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Were your production machine(s) infected?
This stuff has infected pretty much 90% of Delphi installations. I've seen it on all my production machines. They were all sanitized; this one was probably infected from some old distro. You can read more on the web.

Posted (edited)

Hi Tihiy,

just discovered your new version. Realy, really nice (icons, ... amongst others). Had to install in "save mode", because when I installed normally, I always got the following message: ... "There is a system file update pending: please reboot" (or something like this). After two reboots (and still the same message), there was a message about WININNIT.INI (dont recall the exact message). ... So I deleted WININNIT.INI. But again: "System update file pending: please reboot"). So I went into "save mode" and RP 9.5 installed and everything seems fine now !



(Sorry, forgot to say: There are some new *.win files in the C:\ root directory ?)

Edited by RodgerOver
(Sorry, forgot to say: There are some new *.win files in the C:\ root directory ?)
Nope. RP does not create new files.
Posted (edited)

Ok so, the desktop warning message ''The system is dangerously low in resources!'' was really cool at first, but I am seeing it all the time and getting kinda tired of it; I run with tons of things open at once, but I know my computer's limits, and it's never a problem. Is there some way to change the resource threshhold (I wouldn't mind a warning at like 5%...) or disable that warning display?

I mean, I'm at 18% GDI right now, nothing is misbehaving, and my compy isn't gonna freeze; I'll probably have an uptime of over a week unless you release a new version of RP9 which would force me to restart to update. My current uptime is 1 day 22 hours 10 min; I haven't restarted since updating to RP9.5. When you updated RPSetup and RPConfig I just extracted them and threw them in my system folder since no other files changed so I didn't need to restart.

Also, that uptime display is kinda weird; it's # d (just a single letter for days), # hours (even if it's just 1, hours is still plural) and # min. (abbreviated). Why not just # d # h # m? Or # days # hours # minutes?

Just more feedback; I'm still loving RP9.5 so far.


Edit - I'm down to 11% GDI free, and I just tested, and I can open 10 more IE6 windows before I'm out of resources and the newest IE window doesn't render right (missing buttons).

Edited by Queue
Posted (edited)
Is there some way to change the resource threshhold
Yep i screwed this up and gdi heap treshold is too early to fire. Don't worry it'll be fixed soon.
Why not just # d # h # m? Or # days # hours # minutes?
I've never tested days uptime :). I guess d h m will be fine. Edited by Tihiy
Posted (edited)

Revolutions Pack 9.5.5 RC


Fixed: icon font charset wasn't forced to system one.

Changed: ctrl-alt-del strings.

Changed: low resources blackout had improper gdi threshold.

Changed: shell extensions are now installing as a part of Core.

New: transparent desktop icon labels can drop shadows like XP! (requires MMX)

New: desktop icon align to grid is permanent setting like XP.

Edit: re-uploaded 9.5.5; new 'permanent align desktop icons to grid' did not work on 98 shell.



Edited by Tihiy
Posted (edited)

Love the changes with 9.5.5.

My system tray is flickering quite a bit when I'm focused on a windowed 3D application, far more than it did with RP9.1. I assume when I have focus on any CPU-hungry program my system tray will flicker (it's during its redraw; the tray blanks out and is slow enough to redraw that I can get a frame where it's blank), and it can flicker as much as twice a second.

Edit - It's when the icon graphic for a system tray icon changes; the whole tray redraws.


Edited by Queue
It's when the icon graphic for a system tray icon changes; the whole tray redraws.
I know it's a bad excuse, but taskbar skinning was written for Me shell. 98 shell is much harder to control and requires dirty hacks. Nevertheless, it will be improved.
It's when the icon graphic for a system tray icon changes; the whole tray redraws.
I know it's a bad excuse, but taskbar skinning was written for Me shell. 98 shell is much harder to control and requires dirty hacks. Nevertheless, it will be improved.

It's no sweat, I only even mentioned it because the flickering got worse between 9.1 and 9.5. It doesn't actually bother me (yes, I'm weird; a flickering system tray doesn't bother me, yet not being able to lock my taskbar does).



Tihiy ..

Great ...everything works...awesome...thanks! :hello:

There was one nuisance I forgot to mention however from 9.50....blush

If I select a windows 7 skin(either one)...then go back to

any other ....the screen blanks...I had mentally dismissed

it because I decided I like the Vista black and doubt I'll ever

use the Windows 7 blue. But anyway, I can usually bring it back

by Ctrl-Alt-Del and it still happens with Ver 9.55


If I select a windows 7 skin(either one)...then go back to

any other ....the screen blanks...I had mentally dismissed

it because I decided I like the Vista black and doubt I'll ever

use the Windows 7 blue. But anyway, I can usually bring it back

by Ctrl-Alt-Del and it still happens with Ver 9.55

That's too unspecific - screen blanks... Taskbar disappears? Explorer crashes? Sky falls down?
Posted (edited)
If I select a windows 7 skin(either one)...then go back to

any other ....the screen blanks...I had mentally dismissed

it because I decided I like the Vista black and doubt I'll ever

use the Windows 7 blue. But anyway, I can usually bring it back

by Ctrl-Alt-Del and it still happens with Ver 9.55

That's too unspecific - screen blanks... Taskbar disappears? Explorer crashes? Sky falls down?

As in Blanked out....nothing...black...like you turned out the lights.

If I uploaded a screen shot you would see a black square.

I was so happy the wallpaper glitch is gone, I hesitated to even

mention it.... :blink:


Ps:...just tryed it again to make sure....mouse cursor is the only thing visible...nothing crashes. but I have to use

the keyboard to get control of the system...Ctrl-esc brings

up the start menu....ctrl-alt-del works also.

Edited by triger49

Maybe you mean black desktop and "out of resources" warning in the corner?

Sorry Tihiy, must be having a senior moment here

with my communication skills. it is like you have

a Black screen that is pinned as "stay-on-top"

System resources are not affected...I can see the

system resources when I hit ctrl-alt-del. I can see

the start menu when I push ctrl-esc.....A reboot puts

everything back in order




Just for the sake of leaving a clearly marked

trail here.All the problems I was encountering

with RP9.5.x where the result of one bit mapped

image that I am pretty sure I found over at

Wikipedia Commons.... :realmad:

If someone had told me that one Bmp wallpaper could

cause that much trouble, I would not have believed

it possible.


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