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Tihiy, the tray icons are still flickering like crazy, it doesn't bother me that much, but I would also like it to not happen; clearly it's not something easy to resolve, so let me approach it from another angle: I assume they're NOT flickery for you, so what version of the Explorer shell do I need for it to not flicker? That is the problem I'm having, right? I'm using the 98SE Explorer shell with only a tiny patch for the system tray to support 24-bit colors (4.72.3110.1).



It's not so easy, Queue! :(

I use explorer.exe v. 4.72.3612.1710 and the tray flickers like crazy too!

BTW, my systray.exe is v., for what it's worth.


Can you intercept when icons are first loaded to the tray, and instead of them having real transparency, replace the transparent part of the icon with the system tray's background color/graphic, so that you don't have to blank the tray before each redraw (since they'd be the entire 16x16 block with no transparency, so could just be drawn on top of themself without blanking when they update)?

The flickering is obviously caused when any tray icon changes when the tray blanks before redrawing all icons. If you have any sort of tray icon that often updates its icon, the entire tray redraws and flickers, and if you're running a CPU hungry program, or have a buttload of tray icons, the redraw can take a long time.


so what version of the Explorer shell do I need for it to not flicker
Windows ME shell.

RP 9.6.4 did not work for me. After installation and reboot, there was MPREXE error when starting Windows, followed by BSOD. Had to boot to Safe Mode to uninstall RP 9.6.4, reboot, reinstall RP 9.6.3, everything is then okay again

I am running simplified Chinese Win98SE with KernelEx 4.5b2. No problem with previous versions of RP9

RP 9.6.4 did not work for me.
tray flickers like crazy
Ok that's terrible and must be fixed.

9.6.4 appears to be working well here. TCPView works again. No problems with any other apps so far.

I've also had the occasional flickering of the system tray. It hasn't been bad enough here to be a problem.


I am encountering problems with 9.6.4. When I have Virtual PC running, the browser (SeaMonkey) on the host system becomes erratic. Pages don't finish loading. Tabs aren't working properly. At times, the page doesn't completely refresh. Didn't get a screenshot of it, but on a few instances I could see my desktop through the browser window instead of the web page. Didn't see any heavy processor usage, low resources, or anything else that points to a specific problem. No error messages. The system just seems to stall.

I've apparently been using 9.6.1, although I'm almost positive I installed 9.6.3. The above problem isn't there with the version I'm using now, just the TCPView issue. Can't find my copy of 9.6.3 either. Can someone send me a copy of it?


Would it be possible for you to use the full version number for the file name instead of RP9.exe? It would make it easier to keep tract of which one is which. Would it be asking too much to keep the previous version available (9.6.3 in this case) until the latest version is found to be problem free? It would be appreciated.


The issue appears to be fixed. The browser on the host system worked fine while a virtual 2K system was updating in the background. TCPView working well. None of the old issues have reappeared. Everything I've checked is up to speed and working properly.

This time, I'm backing up the RP installers on a different partition. Not going to lose or misplace them again.

Posted (edited)

- 98 Explorer uses double-buffering against tray flicker (admit it, you have too much crap in tray)

I love you; flickering is fixed.

Also, I generally only have 3 tray icons. It's because the network connection icon I use is animated that my tray would flicker if I was doing something CPU intensive.



Edited by Queue

The flickering seems to be gone here as well. I normally have 5 icons in the tray, one of which is animated. Had 8 during the last round of testing, one of which was disappearing at times with 9.6.4. The tray appearance is very stable now.

It's rare for any developer to respond that fast with fixes and/or new versions, whether it's a company or individual. The only other one I've seen respond like this was the developer of SSM. It's very enjoyable to test for such responsive people.


:w00t: You did it! :w00t: You solved it! :w00t: The tray flickers no more! yahoo.gif


Way to go, Tihiy! :thumbup You do rock, you really do! worship.gif

Thanks a whole lot! :yes:

admit it, you have too much crap in tray

Sure! The tray is there to be used, of course! :D


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