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The File-Checker (HFSLIPFC) for HFSLIP

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Posted (edited)

No I did not...


...but will do now by changing the hflsipfc.cmd to hfslipfc-xp.cmd.

yes... as long I have no idea... :) just another question: can you attach your ini and a list of files in the SOURCE-folder (but not the sub-folders of SOURCE).


Do I have to add these lines to hfslipfc-xp.cmd? Copy and paste? Or did you post an update?

That's always the way how I inform about an apdate and what's changed :D No need to c&p it..


New Roots Certificate Update for XP May 2010.

version: 24.0.2195.0

size: 336,280

Please update your file-checker.

Yes, I know ;) I've already modified the scipt but yesterday I didn't had a chance for an upload.

Today... :)

Edited by Mim0


file-checker-extension for XP:


- Added: Roots certificates check updated to May 2010 (24.0.2195.0)


file-checker-extension for XP:


- Added: Roots certificates check updated to May 2010 (24.0.2195.0)

Thanks MimO! Works great now. I didn't mean to rush you on your update.

Continued Thanks for all your hard work.

I appreciate it.



I'm sad that HFSLIP was ended. It's very good script. Hope you would continue to support users with your checker(HFSLIPFC).


I'm sad that HFSLIP was ended. It's very good script. Hope you would continue to support users with your checker(HFSLIPFC).

Yes, it's really a bed news. Fortunately tommy's script has a really good state. Hopefully for the rest of all coming updates. And yes, I will maintain the filechecker and XP-list for the future...

I'm sad that HFSLIP was ended. It's very good script. Hope you would continue to support users with your checker(HFSLIPFC).

Yes, it's really a bed news. Fortunately tommy's script has a really good state. Hopefully for the rest of all coming updates. And yes, I will maintain the filechecker and XP-list for the future...

That's what was on my mind. The script is in good state and there are no big changes coming for windows xp (like new MP, DX or IE), so next updates propably will be integrated with the script. Anyway xp seems aged OS this would have happened. Less support from Microsoft and also less 3rd party tools. So next months I will make a final HFSLIP cd with as much updates as possible and start playing with another OS.


update for the XP-list:


- Added: KB961503 (Non-English Input Method Editor (IME) Update)

THX to jvidal :)

you're welcome, Mimo.

Now, I found a bug:

Everytime there is a new version, the update checker enters an endless loop until the recursiveness stack overflows, but it keeps going on trying to update.

When there is no new version, nothing weird happens.


(and thx again for your good work)

Posted (edited)
Now, I found a bug:

Everytime there is a new version, the update checker enters an endless loop until the recursiveness stack overflows, but it keeps going on trying to update.

When there is no new version, nothing weird happens.

Hi jvidal, I've heard from that from theruan...
Just entered in a loop today when updating the filechecker, it kept trying to update. After closing and reopening it went back to normal, just reporting, as it seems to work fine.
...and I've tried to find out what's the prob. But... I couldn't reproduce it. :( I will debug again. For the case that the reason is a combination of specific INI-settings, could you attach your INI? :) Edited by Mim0

Man, we are all in a bad luck time, your site is down again, :(

But plz mimmo don't stop this list yet, since hfslip is ended, i hop your project not to stop yet.


"Waiting to the site come alive again"


Man, we are all in a bad luck time, your site is down again, :(

But plz mimmo don't stop this list yet, since hfslip is ended, i hop your project not to stop yet.

"Waiting to the site come alive again"

It was down some weeks ago but only for a couple of hours. After regognized that the page is down I've looked for a new free-webspace. I've updated the first post of this thread. But I think I should post it here again:


no plan to stop it :)

Oh, here's my .ini file:

Thx! :)

new file-checker:

- Fixed: Update-check was in an endless loop when only the extension
was updated.

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