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The File-Checker (HFSLIPFC) for HFSLIP


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new filechecker extension for Windows XP:

- Added: KB2641653 (MS12-018: Windows Kernel-Mode Drivers)
- Added: KB2621440 (MS12-020: Remote Desktop Protocol)
- Added: KB2647518 (Security Advisory 2647518: ActiveX Kill Bits)
- Added: KB890830 (Malicious Software Removal Tool 4.6.600.0)
- Added: KB2681116 (Daylight saving time (DST) update for Chile)
- Removed: KB2660465 (MS12-008: Windows Kernel-Mode Drivers, replaced by KB2641653)
- Removed: KB2570222 (MS11-065: Remote Desktop Protocol, replaced by KB2621440)
- Removed: KB890830 (Malicious Software Removal Tool 4.5.5900.0)

Download: HFSLIPFC v.2011/11/16 with WindowsXP-update-list v.2012/03/14

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First of all, so thanks Mimo..

when I put KB2681116 to HF folder it says;

Found wrong, obsolete or unknown update(s)

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB2681116-x86-TRK.exe

but on here;

Found non-existing update(s) for Windows XP SP3

not found (F): HF\WindowsXP-KB2681116-x86-TRKexe (Daylight saving time (DST) update for Chile)

I think there is a typo.

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of course, just edit the script and put that missing dot before "exe" and after "TRK"

I found another typo. The script expects version 4.5.6000 of MRT instead of 4.6.6000...

BTW, it is also flagging my WindowsXP-KB2681116-X86-ESN.exe as unknown

Edited by jvidal
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What should I do without you...? :hello:

Found wrong, obsolete or unknown update(s)

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB2681116-x86-TRK.exe

Thx! I have to fix this typo...

I found another typo. The script expects version 4.5.6000 of MRT instead of 4.6.6000...

also thx for this!!!

BTW, it is also flagging my WindowsXP-KB2681116-X86-ESN.exe as unknown

Even after fixing the typo (adding a dot between !lang! and exe)?


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and by the way :)

Update for Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 Junk Email Filter (March 2012)

KB974771 replace KB2597968


KB2598246 replaces the previous junk filter. The one you posted is from 2009!

this is the right link: http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=29184

Edited by jvidal
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Hi rulman

KB2681116 replaced KB2657025

Yes, I wrote it in the change-log and also in the update-list.

Currently there are three active time-zone-updates on the list. The reason ist that KB2681116 is 'just' a hotfix, KB2657025 is optional and only KB2633952 is a high-priority update. I wrote hints to all of these updates.

And also the file-checker knows that:

KB2681116 replaces KB2657025 and KB2633952

KB2657025 replaces KB2633952

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