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The File-Checker (HFSLIPFC) for HFSLIP


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new file-checker extension for Windows XP:

- Added: KB2639417 (MS11-087: Windows Kernel-Mode Drivers)
- Added: KB2618451 (MS11-090: ActiveX Kill Bits)
- Added: KB2619339 (MS11-092: Windows Media)
- Added: KB2624667 (MS11-093: OLE)
- Added: KB2620712 (MS11-097: Client/Server Run-time Subsystem)
- Added: KB2633171 (MS11-098: Windows Kernel)
- Added: KB2618444 (MS11-099: Internet Explorer)
- Added: Malicious Software Removal Tool 4.3.5701.0
- Removed: KB2567053 (MS11-077: Windows Kernel-Mode Drivers, replaced by KB2639417)
- Removed: KB2508272 (MS11-027: ActiveX Kill Bits, replaced by KB2618451)
- Removed: KB2562937 (Security Advisory 2562937: ActiveX Kill Bits, replaced by KB2618451)
- Removed: KB2586448 (MS11-081: Internet Explorer, replaced by KB2618444)
- Removed: KB2507938 (MS11-056: Windows Client/Server Run-time Subsystem, replaced by KB2620712 and KB2567680)
- Removed: Malicious Software Removal Tool 4.2.5600.0

HFSLIPFC v.2011/11/16 with WindowsXP-update-list v.2011/12/13

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Greets MiM0

If someone wonders (like i did):

"MS11-098: Windows Kernel" Not Replaces "2011-02 MS11-011: Windows Kernel" because MS11-011 includes ntdll.dll and MS11-098 does not.

If someone can test the need of:

Empty dialog when opening "Organize Favorites" from Windows Explorer

As an alternative you can extract the shdocvw.dll from WindowsXP-KB2618444-x86-XXX.exe (SP3GDR), compress it with makecab.exe to shdocvw.dl_ and place it to REPLACE\I386.

As much a i have tested, i have no problem with spanish language (ESN).

Thanks for

Edited by Maxfutur
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If someone can test the need of:

Empty dialog when opening "Organize Favorites" from Windows Explorer

As an alternative you can extract the shdocvw.dll from WindowsXP-KB2618444-x86-XXX.exe (SP3GDR), compress it with makecab.exe to shdocvw.dl_ and place it to REPLACE\I386.

If you use the complete WindowsXP-KB2618444-x86-XXX.exe in HF then there is no need to grab the shdocvw.dl_ from it an put it to REPLACE\I386.

To put WindowsXP-KB2618444-x86-XXX.exe in HF is more convenient. But to use the current shdocvw.dll is the minimal solution to avoid problems described in http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/69809-hfslip-test-releases/page__view__findpost__p__913457

If someone wonders (like i did):

"MS11-098: Windows Kernel" Not Replaces "2011-02 MS11-011: Windows Kernel" because MS11-011 includes ntdll.dll and MS11-098 does not.

That's a good hint for the change-log why MS11-011 is still in the update-list. :)
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If someone can test the need of:
Empty dialog when opening "Organize Favorites" from Windows Explorer

As an alternative you can extract the shdocvw.dll from WindowsXP-KB2618444-x86-XXX.exe (SP3GDR), compress it with makecab.exe to shdocvw.dl_ and place it to REPLACE\I386.

If you use the complete WindowsXP-KB2618444-x86-XXX.exe in HF then there is no need to grab the shdocvw.dl_ from it an put it to REPLACE\I386.

To put WindowsXP-KB2618444-x86-XXX.exe in HF is more convenient. But to use the current shdocvw.dll is the minimal solution to avoid problems described in http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/69809-hfslip-test-releases/page__view__findpost__p__913457

I stop using shdocvw.dl_ a couple of months but i think just a few people use to work with "Organize Favs" within windows explorer,sorry for not paying attention to "windows explorer" confusing with "windows internet explorer".

But if im right here, we should use SP3QFE instead of SP3GDR and that hint needs an update. ;)

I'm pretty sure that hfslip uses the QFE version of hotfixes.

I've looked into HFSLIP: HFSLIP uses QFE and - if QFE doesn't exist in an update - HFSLIP uses GDR.

(good to know after using HFSLIP for years!!! :D )

Something to point out is, wrong links (shows "linked page does not exists" error) that you have to Microsoft Security Bulletins in Updates Lists and Changelog are:









Should be like this:









When you click any link, it opens in your main operating system's language like:


Where es belongs to language and co belongs to country.

Older links works ok.

Any help is greatly appreciated MiM0. :thumbup

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But if im right here, we should use SP3QFE instead of SP3GDR and that hint needs an update. ;)

You're absolutely right! Thx!!!

Something to point out is, wrong links (shows "linked page does not exists" error) that you have to Microsoft Security Bulletins in Updates Lists and Changelog are:

magic... I thought I just copied and modified existing links... :blink: Thx again! :)
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MDG wrote, that in his Unofficial Windows 9x/NT4/2000/ME/XP/2003 127 True Type Fonts (TTF) Pack the mentioned fonts (Microsoft European Union Expansion Font Update 1.2) are included.

But in fact: it isn't!

If downloaded his Unofficial Windows 9x/NT4/2000/ME/XP/2003 127 True Type Fonts (TTF) Pack und e.g. Arial v3.00 was inside (and not v3.06)!

The builds of the corresponding fonts included in MDGx's True Type Fonts (TTF) Pack are from XP SP3. According to MDGx, these builds (dated 14-4-2008) are newer than those included in the Euro Expansion Font Update 1.2 (dated 15-11-2006), irrespective of their build number. Between 2006 and 2008, Microsoft added further Unicode support to those fonts.

So, it seems that this is another case in which MS got its build numbers mixed up.

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Sorry to bother MiM0 (again).

There is no need of OGAControl.cab (Table 8) for Microsof Update to work anymore since last year:


I have it removed from HFCABS for months now, because i can update office 2007 with no problems im sure ther is no neeed of. :whistle:

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There is no need of OGAControl.cab (Table 8) for Microsof Update to work anymore since last year:


Thx for that info. For WU/MU I appreciate hints like that. Because I don't use it and so I don't notice changes in that category...
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New file-checker for windows 2000 from Parseus:

- added: KB890830-v4.3, KBz2476490, KBz2508429-v6
- added obsoleted: KB817446, KB829395, KB833154, KBz2360131
- removed: KB890830-v4.2, KBz2508429-v5
- fixed non-showing obsoletion hints for IE6 cabs
- fixed RDP 5.2 installer not obsoleting KB958470 (thanks My2GirlsDad)
- fixed non-detected files from REPLACE\I386 (thanks My2GirlsDad)

HFSLIPFC v.2011/11/16 with Windows2000-update-list v.2011/12/21

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  • 2 weeks later...


+ KB2584146

KB2584577 replaced KB2506212

KB2585542 replaced KB971737 & KB2541763

+ KB2598479

+ KB2603381

+ KB2629462 replaced KB956625

KB2631813 replaced KB2282612

KB2646524 replaced KB2567680

5eraph user entry with links

Edited by dziubek
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5eraph user entry with links

For Windows Internet Explorer 8 you are missing (it includes jscript.dll)


According to the MS bulletins:


2585542 R: 980436

2631813 R: 975562



2646524 R: 2567680

KB2584577 is a "HotFix By Request" (HBR)

After installing quoted hotfixes, IE8-WindowsXP-KB2632503-x86-XXX.exe shows up in windows/microsoft update.

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