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Seagate 7200.11 fail & fine dataset

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Here comes another failed drive from Seagate...

I'm not quite sure for the exact date, but I purchased it sometime around New Year's 2009. It died today, while I was at work. BIOS won't recognize the drive, and I tried it in 3 different computers...

Country of purchase: Serbia

Here's the data:

120:9QM9****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-335:SD15:09215:(manufac. date):KRATSG:2008-12-25-:2009-05-12:OEM:Wirshlitza:Serbia:(no detect in BIOS):Ubuntu 8.04/2.6.24:N/A 450W

I used to swear by Seagate, but after this... I don't know, I think I'll change to WD, even though I didn't like them much in the past...

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Guest Dexter_prog

121:9QM803YP:ST3500320AS:98X154-303:SD15:0915-4:KRATSG:2009-03-25:2009-05-15:OEM:Dexter_prog:Argentina:Not detected in BIOS/can't get past windows loading screen (BSY error?):windows XP 32bits SP2:450w PSU

Edited by Dexter_prog
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Dear all

here's my Seagate HDD, it works fine:

Number:Serial N°:Model:Part N°:Firmware:DateCode:(manufac. date):SiteCode:PurchaseDate:FailedDate:OEM/RETAIL:UserName:Country of User:fail reason/fine:OS:PSU


122:9VS1****:ST31500341AS:9JU138-302:CC1H:09296:():TK:13/05/2009:not yet:RETAIL:asterix0108:Vietnam:fine:Windows Xp Pro SP3:Cooler Master Real Power 450W

Edited by asterix0108
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HD Doctor for Seagate is very expensive.

You can repair your hdd yourself by less than 30 euro

how about that? how can i fix a seagate myself for less than 30 eur ?

a friend of mine has this:

Barracuda 7200.11



P/N: 9BX134-505

Firmware: SD25

Datecode: 08384

and she bought it like december, it failed 2 weeks ago and she's desperate as she has a project for her final college thesis to recover, so i am looking around everywhere to find a way so that she can recover the data, kinda urgent. and that's one drive to add to the list.

THEN i ALSO have a drive that failed.. i bought it like early 2008 or even late 2007 cant remember and in november 2008 it failed, with a slightly different error, not the usual 0 byte but: it spins, i can see some of the folders and all is extremely slow, i can see some of the data on the drive but can't read any file. if i try it says that the drive has I/O errors and similar. and when i click on certain folders it says the drive has to be formatted, overall the access time is incredibly slow but it spins correctly when turned on. I guess it can be the result of some plugging off without properly disconnecting the unit from windows, as it failed after I did such a thing repeatedly.

anyway my drive is:

Barracuda 7200.11



P/N: 9BX134-505

Firmware: SD25

Datecode: 08312

as u can see the production date and s/n is like "earlier" than the drive my friend bought.

so u can add 2 models from Italy, Milan, that have failed.

I am sure my problem is related to firmware too as i always unplugged external hard drives without disconnecting them in windows like for years and no drive has ever failed. this is the first time. and how can i fix my drive now? i also have some important data to recover.


PS: both drives are 500 GB

Number:Serial N°:Model:Part N°:Firmware:DateCode:(manufac. date):SiteCode:PurchaseDate:FailedDate:OEM/RETAIL:UserName:Country of User:fail reason/fine:OS:PSU

my friend:

1XX:9QM298VS:ST3500820AS:9BX134-505:SD25:08384:2008-XX-XX:2009-05-01:OEM:N/A:ITALY:NOT SEEN:XP32



Edited by draeke
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I am sure my problem is related to firmware too as i always unplugged external hard drives without disconnecting them in windows like for years and no drive has ever failed. this is the first time. and how can i fix my drive now? i also have some important data to recover.

Read here:


A translation of original guide in Italian:


(but DON'T trust it too much), use the one below:

A more complete, and detailed guide:



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Another failed Seagate drive (500Gb):

Number:Serial N°:Model:Part N°:Firmware:DateCode:(manufac. date):SiteCode:PurchaseDate:FailedDate:OEM/RETAIL:UserName:Country of User:fail reason/fine:OS:PSU

126:9QM6****:STM3500320AS:N/A:N/A:N/A:N/A:N/A:2008-XX-XX:2009-04-17:Retail:MikeR:UK:Not detected in BIOS:Windows Vista Business 32bit:N/A.

Slightly off topic:

Had a replacement drive which is an ST3500820AS model with firmware SD25 and so far it is working but given draeke's problems - post number 215, sorry to hear of your troubles draeke - it appears as though this one could also go. Yet according to the Seagate firmware page this drive is not affected. Has anyone applied the firmware update to an ST3500820AS drive with firmware SD25?

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Another failed maxtor drive (500Gb):

Number: 1

Serial N°: 9QM69HV2

Model: STM3500320AS

Part N°:9GT154-325

Firmware: MX15

DateCode: 09092

(manufac. date):

SiteCode: KRATSG

PurchaseDate: 09/24/2008

FailedDate: 06/01/2009


UserName: zabdel

Country of User: thailand

fail reason/fine:

OS: winXP

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Well, apparently I'm very first person from Iran that having this problem and I'm not proud of it.

SN/ 9QM72D43


P/N: 9BX154~303

Firmware: SD15

Date Code: 09155

WWN: 5000C5001069877C

It worked about 5 or 6 months for me and there's a very annoying thing in my head. Microsoft should have known about this problem, so why the firmware upgrade isn't in Windows Update? I'm really p***ed off now, I've downloaded bit by bit with 256k / collecting my favorite things from rapidshare, depositfiles, ... and P2P programs, I can't describe how I worked my fingers to the bones, now they're all gone. No, A new Disk Drive can't be of help for me.

Someone should sue them

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Well, apparently I'm very first person from Iran that having this problem and I'm not proud of it.

Microsoft should have known about this problem, so why the firmware upgrade isn't in Windows Update? I'm really p***ed off now, I've downloaded bit by bit with 256k / collecting my favorite things from rapidshare, depositfiles, ... and P2P programs, I can't describe how I worked my fingers to the bones, now they're all gone. No, A new Disk Drive can't be of help for me.

Someone should sue them

At least this time Microsoft is innocent.

The problem is caused by Seagate and mainly by the very poor way they managed it.

There are two good news :):

1) the procedure to unbrick the thingy is relatively easy and all your data is there and can be recovered.

2) You are very lucky that Microsoft did NOT implement such a thing in Windows Update, running a firmware update from Windows on a live system is another name for "destroying hard drive or hard drive data"

The procedures have been tested and re-tested by hundred or maybe thousands of users by now, and all of them managed to recover their data.


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Well, apparently I'm very first person from Iran that having this problem and I'm not proud of it.

Microsoft should have known about this problem, so why the firmware upgrade isn't in Windows Update? I'm really p***ed off now, I've downloaded bit by bit with 256k / collecting my favorite things from rapidshare, depositfiles, ... and P2P programs, I can't describe how I worked my fingers to the bones, now they're all gone. No, A new Disk Drive can't be of help for me.

Someone should sue them

At least this time Microsoft is innocent.

The problem is caused by Seagate and mainly by the very poor way they managed it.

There are two good news :):

1) the procedure to unbrick the thingy is relatively easy and all your data is there and can be recovered.

2) You are very lucky that Microsoft did NOT implement such a thing in Windows Update, running a firmware update from Windows on a live system is another name for "destroying hard drive or hard drive data"

The procedures have been tested and re-tested by hundred or maybe thousands of users by now, and all of them managed to recover their data.


Hi jaclaz :hello:

If Microsoft ain't guilty so we have to point our fingers to Xeno!

Anyway, I read almost every article about this subject & tried almost every possible solution, yet I got only "Detected 0 Devices" error. Then I gave up and took my HDD to their Iran Agent [Etemad Sazgar Co.] and although they were as busy as bee, they respected me gently and acted so nice, they updated its firmware in a minute and everything is safe and sound.

Now I feel so relieved!

Rock On! \m/


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jaclaz, i see u are from italy, how about i send u the drive, the tools and a little amount for the disturb and you fix it for me :)? it seems quite complicate from what my abilities are, really! if itnerested write me in pm or at draeke at gmail dot com.



PS: io sono di milano

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jaclaz, i see u are from italy, how about i send u the drive, the tools and a little amount for the disturb and you fix it for me :)? it seems quite complicate from what my abilities are, really! if itnerested write me in pm or at draeke at gmail dot com.



PS: io sono di milano

There is an Italian member from Milano who fixed his own and already has the tools.

Try PMing him, he is Tristano_74:


If he does not reply in a couple of days, PM me, I will send an e-mail to him. (you understand that I cannot give you his e-mail addy directly, don't you?)

Also, you should read the preamble and the eplogue to the Italian translation:

TRADUZIONE ITALIANA della guida di Gradius2, l'originale (con immagini e links) è qui:


(la traduzione si basa sulla versione online il 28/01/2009)

La traduzione è stata fatta con la massima accuratezza di cui sono capace, ed il più fedelmentte possibile, ho solo eliminato alcuni punti più tecnici (che chi è in grado può agevolmente ricavare dall'originale e qualche commento/link non essenziali.

NESSUNA responsabilità per errori ed omissioni.


**************************** N O T E ****************************

Tenete presente che io (jaclaz):

  • non ho un hard disk di quelli che presentano il problema
  • non ho mai eseguito personalmente la procedura
  • non so praticamente nulla del "linguaggio" usato da Seagate


You surely understand why I would never risk attempting the fixing procedure on someone else's HD. :)


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  • 4 weeks later...

Not sure if this is ok to be posted here but still is an experience with a 7200.11 hard drive.

I posted earlier on this topic to report my and one fo my friend faulty Seagate drives.. well, before finding out about a user who could help me (and for free) replacing the firmware on my faulty drive I had sent the drive for evaluating the damage to i365 and here is how it went... (pasting what i posted on Seagate official forum):

I want to express my disappointment and share the story happened to me.

I contacted i365 and they sent me the day after a TNT Express and I gave them the package with my drive securely packed. (this was edited on seagate forum and the name of i365 was removed so I guess they don't want to advertise how bad the service they offered to me went)

And then you know what? the pack disappeared. I spent an hour at the phone with the TNT customer service in italy and a good 20 minute with the support of i365 in Holland that is the European HQ for recovery solutions.

And all I could get is a "sorry your pack was lost, we do apologize both from TNT and from i365".

To the heck with that! Who's going to give me back my memories? My poetry written in many years, my work folder with some previous job i have no backup of (which ok is my fault but still!) and generally all the rest of the data?. I could never imagine they would lost my drive! I sent it to get my data back and now I don't even have a chance of trying to.

Ironically enough I found some days after sending out the drive a guy in my city who fixed already a 7200.11 failed with the procedure of replacing the firmware with some weird technique (that works!).

So after explaining my story the point is: how do I report my stolen drive to Seagate so that if the thief tries to replace it (is a BROKEN hd) won't get a new drive easily?? Is there a way to contact Seagate and advise them of this situation? I will post here the details of the drive anyway, even if I am not sure it is of any use:

Barracuda 7200.11



P/N: 9BX134-505

Firmware: SD25

Datecode: 08312

It was purchased sometimes last year before summer and was into a iomega external case. I do have proof of purchase and all if that is needed. I am just astonished and very sad for the happened.

I wish there was something more i could do but apparently I will only regret the choice of sending it out to a recovery company and even more sorry to have bought this drive in the first place.

I only had troubles with Maxtor and Segate so far and I won't ever have one of their drives I guess.

So what do you people think? is there a way to report a stolen hard drive to seagate? in case somebody sends it over i may recover it!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Millions of users from around the world are affected by SD15 firmware issue. And there has been simply no steps from Seagate to help anyone. You lose all your valuable data that can worth a million times more than the crap (SEAGATE HDD) & there's no help regarding data recovery. I have one HDD affected by SD15 firmware & data recovery for that would cost more than 10 times the crap I bought. So beware of Seagate. Any body planning to buy a new hard drive go for companies like WD, Samsung but NEVER Seagate...

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