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Seagate 7200.11 fail & fine dataset

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Initial credits for the idea of this list go out to poolcarpet: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=824992

To all seagate barracuda 7200.11 SD15 (and other version) owners, either broken down (by "no detect in bios", 0GB reported disc size & "the click of death") or still functioning fine:

Please register to the msfn forum and add your data to the list below so we can take a stand against seagate corporate practices. Moderators on the official seagate forum claim that our problems are not statistical significant, but judging from numerous complaints spread out over the internet we think they are! However, without a serious dataset (1000+ cases, from different countries) we don't stand a chance proving it statistically wise. So please help by adding your data.

Although the list is not helpful in restoring acces to the defective drive, we believe it is needed to:

1: Give an overview of the international spread of the problem

2: Document enough failures to disprove the claim of seagate moderators that this problem is statistically insignificant (And yes I consider this to be feasible, just look at how many people have viewed the main thread already! Their data (if relevant) is more than welcome)

3: Provide insight in the history and nature of the problem; when did the excessive failing start & do drives manufactured before a certain date last longer?

Personally I think that when the dataset includes enough drives over a large enough timespan (preferably including drives manufactured from september 2007 - present) patterns will emerge from the data, probably showing an increase in the rate of failures after a certain point in time. Ofcourse this is part speculation, but can you find (online) evidence of prior events where 7200.11 drives crap out at such a scale? If this point in time can be linked to a change in seagate production lines, like the arrival of new designs, new components, relocation to a new factory, etc. and combine this with the technical findings of fatlip, pichi, etc. we'll have a better chance understanding why this present massive failure event is happening.

Most of the data can be collected from the sticker on top of your harddrive (please keep in mind that you preferably do this when the computer is powered down, be safe). For purchase & fail date, use your memory or check receits/bills. If you are afraid that seagate will "blacklist" your drive, then only add the first 3 or 4 characters of the serial number. We will use a simple seagate date code calculator tool to translate the 5 digit code listed on your harddrive to the date it was manufactured. Thanks for your time and spread the word!

At the main thread sieve-x recently posted an official statement of seagate regarding the nature of this issue:


Upload your data in the following format:

Number:Serial N°:Model:Part N°:Firmware:DateCode:(manufac. date):SiteCode:PurchaseDate:FailedDate:OEM/RETAIL:UserName:Country of User:fail reason/fine:OS:PSU




3:9QM6****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:N/A:N/A:KRATSG:2008-12-05:2008-12-19:N/A:DerSnoezie:Netherlands:(no detect in bios):Vista Basic 64 bit:CM620W


5:9QM3****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-568:SD81:08464:2008-05-20:KRATSG:2008-08-01:2008-12-23:N/A:ToKuRo:Chile:(no detect in bios):
























29:5QM1****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08383:2008-03-24:WUXISG:2008-07-01:2009-01-02:N/A:waly2k1:Argentina:(no detect in bios):

30:9QM5****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09063:2008-08-11:KRATSG:2008-07-01:2008-12-25:N/A:criverock:Italy:(no detect in bios):



33:9QM*****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08371:2008-03-15:KRATSG:2008-05-07:2008-12-29:N/A:KillerB:Korea:(no detect in bios):




37:9QM1****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08364:2008-03-11:KRATSG:2008-05-01:2008-12-12:OEM:taa:Russia:(no detect in bios):

38:9QM6****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09096:2008-08-12:KRATSG:2008-09-01:2009-01-07:OEM:kiave:Poland:(no detect in bios):

39:9QM0****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08315:2008-02-06:KRATSG:2008-03-31:2009-01-11:N/A:laz:Canada:(no detect in bios):

40:9QM6****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09082:2008-08-24:KRATSG:2008-12-01:2009-01-11:OEM:SeaGAYBarracuTARD:Canada:(no detect in bios):


42:9QM8****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09174:2008-10-28:KRATSG:2008-11-14:2008-01-11:OEM:harwin:Singapore:(no detect in bios):




46:9QM1****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08337:2008-02-22:KRATSG:not sure(at least 1 year old):N/A:OEM:harwin:Singapore:fine:

47:9QM6****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09085:2008-08-27:KRATSG:2008-09-30:2009-01-11:N/A:bp2411:UK:(no detect in bios):


49:9QM5****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09062:2008-08-10:KRATSG:2008-09-04:2008-12-01:OEM:prim:Spain:(no detect in bios):

50:5QJ0****:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:08516:2008-06-26:WUXISG:2008-11-13:2009-01-14:RETAIL:Karlston:Australia:(no detect in bios):

51:5QJ0****:ST31000340AS:9BX158-302:SD04:08185:2007-11-07:WUXISG:2008-04-06:2008-06-21:RETAIL:hallwal:USA:(0GB reported):

52:9QM8****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09167:2008-10-24:KRATSG:2008-12-01:2009-01-11:OEM:s1lencer:Malaysia:(no detect in bios):

53:9QJ0****:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:09012:2008-07-06:KRATSG:N/A:N/A:OEM:rimask:Singapore:(no detect in bios):

54:9QK0****:ST3750330AS:9BX156-303:SD15:09024:2008-07-15:KRATSG:2008-11-28:2008-12-30:OEM:valdas:Lithuania:(no detect in bios):

55:9QJ1****:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:08526:2008-07-03:KRATSG:2008-08-01:N/A:OEM:me0w:Sweden:fine:Debian GNU/Linux

56:9QJ1****:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:08526:2008-07-03:KRATSG:2008-08-01:N/A:OEM:me0w:Sweden:fine:Debian GNU/Linux

57:5QJ0****:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:08524:2008-07-01:WUXISG:2008-08-01:N/A:OEM:me0w:Sweden:fine:Debian GNU/Linux

58:9QM4****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08525:2008-07-02:KRATSG:2008-08-01:N/A:OEM:me0w:Sweden:fine:Debian GNU/Linux

59:9QM1****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08345:2008-02-27:KRATSG:2008-03-30:N/A:OEM:me0w:Sweden:fine:Debian GNU/Linux

60:5QJ0****:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:09133:2008-09-29:WUXISG:2009-01-01:N/A:OEM:jkc120:USA:fine:FreeBSD 7.1

61:5QJ0****:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:09133:2008-09-29:WUXISG:2009-01-01:N/A:OEM:jkc120:USA:fine:FReeBSD 7.1

61:5QJ0****:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:09133:2008-09-29:WUXISG:2009-01-01:N/A:OEM:jkc120:USA:fine:FReeBSD 7.1

62:9QM7****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09116:2008-09-18:KRATSG:2008-11-25:2009-01-13:N/A:DeadST3500320AS:USA:(no detect in bios):

63:9QJ1****:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:09107:2008-09-12:KRATSG:2008-11-01:2009-02-01:OEM:SSKEV:Greece:(no detect in bios):

64:9QM5****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09077:2008-08-22:KRATSG:2008-08-30:2009-01-10:N/A:D3m3nt0r:Germany:(no detect in bios):



67:9SZ*****:ST3320613AS:9FZ-162-300:SD11:08391:2008-03-29:TK:2008-08-01:2008-12-22:OEM:kadolf:Germany:(0GB reported):WinServer 2k8 x64

68:9QM2****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08381:2008-03-22:KRATSG:(unsure):2009-12-01:N/A:AlexLilic:Sweden:(no detect in bios):N/A




72:9QM1****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08366:2008-03-13:KRATSG:Spring08:2008-12-01:RETAIL:idshark:Germany:(no detect in bios):Linux:BeQuiet750W

73:9QM4****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08481:2008-05-31:KRATSG:2008-06-27:2009-01-15:N/A:sunne2k:Spain:(2100GB report in linux):linux kernel 2.6.24-21

74:9QM6****:STM3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09083:2008-08-25:KRATSG:2008-11-12:2009-01-16:OEM:Schoolisoutfan:Germany:(no detect in bios):Vista Business 64Bit: Antec 430W

75:5QM1****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08386:2008-03-27:WUXISG:2008-07-15:N/A:Roonster:Germany:STILL WORKS FINE

76:5QJ0****:ST31000340AS:98X158-335:SD15:09036:2008-07-24:WUXISG:2008-11-04:N/A:Roonster:Germany:STILL WORKS FINE

77:9QM2****:ST35000320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08381:2008-03-22:KRATSG:2008-04-30:N/A:OEM:TerTop:MY:fine:WinXP_x86_x64:NMB 460W

78:9QM8****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09165:2008-10-22:KRATSG:2008-12-15:2009-01-03:OEM:mahk:Germany:BIOS hung:XPPRO32/Linux2.6.xx:HEC300W

79:9QJ1P***:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:09075:2008-08-20:KRATSG:N/A:2009-01-15:OEM:Coltrane69:U.S.:No Detect In Bios

80:5QM2****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09105:2008-09-10:WUXISG:2008-10-21:NOT YET:OEM:bigjimmcbob:CANADA:file:DSN-323(Linux based):N/A

81:90j1****:ST31000340AS:9BX158:SD15:08527:2008-07-04:KRATSG:2008-08-01:2009-01-15:OEM:chrisbkr:USA:(no detect in bios):WinVista:650W

82:9QM6****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09075:2008-08-20:KRATSG:2008-09-01:2009-01-18:OEM:bertm:Netherlands:(no detect in bios):N/A:N/A

83:9QM6****:ST3500320AS:9BX134-505:SD25:09085:2008-08-27:KRATSG:2008-10-01:2009-01-03:RETAIL:wirefall:Germany:0GB:Win XP Home:500W

84:5QJ1****:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:09127:2008-09-26:WUXISG:2008-10-15:2008-01-18:OEM:donnerzusel:Germany:Failed after firmware upgrade recommended by Seagate to AD14:Linux 2.6.28:Enermax PRO82+ 425W


86:5QJ0****:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:09056:2008-08-07:WUXISG:2008-11-01:2009-01-18:N/A:aalexandre:Russia:(no detect in bios):winXP:N/A

87:9QM3****:STM3500320AS:9GT154-325:MX15:08401:2008-04-05:KRATSG:2008-10-30:2009-01-18:RETAIL:sellig:FRANCE:(not detected in bios):XP pro:N/A

88:9QK0****:ST3750330AS:9BX156-303:SD15:08495:2008-06-11:KRATSG:2008-07-01:2008-08-14:OEM:Gradius2:Chile:POST error (it recognize, but returns error on POST):Vista Ultimate SP1 x64:N/A

89:9QK0****:ST3750330AS:9BX156-303:SD15:09023:2008-07-14:KRATSG:2008-08-10:2008-08-14:OEM:Gradius2:Chile:BSY error:Vista Ultimate SP1 x64:N/A

90:9QK0****:ST3750330AS:9BX156-303:SD15:09023:2008-07-14:KRATSG:2008-08-10:2008-08-14:OEM:Gradius2:Chile:BSY error:Vista Ultimate SP1 x64:N/A



93:9QK0****:ST3750330AS:9BX156-303:SD15:08054:2007-08-07:KRATSG:2008-12-15:2009-01-10:OEM:Tristano:ITALY:(not detected in bios):N/A:N/A



97:5QJ0****:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:09115:2008-09-17:WUXISG:2008-11-20:2009-01-19:OEM:JRD393:USA:(no detect in bios):XP Pro:Corsair 650W

98:9QM6****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09105:2008-09-10:KRATSG:2008-11-07:N/A:OEM:winicjusz:Poland:fine:Vista x64 Business:BeQuiet 450W

99:9QM6****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09105:2008-09-10:KRATSG:2008-11-07:N/A:OEM:winicjusz:Poland:fine:Vista x64 Business:BeQuiet 450W

100:9QM3****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08406:2008-04-10:KRATSG:2008-11-20:2009-01-22:RETAIL:ili:Israel:(no detect in bios):Vista64:620W

101:9QM69WY2:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09085:2008-08-27:KRATSG:2008-09-10:2009-01-18:OEM:geff44:France:(no bios detect):Ubuntu 8.10:480W Advance

102:9QM1****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08357:2008-03-07:KRATSG:2008-N/A-N/A:2009-01-03:RETAIL:709394hk:HongKong:BSY:XP Pro:N/A

103:9QJ2****:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:09097:2008-09-05:KRATSG:2008-12-05:2009-01-13:RETAIL:kornut:Russia:(no detect in bios):XP Pro:350W

104:9QM7****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09136:2008-10-02:KRATSG:2008-11-27:N/A:OEM:an3k:Germany:still running fine:WinXP Pro:Enermax EMD525AWT

105:9QJ2****:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:09101:2008-09-06:KRATSG:2008-12-3:2009-1-20:OEM:PANG:Sinapore:no detect in bios:xppro_sp2:N/A

106:6Qm0****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09215:2008-11-26:SUZHSG:2009-01-26:2009-1-26:OEM:verdilith:china:(no detect in bios):xpHome_sp2:N/A

107:9QM2****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08394:2008-04-01:KRATSG:2008-05-20:2008-08-05:N/A:cooper2009:Germany:(no detect in bios):XPHome:230W

108:9QJ0****:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:08354:2008-03-04:KRATSG:N/A:2009-01-16:OEM:ione:Finland:(no detect in bios):N/A



111:9QM3****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08411:2008-04-12:KRATSG:2008-07-15:2009-01-16:OEM:Verdilith:UK:(no detect in bios):Windows XP SP2:N/A

112:9QM6****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09086:2008-08-28:KRAT8G:2008-09-25:2008-12-23:OEM:Dadou:France:(no detect in bios):winXP X86:Corsair 550W

113:9QM5****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-335:SD15:09055:2008-08-06:KRATSG:2008-10-01:2008-01-28:RETAIL/MICROCENTER:fcastro:USA:(no bios detect):XP:ThermalTakePurepower500W

114:9QJ1W***:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:09076:2008-08-21:KRATSG:2008-08-28:2008-12-17:OEM:[pi]:(no detect in bios):Vista Ultimate x86:Corsair HX620

115:9QM1****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08366:2008-05-05:KRATSG:2008-06-06:2009-01-10:N/A:secagate lorito:Spain:(no detect in bios):N/A:N/A

116:9QK0****:ST3750630AS:9BX146-621:HP24:08476:2008-05-29:TK:10-15-2008:01-29-2008:OEM:RainCaster:USA:(no detect in bios):Doesnt_matter:HP

117:9QM6****":ST3500320AS:98X154-335:SD15:09085:2008-08-27:KRATSG:2008-12-27:2009-01-22:RETAIL:jake36:USA:(no detect in bios):Vista:N/A

118:9TE0****:ST31000333AS:9FZ136-100:LC15:09146:2008-10-09:TK:2008-11-21:2008-12-19:OEM:MyData:Netherlands:no detect in bios:N/A:N/A

119:9QM1****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08373:2008-03-17:KRATSG:2008-05-05:2009-01-22:N/A:Datenshi:Sweden:(no detect bios):XP pro x86:N/A

Edited by DerSnoezie
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Here's another one, which I'm keeping cosy in my drawer for now.

48:9QJ2****:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:09086 (28-08-08):KRATSG:(22-09-08):(26-12-08):OEM:Lippy:UK:BUSY (locks up at BIOS)

EDIT: Found purchase date.

Edited by Lippy
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Countries currently reported to have been affected by the seagate 7200.11 "plague" marked in red (including a few countries of forum members which did report the problem, but haven't contributed their data to the fail & fine dataset yet):


Credits for providing the basic vector map go out to Lee Brimelow: http://theflashblog.com/?p=144

Edited by DerSnoezie
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Excellent idea moving the forums off of Seagate and I was so happy to see the Inquirer article. Anyways would like to report that I had the exact same issue with my ST31000AS with SD15 from Thailand. Would not detect on boot. Using a repair kit I purchased online (not cheap!) I was able to connect to the drive through a special serial connection that I did not recognize in my 15+ years of PC experience. With the included software I was able to clear the BSY (busy) lock on the HDD and also the 0GB detect issue. Full functionality was restored and the data intact. The kit was expensive so if the data is not valuable then I recommend RMAing it in.

I've been hit with many requests from ppl online to unbrick their drives so if you want to mail it to me that's an option I'm providing. I'm located in Toronto, Canada. I'm in no way a professional recoverer nor am I looking to profiteer heavily from this. I lost 800GB from this Seagate defect and was pretty p***ed :realmad: I'd imagine I'm not alone.

Rule#1 - Always back up!

Rule#2 - Always back up! (This is a backup to Rule#1)

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Thanks! Unfortunately seagate moderators do a darn good job preventing people from finding this thread. They blocked out all possibilties on their forum to link to this thread and alter or even delete our posts! We do have some small scale promotion going on at several forums, but for as yet we haven't got the resources to reach the bulk of neglected seagate customers.

Excellent idea moving the forums off of Seagate and I was so happy to see the Inquirer article.
Edited by DerSnoezie
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Here is another one:

Problem: 0 GB in BIOS & not detected. 2 months of life.

Country: Spain

S/N: 9QM613FN

ST3500320AS Barracuda 7200.11 500Gbytes

P/N: 9BX154-303

Firmware: SD15

Date Code: 09083

Site Code: KRATSG

Product of Thailand

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Failed yesterday:

Number:Serial N°:Model:Part N°:Firmware:DateCode:SiteCode:PurchaseDate:FailedDate:OEM/RETAIL:UserName:Country of the User: fail reason/fine


01:9QM6N***:STM3500320AS:9GT154-325:MX15:09101:KRATSG:120908:120109:OEM:StephenB:UK:NO DETECT IN BIOS

I have another working drive (date code 09265) with Firmware MX1A. Is this likely to go the same way?

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Failed yesterday:

Number:Serial N°:Model:Part N°:Firmware:DateCode:SiteCode:PurchaseDate:FailedDate:OEM/RETAIL:UserName:Country of the User: fail reason/fine


01:9QM6N***:STM3500320AS:9GT154-325:MX15:09101:KRATSG:120908:120109:OEM:StephenB:UK:NO DETECT IN BIOS

I have another working drive (date code 09265) with Firmware MX1A. Is this likely to go the same way?

This case is a bit different, since these are both maxtor drives (according to the model entry), with one displaying exactly the same problem as we are reporting in seagate 7200.11 drives. But when comparing the firmware versions with that of seagate models the only difference apears to be a 2 character prefix, with your MX15 corresponding to the SD15 failures and MX1A being a later firmware update, which was officially launched by seagate to fix yet another problem (so called "freezing"). Up till now I haven't come across any cases of seagate drives with SD1A firmware failing due to the "no detect in bios/0GB disc size problem" so my best guess is that your second drive will be spared from those particular issues.

BTW According to the date code calulator your second drive was manufactured quite recently; on 31-12-2008, to be precise and the defective drive on 06-09-08.

Edited by DerSnoezie
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Mine failed too, I'm not sure if failed at the end of November or begining of December, so let's say 1 Dec.

49:9QM5KJGA:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09062:KRATSG:04-09-08:01-12-08:OEM:prim:Spain:(no detect in bios)

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As fate would have it, I lost this drive a few minutes after reading the story on The Inquirer site...

50:5QJ0JRE3:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:08516:WUXISG:13-11-08:14-01-09:RETAIL:Karlston:Australia:(no detect in BIOS)

(dates above are dd-mm-yy)

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As fate would have it, I lost this drive a few minutes after reading the story on The Inquirer site...

50:5QJ0JRE3:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:08516:WUXISG:13-11-08:14-01-09:RETAIL:Karlston:Australia:(no detect in BIOS)

(dates above are dd-mm-yy)

I am sorry for your loss.. Thanks for sharing your data though :)

BTW It's time to get some sleep. See you all in about 9 hours or so.

Edited by DerSnoezie
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You can add mine to the list. :( I still haven't bothered reporting mine to Seagate because I'm sure they will take my drive before giving me a new one, and I really really want my data back!! Arghhh...

51:5QJ0****:ST31000340AS:9BX158-302:SD04:08185:WUXISG:(06-04-08):(21-06-08):RETAIL:hallwal:USA (0GB reported)

Edited by hallwal
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For now you hold the unlucky record of having the oldest drive to brick out in the dataset.. Have you really hold on to the failed drive since June last year?!? wow..

You can add mine to the list. :( I still haven't bothered reporting mine to Seagate because I'm sure they will take my drive before giving me a new one, and I really really want my data back!! Arghhh...

51:5QJ03R2M:ST31000340AS:9BX158-302:SD04:08185:WUXISG:(06-04-08):(21-06-08):RETAIL:hallwal:USA (0GB reported)

Edited by DerSnoezie
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