


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I couldn't fully understand, but these 5 files (or six?), are the only "problem cases"?

Yes, the 6 files (you forget sqmapi.dll) seams to be the only problem.

Beta 2 is online making copies of these files after copying them.

Also I removed EFI boot files creation if no EFI system partition is selected as boot drive.

If no further issues, this one will be final.

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OK, here's the deal:

Test 1: Took Nonno Fabio's tips to edit entries.ini, zipped up new pack, made new iso. Tested: Didn't help.

Test 2: Used new WinNTSetup beta2: Also didn't help

So it looks like JFX's original suggestion was the most simple and the only effective one so far: Just manually add the files to the iso.

JFX, if it's up to me, you can remove the new "copy the 6 files" feature in beta 2, the previous version worked perfectly well as long as I add the files manually... (just for the record: beta2 doesn't "hurt" when I add the files manually, it just seems unnecessary now.).

Edited by Atari800XL
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So it looks like JFX's original suggestion was the most simple and the only effective one so far: Just manually add the files to the iso.

JFX, if it's up to me, you can remove the new "copy the 6 files" feature in beta 2, the previous version worked perfectly well as long as I add the files manually... (just for the record: beta2 doesn't "hurt" when I add the files manually, it just seems unnecessary now.).

Maybe so, but if JFX can resolve the issue so that nothing needs to be manually done, that would truly be the best solution and would probably help head off future potential unknown problems as well.

As you said above, it is very nice and refreshing to see developers helping out both users and other developers to come up with the best solution for everyone.

Cheers and Regards

Edited by bphlpt
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bphlpt, thanks, and yes, I agree with you. It's up to JFX...

I will test the new beta2 again with an unmodified OnePiece pack (maybe 2 or 3 more times), but if it still doesn't work, I really don't want to "bother" JFX with it anymore, specially when the "manual" method works OK.

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The copying done in beta2 will not cause any problems.

But it actually should solve the problem, at least it does here with unchanged English and German ONEPIECE update packs.

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Well sorry, I screwed up yesterday (must have had my tests messed up somehow).

The new beta2 works perfectly on the new (unchanged) Nonno pack, I can confirm.

Works with both "XPSP3 with NonnoPack" and "XPSP3 with NonnoPack + slightly nLited".

To be sure that beta2 indeed is the solution here, I tested again with the previous WinNTSetup version, and as expected, the 5 files were not found. For that case, there's the "add the files manually" solution.

So the new beta2 is VERY welcome after all! :thumbup

Sorry for confusing things... :unsure:

EDIT: To make this post slightly more useful, I would like to add a little plug (advertisement) for Nonno's new pack. One of the great things about it is that you can enter these settings in Winnt.sif, to turn off certain components you don't need in a setup:

(and of course, with WinNTSetup it's easy to have more than one Winnt.sif around).


WDSearch = off

These are the components you can add here (use the component name on the left only, followed by "= off").

BitLockerToGo = BitLocker To Go Reader
BrowserChoice = Browser Choice
DirectX = DirectX Post-SP3 Update
ICCDSCD = Windows Feature Pack for Storage
IMAPI2 = Image Mastering API
MDX = DirectX Managed Code
MSXML4 = MSXML 4.0 SP3 Parser (KB2721691)
MU = Microsoft Update
NETFX30 = Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Service Pack 2
NETFX35 = Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
NETFX40 = Microsoft .NET Framework 4
PowerShell = Windows PowerShell
PowerShellISE = Windows PowerShell ISE
Silverlight = Microsoft Silverlight
WDSearch = Windows Desktop Search
WgaNotify = Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications
WinRM = Windows Remote Management (WS-Management)
WRMC = Windows Rights Management Client
XP_EOS = Microsoft Windows XP End of Service Notification

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With the end of support, we will certainly be many to use this Update Pack FINAL, failing of MS SP4 to say goodbye.

So thank you for such posts, for the beta2, without forgetting OnePiece and nonno fabio for these great packs :thumbup .

Thanks also for the tip on the components. What do you use or suggest as default DriverPacks for a good FINAL XP (Chipset, Mass Storage, LAN, WLAN, Graphics A) ?


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việt nam

bạn ơi winntsetup có hổ trợ win 8.1 ở chế độ UEFI và GBT không bạn?

ví dụ: máy tính đã ở chế độ main UEFI và ổ cứng GBT rồi thì khì dùng winntsetup nó có cài được không? " khởi động bằng mini win 8 64 bit để dùng winntsetup"

mình cài đặt win 8.1 64 bit bị winntsetup báo lỗi "gạch chéo đỏ" chổ EFI PART làm sao sửa được bạn


Oh winntsetup you win 8.1 supports UEFI mode and GBT not you?

for example: computers in UEFI mode and main hard drive when using winntsetup GBT then it is not installed? "Mini boot with win 8 64 bit to use winntsetup"

their 8.1 win 64 bit install error was winntsetup "red cross" for the EFI PART how you fix

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