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The File-Checker (HFSLIPFC) for HFSLIP


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I think that flash update service falls outside the scope of this project. I mean, If you want all the functions, then install the full package from adobe. The swflash package is intended only to address a security issue.

Just my $2.

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I think that flash update service falls outside the scope of this project. I mean, If you want all the functions, then install the full package from adobe. The swflash package is intended only to address a security issue.

That's an idea..

I think I will offer two CABs... one with updater inside and another w/o the updater.

Could anybody give me the English description of the "Adobe Flasher Player Update Service"? You should find in in the registry under


Thx! :)

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This service keeps your Adobe Flash Player installation up to date with the latest enhancements and security fixes.
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there you go:

in my case, the desc. is in spanish (another issue, you will have to make a pack for EACH language, not a good idea)

"Este servicio mantiene actualizada la instalación de Adobe Flash Player con las últimas mejoras y soluciones de seguridad."

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I think I will offer two CABs... one with updater inside and another w/o the updater.

This is probably the best idea. Not everyone likes to have the autoupdater service running all the time, especially on a slow computer. Also, as jvidal said above, it'd have to be created for every language separately (you can just use the English version though). The last one, the new Flash installer doesn't work in Windows 2000 (with no unofficial kernel installed) so the autoupdater probably won't work either (the flash itself works; only the installer doesn't).

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It doesn't run all the time. The service is set to manual. I guess it fires up once an hour and checks the Adobe website for a new version and then shuts itself down.

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there you go:

in my case, the desc. is in spanish (another issue, you will have to make a pack for EACH language, not a good idea)

I think I will offer two CABs... one with updater inside and another w/o the updater.

This is probably the best idea. Not everyone likes to have the autoupdater service running all the time, especially on a slow computer. Also, as jvidal said above, it'd have to be created for every language separately (you can just use the English version though).

SWFLASH.CAB always has been released in English, if you want to make sure, just extract swflash.ini en look for:

HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\%GUID%","Locale",,"EN"

Since found out, i do my own cab with the right "language set" whenever i have time:

HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\%GUID%","Locale",,"ES"

How to verify it is installed and working in english?

Go to youtube and play a video

Right click inside the video and read the menu. Is the menu in your language (other than english)?

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just a short feedback for you all: I have the modificated HFSLIP ready and also the new CABs. I needed a couple of tests but now I think I have it. I also had a lot of work last days - that's the reason why it tooks so long.

I just have to package them for a correct download:

  • the new HFSLIP,
  • the new SWLASH.CAB w/o updater and also
  • the new SWFLASH.CAB with updater

Edited by Mim0
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Just wanted to point out when you have the wrong Update for Root Certificates file, the file checker says that UPHClean-Setup is wrong even though it's the correct one.

Hi! could you tell me in which version of the file-checker you found that bug? In the current version I checked the code - found nothing. I tested it with a wrong rootsupd.exe - no error (I checked console-output and log-file). :no: Edited by Mim0
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