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The Solution for Seagate 7200.11 HDDs

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A noticeable thing is that, now, Gradius and Aviko solutions are quite the same. Don't be confused, the only difference is that Aviko removed the command i4,1,22 because, as he explained, it isn't essential and it can damage data on the drive in some cases. He also added other commands for testing purposes only (F712,F,,22).


I have 2 drives bricked : one 7200.11 and one ES.2

I tried to contact seagate for 10 days, and got anything but professional responses (I have a ton of seagates drives, those guys just don't want to keep their customers, one day they will pay for that).

I've read all the stuff on that topic. The 2 solutions are nearly identical, but the differences are not only the ones you list : one isolates the heads, one the motor, and that is pretty much a difference.

I just need a working solution, period.

The aviko one, taking in account only the commands, seems to be less disruptive, but I really don't know which part should be isolated, motor or heads. It's impossible to get the truth between 2 people whose words to each other are insults and "you are all wrong".

Why do they fight like that ? The only result of all this will be in people's mind : "DO NOT TRUST DATA RECOVERY COMPANIES, THEY'LL TRY TO FOOL YOU IN SAYING THAT THE COMPETITOR IS LYING".

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I have 2 drives bricked : one 7200.11 and one ES.2

I tried to contact seagate for 10 days, and got anything but professional responses (I have a ton of seagates drives, those guys just don't want to keep their customers, one day they will pay for that).

I've read all the stuff on that topic. The 2 solutions are nearly identical, but the differences are not only the ones you list : one isolates the heads, one the motor, and that is pretty much a difference.

ok; gradius explained there is a command that comes from the head that locks up the sata terminal. by my own experience, when I isolated the motor I was still unable to bring back my drive; when I removed the pcb I observed there was an ic on the base of the hdd that matched a contact on the pcb (I would take a pic and upload; but I am now using the drive and don't want to take it apart and risk any problems)- I was able to proceed and sucessfully recover my hdd by using the original method outlined in post #1 with the pcb off. I believe on my speciffic model of hdd that ic was for the head, not the motor.

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Hi all,

Ok, something new I've found out - maybe the rest of you can check/test. After I've followed the first post to fix my hard disk (by isolating PCB/HDA, then issue commands spin down, up, F3 T>i4,1,22 then power cycle, then m0,2,2,,,,,22) - I've also updated the firmware to SD1A, formatted it in Windows, and ran a checkdisk/surface scan. All looks ok. In fact I could access the data, copy them out, copy data in, access, apparently no issues.

Then I tried to use Seatools to run the SMART check, short/long DST, short/long generic, and the SMART check passed but not the short/long DST/generic tests. Those failed. I'm not sure if those failed because we erased the G-list or because of the SD1A firmware or maybe it's unique to my hard disk. So I did some googling, and then tried to use the Seatools for DOS (it comes with Seatools for Windows, just burn the ISO in 'C:\Program Files\Seagate\SeaTools for Windows' into a CD and boot from it) and ran the long DST from there. It prompted me to repair one particular LBA (after running for few hours test!) and then it looks ok now.

I've checked in Seatools for Windows and short/long DST/generic tests are passing now. I'm attaching two photos for reference. Now at least it's confirmed Seatools is reporting all ok and I'm using freeware Active Hard Disk Monitor to monitor the hard disk s.m.a.r.t. attributes to ensure i don't see any increasing values.

Hope this helps!



Edited by poolcarpet
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I've followed Gradius2's first post to fix mine. It works FOR ME. period.

It seems that aviko knows a lot more and comments that some of the commands are dangerous, etc, etc. It may be true. And I may have been really lucky not to have lost my data.

But in the end, it works for me. Look at my latest post on the Seatools though, encountered some issues but is now fixed.


A noticeable thing is that, now, Gradius and Aviko solutions are quite the same. Don't be confused, the only difference is that Aviko removed the command i4,1,22 because, as he explained, it isn't essential and it can damage data on the drive in some cases. He also added other commands for testing purposes only (F712,F,,22).


I have 2 drives bricked : one 7200.11 and one ES.2

I tried to contact seagate for 10 days, and got anything but professional responses (I have a ton of seagates drives, those guys just don't want to keep their customers, one day they will pay for that).

I've read all the stuff on that topic. The 2 solutions are nearly identical, but the differences are not only the ones you list : one isolates the heads, one the motor, and that is pretty much a difference.

I just need a working solution, period.

The aviko one, taking in account only the commands, seems to be less disruptive, but I really don't know which part should be isolated, motor or heads. It's impossible to get the truth between 2 people whose words to each other are insults and "you are all wrong".

Why do they fight like that ? The only result of all this will be in people's mind : "DO NOT TRUST DATA RECOVERY COMPANIES, THEY'LL TRY TO FOOL YOU IN SAYING THAT THE COMPETITOR IS LYING".

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another question on CA-42.

Once the driver installed is there always 3V on tx/rx or only when HTerminal and connection is on?

Someone could test it for me?


I think there's always voltage in it once the drivers are properly installed...but:

It seems there are 2 type of nokia cables. One is self-powered thru USB, one needs an external 3.3v power to work. Usually, the latter has more wires (tx, rx, data gnd, 3.3v in, 3.3v gnd, and maybe other stuff). So, maybe you just need to connect a 3v battery to it.

There is a great guide here that show you how identify and check your Nokia cable. I already posted this link so many times, I hope this would be the last one. Please take a look at older posts or do some searches, most of the common problems are already covered in this thread.

Here're my own 2 general little advices:

1. Always double check your terminal connection before plug any wire to the Seagate drive. I see many people here connecting random wires from random cables they found in their drawers. Connecting a standard straight USB cable to your HD is not a good idea.

2. If you get strange characters in the terminal window after connecting the drive, be careful at what you type in it! In my first attemp to recover my drive I got only random characters because I didn't connected the ground wire on the drive third pin, but actually, what I was typing were sent to the drive. I tested it: I was able to spin off the motor (/2 & Z) even without see nothing readable in the terminal window...

Be patient and good luck with the fix!

It seems that the post made by aviko yesterday (here points to two links that appear (from my very basic grasp of polski) to be what Gradius2 has posted. Can anyone confirm the published date on either of these two URLs, as in, were they up on the internet before January 18th 2009?

I follow this soap opera since the first early posts at the original 7200.11 Falling down thread on seagate forums.

So, chronologically:

Till 16 January 2009 we were all lost and confused and angry and many other things, then Shuky posted this on elektroda.pl forum:


As you can see there Nirvanowiec give him a link to:


where, for the first time, were given a solution for fix the 7200.11 CC and BSY errors, by Yura. In that page (in Polish) there's no date, I think it was up since early January 2009.

Then, one day later, 17 January 2009, Shuky alias Gsustek, posted the first solution in english, based on Yura's page above, in the hddguru forum. The thread was deleted and reposted two days later. In the google cache there's still the original one:

I posted myself in that thread, as well as Aviko. (who also contacted me with a Pm for give help, I never answered him back, there was a bad mood there in that forum and many people were trying to misinform about those info. Still now some of them are doing that. Now I'm very sorry about it, Aviko, I was wrong. Thank you for that pm)

So we arrived at 18 January 2009, when Gradius posted his solution on this thread (based on the Shuky (gsustek)' one posted the day before) also adding that aesthetically pleasant graphic with TX and RX legend instead of ugly ascii art (the pic with the drive and tx/rx arrows insted was first posted by fatlip in the previous '7200.11 Troubles' thread) and original credit links to Yura and Shuky post, now removed.

So this are the fact by my point of view. Personally, I don't give a thing about donations or other stuff like that (actually, Gradius was and is very helpfull with many people and in many circumstances in this thread), I only think that should be right to give credit to people who saved us all.

A noticeable thing is that, now, Gradius and Aviko solutions are quite the same. Don't be confused, the only difference is that Aviko removed the command i4,1,22 because, as he explained, it isn't essential and it can damage data on the drive in some cases. He also added other commands for testing purposes only (F712,F,,22).

As you can see, this was a very long story. I really wish that there'll be a happy end now. We recovered out data, other people will recover their drive with this thread and this is really beautiful.

So, make love not war :wub:

Happy fixing!

Thank you so much..

i was crusified on hddguru forum that night, i think it was sunday..evening "+1 Zagreb" time..

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Hi all,

Ok, something new I've found out - maybe the rest of you can check/test. After I've followed the first post to fix my hard disk (by isolating PCB/HDA, then issue commands spin down, up, F3 T>i4,1,22 then power cycle, then m0,2,2,,,,,22) - I've also updated the firmware to SD1A, formatted it in Windows, and ran a checkdisk/surface scan. All looks ok. In fact I could access the data, copy them out, copy data in, access, apparently no issues.

Then I tried to use Seatools to run the SMART check, short/long DST, short/long generic, and the SMART check passed but not the short/long DST/generic tests. Those failed. I'm not sure if those failed because we erased the G-list or because of the SD1A firmware or maybe it's unique to my hard disk. So I did some googling, and then tried to use the Seatools for DOS (it comes with Seatools for Windows, just burn the ISO in 'C:\Program Files\Seagate\SeaTools for Windows' into a CD and boot from it) and ran the long DST from there. It prompted me to repair one particular LBA (after running for few hours test!) and then it looks ok now.

I've checked in Seatools for Windows and short DST/generic tests are passing now. Still running long DST/generic tests but those will take quite a while. I'm attaching two photos for reference. Now at least it's confirmed Seatools is reporting all ok.

Hope this helps!

This is because you delete g-list..

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A noticeable thing is that, now, Gradius and Aviko solutions are quite the same. Don't be confused, the only difference is that Aviko removed the command i4,1,22 because, as he explained, it isn't essential and it can damage data on the drive in some cases. He also added other commands for testing purposes only (F712,F,,22).


I have 2 drives bricked : one 7200.11 and one ES.2

I tried to contact seagate for 10 days, and got anything but professional responses (I have a ton of seagates drives, those guys just don't want to keep their customers, one day they will pay for that).

I've read all the stuff on that topic. The 2 solutions are nearly identical, but the differences are not only the ones you list : one isolates the heads, one the motor, and that is pretty much a difference.

I just need a working solution, period.

The aviko one, taking in account only the commands, seems to be less disruptive, but I really don't know which part should be isolated, motor or heads. It's impossible to get the truth between 2 people whose words to each other are insults and "you are all wrong".

Why do they fight like that ? The only result of all this will be in people's mind : "DO NOT TRUST DATA RECOVERY COMPANIES, THEY'LL TRY TO FOOL YOU IN SAYING THAT THE COMPETITOR IS LYING".

Right, i forgot that.

I'm not a data recover professional, like all the people there, except Aviko who seems to be the only who work in data recovery field (for what I know). I only realized that seems there's more tecnology in hard drives than in Formula 1 cars.

about isolating...

[...] I explained why isolating heads is better solution few times in earlier posts. this method is one which will work with ES.2 series and work also with DM22 and 7200.11, New firmares doesnt open terminal if motor connector is isolated. thats why we seen so many people who cant open terminal.

This is all we know till now about that. You can do trial and errors, or ask for someone else opinion.

you need the truth...well, just remember that this is a DIY solution on a public and not-professional forum. There's almost no fails still now but, of course, noone will take warranty of your drives.

If you don't want accept any risk you have to go to professionals. period.

Anyway, there're no data recovery companies in competition here.

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I've just fixed my BSY Maxtor STM3500320AS.

Have been using 1st post and insulating motor.

Ghost just complained about a bad sector while dumping the drive onto another one ... now I know why, I shouldn't have cleared the G-List

Anyway it's not a big deal for me (except the time lost because it hapenned in the middle of the dump [270 Gb of datas] and I had to restart from scratch with the force cloning flag) because those are in an Iso image I can download again.

Thanks anyone who contributed to make this possible. I've recovered 99,9% of my datas, and 100% of my important datas.

So, insulate what you want but ... don't clear the G-List!

I've used this adapter http://sigma-shop.com/shop/product_info.ph...;products_id=44 bought via ebay (search for "MAX232 RS232 to TTL Converter Board for ATMEL AVR PIC" or visit this store http://stores.ebay.fr/DIA-STORE). Self powered with 5v from rs232, worked like a charm.

So far so good, I'm happy, 2 month and 2 days without my datas was a veeeeeeeeery long wait!

Aviko, will a Smart Full Scan "regenerate" the G-List ? I know that my ISO is lost, but from what I understand the drive won't mark those sectors as bad until I try to write on them, right ?

Edited by CoRpO
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Drive is busy example, not solution: drive ST3500320AS SD15

remove 3 screws nearest heads connector, motor connected, put something between pcb and hda to lift pcb and prevent contact.

power on, wait until drive stops motor, if you dont wait at this moment you got 000000CE error after next command


F3 T>/2

F3 2>Z

Spin Down Complete

Elapsed Time 0.146 msecs

F3 2>U

Spin Up Complete

Elapsed Time 6.864 secs

this part is not necessary, just checking is everything ok, use when first try fails (F712 work only on 500g 7200.11 with firmware SD15, when you updated f/w just skip this part

F3 2>/

F3 T>F712

Byte:0712: RealTimeUpdatedFlags = 00 00

Byte:0712: Bit:0, HPA_SET_BY_SETMAX = 0

Byte:0712: Bit:1, HPA_SET_BY_SETMAX_EXT = 0

Byte:0712: Bit:2, DCO_SET_ACTIVE = 0

Byte:0712: Bit:3, CONGEN_READ_FROM_MEDIA = 0 <- configuration not loaded from surface

F3 T>F,,22

Drive Configuration restored to defaults.

F3 T>F712

Byte:0712: RealTimeUpdatedFlags = 08 00

Byte:0712: Bit:0, HPA_SET_BY_SETMAX = 0

Byte:0712: Bit:1, HPA_SET_BY_SETMAX_EXT = 0

Byte:0712: Bit:2, DCO_SET_ACTIVE = 0

Byte:0712: Bit:3, CONGEN_READ_FROM_MEDIA = 1 <- done

F3 T3>/1

F3 1>N1

F3 1>/

F3 T>m0,2,2,0,0,0,0,22

Max Wr Retries = 00, Max Rd Retries = 00, Max ECC T-Level = 00, Max Certify Rewrite Retries = 0000

User Partition Format 5% complete, Zone 00, Pass 00, LBA 00008DED, ErrCode 00000080, Elapsed Time 0 mins 05 secs

User Partition Format Successful - Elapsed Time 0 mins 05 secs

F3 T>

(finished, power off, connect disk to pc and check your data)

when, finally, my HD will communicate with HyTerm I think I will follow the instruction above... but is all that sequence does with something between pcb and hda?

Edited by Magico
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I've read all the stuff on that topic. The 2 solutions are nearly identical, but the differences are not only the ones you list : one isolates the heads, one the motor, and that is pretty much a difference.

I just need a working solution, period.

The aviko one, taking in account only the commands, seems to be less disruptive, but I really don't know which part should be isolated, motor or heads. It's impossible to get the truth between 2 people whose words to each other are insults and "you are all wrong".

Why do they fight like that ? The only result of all this will be in people's mind : "DO NOT TRUST DATA RECOVERY COMPANIES, THEY'LL TRY TO FOOL YOU IN SAYING THAT THE COMPETITOR IS LYING".

I really want to hear (or read) what is wrong in version which I suggest. Everyone who asked me got answer based on my knowledge as best as I could. All i wanted was information about real author who published these commands. Yura (also known as Okzo) worked really hard for last months to find out how to solve problem with that black series of seagate. All people who succesfully fixed own disks used commands which he publish. Of course there are commercial solutions which was developed and you can buy it or go to someone who buyed it. They worked independly and noone (as I know) grab solution from another. I am really sad because all that happened here. So much prosecution by one guy to another. Yura decided to publish these command with his own motives. I dont want to judge him is that good or not. Personally, as I work in DR company, I have much less cases with these disk after solution was published. Solution spreaded in internet and now everyone who search enough can find it and try to solve his problem. I tryed to aware you there are sifnificant errors in solution which Gradius copied and pasted here. I dont want to judge him too. He posted (or pasted) here this tutorial. Good for him. Many people could read it and fix bricked drive. He did much work too, but when someone quote another person it is nice (and should) to inform about source. Initialy he did it, but someday removed this info. Then many people who knows truth (including me) decided to something. It was not fair to pretend as author this tutorial. He compiled it and give in pill. But this pill should be good at least as in source was good. It wasnt, I tryed to change it but anything that I tryed to say was challenged by him that his tutorial is best and the only. Well if anyone who tryed "his" tutorial didnt get good results can try to contact me by instant messenger, Im using few it should be enough, all is in my profile. Thank you for reading my post to the end because I think it is my last one here. Good luck with your data. As few posts appear while i write this text I will give you all last advice. Isolating motor contacts prevents opening terminal in ES.2 and as I see new all versions of firmware rest of drives based on F3 architecture. See ya!

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when, finally, my HD will communicate with HyTerm I think I will follow the instruction above... but is all that sequence does with something between pcb and hda?




Sorry for my english

Edited by Tristano_74
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I've read all the stuff on that topic. The 2 solutions are nearly identical, but the differences are not only the ones you list : one isolates the heads, one the motor, and that is pretty much a difference.

I just need a working solution, period.

The aviko one, taking in account only the commands, seems to be less disruptive, but I really don't know which part should be isolated, motor or heads. It's impossible to get the truth between 2 people whose words to each other are insults and "you are all wrong".

Why do they fight like that ? The only result of all this will be in people's mind : "DO NOT TRUST DATA RECOVERY COMPANIES, THEY'LL TRY TO FOOL YOU IN SAYING THAT THE COMPETITOR IS LYING".

I really want to hear (or read) what is wrong in version which I suggest. Everyone who asked me got answer based on my knowledge as best as I could. All i wanted was information about real author who published these commands. Yura (also known as Okzo) worked really hard for last months to find out how to solve problem with that black series of seagate. All people who succesfully fixed own disks used commands which he publish. Of course there are commercial solutions which was developed and you can buy it or go to someone who buyed it. They worked independly and noone (as I know) grab solution from another. I am really sad because all that happened here. So much prosecution by one guy to another. Yura decided to publish these command with his own motives. I dont want to judge him is that good or not. Personally, as I work in DR company, I have much less cases with these disk after solution was published. Solution spreaded in internet and now everyone who search enough can find it and try to solve his problem. I tryed to aware you there are sifnificant errors in solution which Gradius copied and pasted here. I dont want to judge him too. He posted (or pasted) here this tutorial. Good for him. Many people could read it and fix bricked drive. He did much work too, but when someone quote another person it is nice (and should) to inform about source. Initialy he did it, but someday removed this info. Then many people who knows truth (including me) decided to something. It was not fair to pretend as author this tutorial. He compiled it and give in pill. But this pill should be good at least as in source was good. It wasnt, I tryed to change it but anything that I tryed to say was challenged by him that his tutorial is best and the only. Well if anyone who tryed "his" tutorial didnt get good results can try to contact me by instant messenger, Im using few it should be enough, all is in my profile. Thank you for reading my post to the end because I think it is my last one here. Good luck with your data. As few posts appear while i write this text I will give you all last advice. Isolating motor contacts prevents opening terminal in ES.2 and as I see new all versions of firmware rest of drives based on F3 architecture. See ya!

ok ,then way he don't publish it on forum?

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Can anyone provide me with the following info about the Nokia 3210 cable:

1. The NKI 3210 cable has 4 pins - anyone know which is RX/TX?

2. Anyone know where I can get the drivers for this cable (if they are, in fact required)?

Thanks in advance.

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