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Final ESU Updates for Windows 7 SP1 (Retired!)

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FYI, folks, Steven is no longer working this.


Look here for latest/greatest. You'll have to be a member over there, of course.



WindowsUpdatesDownloader (also) stops at March for Win7, so it'll be outdated (same as the Post#1 "missing" attachments).


And the attachments are History, so quit trying to download! Either go for WUD ULZ (from that website) or get signed up at the "other" forum.




@AnyMod - maybe this should be locked down AFTER Post #1 has been updated to reflect the current condition of this project and any pertinent info?

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  • 3 months later...

FYI, folks, Steven is no longer working this.


Look here for latest/greatest. You'll have to be a member over there, of course.



WindowsUpdatesDownloader (also) stops at March for Win7, so it'll be outdated (same as the Post#1 "missing" attachments).


And the attachments are History, so quit trying to download! Either go for WUD ULZ (from that website) or get signed up at the "other" forum.




@AnyMod - maybe this should be locked down AFTER Post #1 has been updated to reflect the current condition of this project and any pertinent info?

Steve has responded. see post#1. he has some family issues and he "hopes" to start the updating process again some time. hope everything turns out ok for you Steve. Regards...

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WindowsUpdatesDownloader (also) stops at March for Win7, so it'll be outdated (same as the Post#1 "missing" attachments).


And the attachments are History, so quit trying to download! Either go for WUD ULZ (from that website) or get signed up at the "other" forum.


"Other" forum?  Does that mean WHDownloader is not considered the logical continuation to use after WUD because it is supported via a different forum?  I used it last month and was able to get all the 2015 updates I needed and integrate them into a Win7 install via NTLite.

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WindowsUpdatesDownloader (also) stops at March for Win7, so it'll be outdated (same as the Post#1 "missing" attachments).


And the attachments are History, so quit trying to download! Either go for WUD ULZ (from that website) or get signed up at the "other" forum.


"Other" forum?  Does that mean WHDownloader is not considered the logical continuation to use after WUD because it is supported via a different forum?  I used it last month and was able to get all the 2015 updates I needed and integrate them into a Win7 install via NTLite.


WTH are you talking about?

1 - WUD ULZ from WUD Website (outdated)

2 - WinCert ("other website") Up-To-Date ULZ


Now, is *your* "other forum" software (by Alphawaves, and I'm perfectly aware of it) able to download *all* Updates without including Obsolete/Superceded Fixes (which is what ULZ are for) for creating a Slipstreamed DVD? :unsure: And TBH, I haven't tried it yet and that website (and software) wasn't even mentioned. :crazy: FYI, we *are* reluctant to mention "that other website" for obvious reasons. ;)

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Now, is *your* "other forum" software (by Alphawaves, and I'm perfectly aware of it) able to download *all* Updates without including Obsolete/Superceded Fixes (which is what ULZ are for) for creating a Slipstreamed DVD? :unsure: And TBH, I haven't tried it yet and that website (and software) wasn't even mentioned. :crazy: FYI, we *are* reluctant to mention "that other website" for obvious reasons. ;)


I too looked first to WUD since it capably provided everything to integrate updates when I initially took on customizing a Win7 installation in 2012.  Came back to customizing Win7 again last month but ran into the same trouble with WUD .ulz's ending in early 2015.  A useful post somewhere pointed to WHDownloader being currently supported and it was able to download everything as well as WUD.  I didn't run into any obsolete KBs and only had to sift out the recent Win10 forced update related KBs.  I also found that WHD has good notation on each update and categorizes them into separate labelled folders.


Can't remember which site led to finding WHD, but I appreciate all of the various forums providing great info on getting M$ Windows to do what we need it to.  I hope providing the best solutions is the bottom line no matter where they originate from.

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You might also observe this post?


I seriously resent a Software that keeps a "secret method" of the location of downloaded files. ULZ are simply compressed (zip) UL files that are in XML format and easily readable. Just open the ULZ with your favorite ZIP decompressor and have a look. ;)


You know, you could always use "WSUS Offline Updater" but it, too, is not dependable, since it uses WSUS methods and MS is notorious for *not* flagging Obsolete/Superceded updates in the CAB files (also XML's).


Heck, you may as well install Microsoft WSUS on a clean installed machine and have it scan and download the selfsame Updates that are offered on Windows Update website.



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Now, is *your* "other forum" software (by Alphawaves, and I'm perfectly aware of it) able to download *all* Updates without including Obsolete/Superceded Fixes (which is what ULZ are for) for creating a Slipstreamed DVD?

Yes. As a matter of fact.

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@Tomorrow - Did you miss this?



And thanks for letting us know. Also how did you confirm this, might I ask? It seems that to confirm which is best you have to *literally* use it and consume bandwidth to do a list comparison, true?


Also please note this well-maintained List (including change log) maintained here for XP-x32 - http://xdot.tk


Additionally (from the ReadMe of the WinCert ULZ) -

"- Updates named with a "z" (ex. zWindowsXXX.msu) have to be integrated in Silent installer + SFX section of Wintoolkit (or Setupcomplete.cmd)."

How does the WHDownloader handle that? Are they flagged? (Again, there's no way to *know* what the list is.)


Allow me give the link (again) -



BTW, I'm a "member" of the "other website" as well as Wincert, as well as some folks at RyanVM and Wincert, as well as others here, so...)

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Tomorrow - Did you miss this?



And thanks for letting us know. Also how did you confirm this, might I ask? It seems that to confirm which is best you have to *literally* use it and consume bandwidth to do a list comparison, true?

Frankly i don't really care if the list is encrypted or not. What i care is that it downloads current updates and removes superseded updates already on disk (i mean HDD not Win7 image).


I admit it's not perfect tho. First the removal of superseded updates from disk takes several steps and the program itself has confusing UI. Plus the developer is a jerk (banned me from MDL forums for having the audacity to suggest improvements to his program).


The list maintainers like abbodi and others are great tho.

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Maybe so, but are they coming directly from MS Servers or somewhere else (illegally)? :unsure: I have heartburn over that. :yes:

That's a question to the developer although i imagine this has been discussed in MDL forums somewhere. Due to the bendwidth requirements i imagine most updates are coming from MS servers. Obviously this does not include updates that are request only (to fix a specific rare issue) and updates that are superseded but are kept around to satisfy WU.

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Well, not knocking the Product, but in WSUSoffline you can see that it's using the CAB files (links in the XML's) and in WUD you can directly see the compiled (also through great effort) list (inside the XML). IOW, the ULZ used by WUD have undergone great effort to maintain just as the Product that you tout has. You won't deny that, right? So, which one? :huh:

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  • 2 months later...

allow me to be lost in space

but does wincert upd list filters OUT win10 garbage updates ?

and why the fuck is everything on FRENCH !!!!! ????

Edited by vinifera
x fu wcert
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