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The File-Checker (HFSLIPFC) for HFSLIP


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Thanks for the new version of the file checker, HFSLIP, and SWFLASH.CAB.

For some reason the update function did not update. I've provided a screenshot below.


Just wanted to point out when you have the wrong Update for Root Certificates file, the file checker says that UPHClean-Setup is wrong even though it's the correct one.

Hi! could you tell me in which version of the file-checker you found that bug? In the current version I checked the code - found nothing. I tested it with a wrong rootsupd.exe - no error (I checked console-output and log-file). :no:

It happened on the previous version of the file checker and on the current version also.

Screenshot using old or wrong version of rootsupd.exe:


Screenshot using Current version of rootsupd.exe:



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For some reason the update function did not update. I've provided a screenshot below.

Thx for the info. I look on the webserver and found an old update-info-file. Yesterday, the ftp-access was very bad. I just use a simple upload-ftp-script - no read-back! I think I have to read the data back after uploading to compare that all is ok!


It happened on the previous version of the file checker and on the current version also.

Screenshot using old or wrong version of rootsupd.exe:


I'm sorry, but I think I need more info. I've done the folloing:

- Get my HFSLIP-folder absolutely correct - file-checker says all is OK.

- Than I copied an older rootsupd.exe to HF

==> The message from the file-checker is correctly!!! Nothing with UPHC...

Where's the difference? Hmmm....

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It happened on the previous version of the file checker and on the current version also.

Screenshot using old or wrong version of rootsupd.exe:


I'm sorry, but I think I need more info. I've done the folloing:

- Get my HFSLIP-folder absolutely correct - file-checker says all is OK.

- Than I copied an older rootsupd.exe to HF

==> The message from the file-checker is correctly!!! Nothing with UPHC...

Where's the difference? Hmmm....


I believe I've found the problem here.

In the File-Checker where you check file size for Flash, Roots, and UphClean if they are not correct you set errorlevel to 1 and display the error message.

In my case Roots is wrong so errorlevel is set to 1. When UPHC comes the errorlevel is already 1 so it "thinks" it wrong (even tho it's correct!) and displays message.

If you reset the errorlevel to 0 (which is default i.e. correct), after an error, then UPHC will display "ok" because it's correct.

What do you think?


P.S.: The updater works great now. Thanks for the fix.

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What do you think?

I think that this is very mysterious!!! :unsure:

It's not a problen to reset the errorlevel but why didn't I have this wrong message?

Why does this script behaviours different on our PCs? Could it be caused by differents OS's? I'm running the FC on Win XP SP3!

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What do you think?

I think that this is very mysterious!!! :unsure:

It's not a problen to reset the errorlevel but why didn't I have this wrong message?

Why does this script behaviours different on our PCs? Could it be caused by differents OS's? I'm running the FC on Win XP SP3!


Not to belabor this point but what "wrong" roots update did you use?

I'm running FC on WinXPSP3 also.

Just curious if I can find a reason to your querry.


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Not to belabor this point but what "wrong" roots update did you use?

As I wrote

- Than I copied an older rootsupd.exe to HF

But didn't remember exactly... V21 or V22 - and I just got the message that rootsupd was wrong, not UPHC.

But anyway... The thing you found out sounds logical (I didn't checked the script yet). I look for it. Thx for this!

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new file-checker extension for Wíndows XP:

- Added: KB2675157 (MS12-023: Internet Explorer)
- Added: KB2653956 (MS12-024: Windows Authenticode Signature Verification)
- Added: Malicious Software Removal Tool 4.7.6100.0
- Removed: KB2647516 (MS12-010: Internet Explorer, replaced by KB2675157)
- Removed: KB978601 (MS10-019: Windows Authenticode Signature Verification, replaced by KB2653956)
- Removed: Malicious Software Removal Tool 4.6.6000.0

Download: HFSLIPFC v.2011/11/16 with WindowsXP-update-list v.2012/04/11

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I think that 952013 (SmartCard_XP_x86.exe) is not slipstreamed correctly from HF. The file "wudfusbcciddriver.dll" should be copied to "%windir%\system32\Drivers\umdf" but if you slipstream it from HF it gets copied to "%windir%\system32".

I've also mentioned it before but 982316 also doesn't seem to be slipstreamed properly from HF, i.e. the registry entries are not added.

Edited by tomasz86
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The file-checker for Office 2003 needs to be updated.

These 2 updates are released on the Patch Tuesday this month:

KB2597112 (MS12-027 - Windows Common Controls vulnerability)

KB2598292 (Outlook Junk Email Filter), replacing KB2598246 (UPDATE: KB2598343, released on May 2012, replaces KB2598292)

In addition, Mim0, would you please also add these notes to your list?

  • The optional KB2449798 replaces the security update KB980373.
  • The optional KB2464603 is required before installing Office File Validation add-in, and KB2464603 replaces security update KB2344911. (see this page) (UPDATE: KB2464603 is replaced by KB2598332 (MS12-029))

EDIT: Here's another update that you might need to add to your list:

KB2493523 (MS11-055 - Microsoft Visio)

This is an older security update. Although it talks about the Microsoft Visio vulnerability, it patches OMFC.DLL and it's offered to people who do not have Visio. (see FAQ #2 of this page)


Edited by Explorer09
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