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The File-Checker (HFSLIPFC) for HFSLIP


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PS: Mimo, you should change the status of 2603381 from "unknown" to "misplaced" (when found in HF instead of hfsvcpack_sw1), it´s a lot clearer that way.

That's a good hint.

mimo, new updates released today, new version needed...

New SWFLASH was packed, upload this evening. Also I begin updating the list....
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new file-checker extension for Windows XP:

- Added: KB2660465 (MS12-008: Windows Kernel-Mode Drivers)
- Added: KB2647516 (MS12-010: Internet Explorer)
- Added: KB2661637 (MS12-014: Indeo Codec)
- Added: Malicious Software Removal Tool 4.5.5900.0
- Added: KB2657025 (Update for 2011 calendar history)
- Added: Adobe Flash Player
- Removed: KB2618444 (MS11-099: Internet Explorer)
- Removed: KB2639417 (MS11-087: Windows Kernel-Mode Drivers, replaced by KB2660465)
- Removed: Malicious Software Removal Tool 4.4.5802.0
- Removed: Adobe Flash Player

Download: HFSLIPFC v.2011/11/16 with WindowsXP-update-list v.2012/02/17

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File-Checker (v.2011/11/16) for HFSLIP
See following site for further details:
HFSLIPFC will report missing, obsolete and
unknown updates for Windows.
Start this from your HFSLIP-folder.

configuration-file: hfslipfc.ini
extension-file: hfslipfc-XP.cmd (v.2012/02/17)

----- Operation-System specific settings -----
Operating-System included in SOURCE: Windows XP SP3
Language: TRK (TR-TR)
Selected components:
Internet Explorer = 6
Windows Media Player = 9
Remote Desktop Client = 6
Integrate additional MSXML: no
DirectX 9 already extracted in HFCABS: no
Update-Sites: (no)

---------- HFSLIPFC-specific settings ----------
Update-lists: hfslipfc-XP.cmd;hfslipfc.ini
List missing security advisories: yes
List not found high-priority updates: yes
List not found optional updates: no
List not found hotfixes: no
List not found unofficial updates: no
Write hints for specific updates: yes
Create log-file: no
Found filever.exe: yes
(:-) 2009-2011 Mimo
Devam etmek için bir tuşa basın . . .

Found wrong, obsolete or unknown update(s)
wrong (S): HF\IE8-WindowsXP-KB2510531-x86-TRK.exe (MS11-031: JScript and VBScript Scripting Engines, it's for IE8)
wrong (S): HF\IE8-WindowsXP-KB2544521-x86-TRK.exe (MS11-052: Vector Markup Language, it's for IE8)
wrong (O): HF\IE8-WindowsXP-KB2598845-x86-TRK.exe (Internet Explorer 8 Compatibility View List, it's for IE8)
wrong (O): HF\IE8-WindowsXP-KB2632503-x86-TRK.exe (JScript 5.8 Update for Internet Explorer 8, it's for IE8)
wrong (S): HF\IE8-WindowsXP-KB2647516-x86-TRK.exe (MS12-010: Internet Explorer,it's for IE8)
wrong (S): HF\IE8-WindowsXP-x86-TRK.exe (Internet Explorer 8, it's for IE8)
wrong (O): HF\msxml4-KB973685-enu.exe (XML Core Services 4.0 (MSXML4) SP3 Build2107, it's for MSXML)
wrong (H): HF\WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe (Window Update Agent 7.6.7600.243, it's for WU)
unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB2626416-x86-TRK.exe
wrong (H): HF\WindowsXP-KB898461-x86-TRK.exe (Permanent copy of Package Installer, it's for WU)
obsolete: HF\WindowsXP-KB961118-x86-TRK.exe (Printer Update (when NET 3.5 SP1 will be installed), install it after NET 3.5 SP1)
unknown: HF\wmp11-windowsxp-x86-TR-TR.exe
wrong (O): HFCABS\LegitCheckControl.cab (Windows Genuine Advantage Validation, it's for WU)
wrong (O): HFCABS\MUAuth.cab (Microsoft Update Engine, it's for MU)
wrong (O): HFCABS\MuCatalogWebControl.cab (Microsoft Update Engine, it's for MU)

wrong (O): HFCABS\muweb_site.cab (Microsoft Update Engine, it's for MU)
wrong (O): HFCABS\wuweb_site.cab (Windows Update, it's for WU)
unknown: HFSVCPACK\RLMN_Config.reg

Found non-existing update(s) for Windows XP SP3
missing (S): HFCABS\SWFLASH.CAB (Adobe Flash Player)
not found (H): HFSVCPACK_SW1\windowsxp-kb976002-v5-x86-enu.exe (Browser-choice for EU-countries)
not found (A): HF\WindowsXP-KB982316-x86-TRK.exe (Security Advisory 2264072: Windows Service Isolation Bypass (TAPI))
not found (A): HF\WindowsXP-KB2264107-x86-TRK.exe (Security Advisory 2269637: Library Loading)
missing (S): HF\WindowsXP-KB2639417-x86-TRK.exe (MS11-087: Windows Kernel-Mode Drivers)

Found non-existing update(s) for Internet Explorer 6
missing (S): HF\WindowsXP-KB2510581-x86-TRK.exe (MS11-031: JScript and VBScriptScripting Engines)
missing (S): HF\WindowsXP-KB2544521-x86-TRK.exe (MS11-052: Vector Markup Language)
missing (S): HF\WindowsXP-KB2647516-x86-TRK.exe (MS12-010: Internet Explorer)

Found non-existing update(s) for Media Player 9
missing (S): HF\WindowsXP-WindowsMedia-KB952069-v2-x86-TRK.exe (MS08-076: MediaFormat Runtime 9, 9.5 and 11)
missing (S): HF\WindowsMedia9-KB969878-x86-TRK.EXE (MS09-051: Media Runtime (DirectShow WMA Voice Codec))

Checking dependencies of KB970430
They require that KB968389 is installed and enabled.

Checking the version of Adobe Flash Player
Expected version (file=Flash11f.ocx, size=8632480)
HFCABS/SWFLASH.cab does not exist.

Checking the Version of Roots Certificates
Expected version 32.0.2195.0 November 2011 (size=376232)

Found MS09-053: FTP Service for Internet Information Services
For KB975254 you need HFSLIP 1.7.10 beta D or newer

Found Window Update Agent 7.6.7600.243
Be sure that you have the latest EXE

Found Windows Genuine Advantage Validation
Be sure that you have the latest CAB

Devam etmek için bir tuşa basın . . .

Edited by rulman
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check your hfslipfc.ini file.

you want

Internet Explorer = 6
updates but on your HF folder there are IE8 updates.
wrong (S): HF\IE8-WindowsXP-KB2510531-x86-TRK.exe (MS11-031: JScript and VBScript Scripting Engines, it's for IE8)
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Mim0, links for "WindowsXP-KB2264107-x86.reg" & "WindowsXP-KB2264107-x86-XXX.exe" are the same :whistle:

and this:

not found (O): HF\WindowsXP-KB2647516-x86-KOR.exe (Empty dialog when opening 'Organize Favorites' from Windows Explorer)

even though I use IE8 and have "IE8-WindowsXP-KB2647516-x86-KOR.exe" in HF.


and gdiplus.dll 5.2.6002.22509 from KB2412687 isn't slipstreamed. It'll probably have to go to HFSVCPACK_SW1.

Edited by tomasz86
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By the way, Mim0, why does 'SmartCard_XP_x86.exe' have to be renamed to 'WindowsXP-KB952013-x86-XXX.exe'? Is there any particular reason for this?
Oh... that's a long time ago... I didn't remember. But if I remember right, there was some discussion about this here... HFSLIP ist filtering some updates by their name. Probably this is the reason, that this update was slipstreamed in the correct order.
Mim0, links for "WindowsXP-KB2264107-x86.reg" & "WindowsXP-KB2264107-x86-XXX.exe" are the same

not found (O): HF\WindowsXP-KB2647516-x86-KOR.exe (Empty dialog when opening 'Organize Favorites' from Windows Explorer)

even though I use IE8 and have "IE8-WindowsXP-KB2647516-x86-KOR.exe" in HF.

To use the IE6-update is a fix for the Explorer, not the Internet Explorer. here you can see the Explorer bug:


and gdiplus.dll 5.2.6002.22509 from KB2412687 isn't slipstreamed. It'll probably have to go to HFSVCPACK_SW1.
I will look for it.

Thx for your comments!!! :thumbup

Edited by Mim0
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