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Seagate 7200.11 fail & fine dataset

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With motor connector & Heads connected I get busy error.

With either of them or both disconnected I get no communication at all.

Currently I'm stucked.

So this thing has a serial communication. If the engineers at seagate are no idiots (and I don't know any id*** that is able to make such a peace of high tec), there is a possibility to get into bootlader mode and flash directly over serial. Exactly for such cases where the terminal is not available anymore.

Anybody heared something about that?

Another idea how I can get the thing in service mode or prevent it from spinning up?

Help is appreciated.



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With motor connector & Heads connected I get busy error.

With either of them or both disconnected I get no communication at all.

Currently I'm stucked.

So this thing has a serial communication. If the engineers at seagate are no idiots (and I don't know any id*** that is able to make such a peace of high tec), there is a possibility to get into bootlader mode and flash directly over serial. Exactly for such cases where the terminal is not available anymore.

Anybody heared something about that?

Another idea how I can get the thing in service mode or prevent it from spinning up?

Help is appreciated.



AFAIK, you can view a full command list, by typing "/C" on the first prompt and then "Q" afterwards. No guarantee though that it works. I remember having used that once some months ago. Try it, if you can risk a failure.

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Number:Serial N°:Model:Part N°:Firmware:DateCode:SiteCode:PurchaseDate:FailedDate:OEM/RETAIL:UserName:Country of the User: fail reason/fine


122:9QJ1X***:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:09104:KRATSG:UNKNOW:020310:OEM:tvtruong:CAN:NO DETECT IN BIOS

This is my second seagate that failed this month, and I have two. So for whatever reason they decided to fail this month. I returned the first drive(7200.12 1.5TB) that fail thinking it was freak chance, but after this drive fail, I decided to do some investigation. By the looks of it, they should of issue a recall months ago, maybe years. If they did, I won't of so angry because of my lost data.

I already requested an RMA, should I have any confident at all that the replacement drive is any better?

Edited by tvtruong
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  • 1 month later...

ST31000340AS S/N: 9QJOJQ7L Firmware: SD15 ~ daniel m, sacramento usa ~ THIS HDD IS LOCKED UP LIKE A BRICK.

@tvtruong ~ they now offer free data recovery if your hdd is one of the affected models. i have no clue how long it takes for seagate to ship back the hdd w/ all the data restored, but as far as i know they are not in a hurry :[

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104:9QM7****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09136:2008-10-02:KRATSG:2008-11-27:N/A:OEM:an3k:Germany:still running fine:WinXP Pro:Enermax EMD525AWT

This HDD failed last week, it's not deteced by the BIOS and its inaccessible by Windows, DOS and Linux. Need to send it to Seagate.
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9QM6****:ST3500620AS:9BX144-033:DE12:09103:2008-09-09:KRATSG:2008-09-25:2010-03-28:OEM:BetKing:Sweden:(no detect bios):Vista Business OEM x64:LiteOn 350W Dell Vostro 410 (still works fine)

Adding my disk to your list.

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9QM9****:STM3500320AS:9GT154-326:MX1A:09267:????-??-??:KRATSG:2009-02-15:2010-03-20:OEM:Capille:Brasil: (no detect bios):XP Home Pro:HP Pavillion Slimline(still works fine)

Adding my disk to your list

Still looking for a solution to recover my data

Hugs to everyone

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I got two drives to add to the list:

Number:Serial N°:Model:Part N°:Firmware:DateCode:(manufac. date):SiteCode:PurchaseDate:FailedDate:OEM/RETAIL:UserName:Country of User:fail reason/fine:OS:PSU


9QM5****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09133:KRATSG:2008-11-07:2009-05-20:OEM:geesate:Ireland:no detect in bios:Vista64bit:OCZ 700w

Number:Serial N°:Model:Part N°:Firmware:DateCode:(manufac. date):SiteCode:PurchaseDate:FailedDate:OEM/RETAIL:UserName:Country of User:fail reason/fine:OS:PSU


9QM6****:STM3500320AS:9GT154-325:MX15:09093:KRATSG:2008-11-07:2010-04-26:OEM:geesate:Ireland:no detect in bios:Vista64bit:OCZ 700w

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  • 4 weeks later...


S/N: 9VM2F79C


P/N: 9SL131-301

Firmware: CC35

Date Code: 10035 Site Code: TK

F3 T>m0,2,2,0,0,0,0,22

Max Wr Retries = 00, Max Rd Retries = 00, Max ECC T-Level = 00, Max Certify Rewr

ite Retries = not supported

User Partition Format Successful - Elapsed Time 0 mins 00 secs

Zone re-format was skipped.


What's wrong and please help me..............

Many thank's

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  • 1 month later...

Hi all,

My Barracuda 500GB 7200.11 elected to brick itself on Thursday night (24th June).

Number:Serial N°:Model:Part N°:Firmware:DateCode:(manufac. date):SiteCode:PurchaseDate:FailedDate:OEM/RETAIL:UserName:Country of User:fail reason/fine:OS:PSU


9QM6****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09156:KRATSG:2009-04-??:2010-06-24:OEM:Genwedge:UK:no detect in bios:WinXp:Zalman 600w modular PSU.

Appears my drive stayed alive far longer than perhaps you'd expect.

I can't quite remember the Purchase date, but I can find it out as I have the original PO somewhere.

Cheers, Richard

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  • 1 month later...

Number:Serial N°:Model:Part N°:Firmware:DateCode:(manufac. date):SiteCode:PurchaseDate:FailedDate:OEM/RETAIL:UserName:Country of User:fail reason/fine:OS:PSU


9QM8DLBE:ST3500320NS:9CA154-052:MA07:09173:(2008 October 27th):KRATSG:????-??-??:2010-07-08:OEM:HallBert:Canada:no detect in bios:WinXP:LITEON

Thank you???

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I got 3 drives to add to the list:

Number:Serial N°:Model:Part N°:Firmware:DateCode:(manufac. date):SiteCode:PurchaseDate:FailedDate:OEM/RETAIL:UserName:Country of User:fail reason/fine:OS:PSU


5VP1NH**:ST31000528AS:9SL154-301:CC37:10141:():SU:2010-05-30:2010-06-20:OEM:DESAPUTRA:Ireland:no detect in bios:WIN7ULTIMATE:DELL 350W

5VP1MY**:ST31000528AS:9SL154-301:CC37:10141:():SU:2010-05-30:2010-06-20:OEM:DESAPUTRA:Ireland:no detect in bios:WIN7ULTIMATE:DELL 350W

5VP1KR**:ST31000528AS:9SL154-301:CC37:10141:():SU:2010-05-30:2010-07-10:OEM:DESAPUTRA:Ireland:no detect in bios:WIN7ULTIMATE:External Enclosure.

Got 2 more that still working, but I already take it out from my m/c...

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  • 4 months later...

I have a drive to add to the list.

Number:Serial N°:Model:Part N°:Firmware:DateCode:(manufac. date):SiteCode:PurchaseDate:FailedDate:OEM/RETAIL:UserName:Country of User:fail reason/fine:OS:PSU


:9QMABJJD:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD1A:09306::KRATSG:2010-04-08:2011-01-04:RETAIL:DerrylCocks:USA:not powering up:WinXP:Dell Dimension 4600

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have now had two of these drives fail me. The second drive failed due to S.M.A.R.T. failures (I believe) where the drive would randomly fail to be recognized in the BIOS. This occured even while in Windows 7 64-bit. If it happened in Windows, Windows would lock up completely after the mouse began to move around in a choppy fashion. First drive failed from the firmware problem. I was unaware, because Seagate failed to contact vendors of their products, that a firmware update was even needed for my drive prior to complete failure. I therefore lost everything on the drive when it failed after a routine restart. Here is the drive information and shame on Seagate. I'll stick with WD from now on.

Number:Serial N°:Model:Part N°:Firmware:DateCode:(manufac. date):SiteCode:PurchaseDate:FailedDate:OEM/RETAIL:UserName:Country of User:fail reason/fine:OS:PSU

5QM3M81V:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:unknown:unknown:12-21-08:1-17-10:OEM:ubelong2matt:USA:not detected in BIOS:Win 7 64-bit

5QM2G2VT:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD1A:0953-2:WUXISG:6-15-10:2-9-11:OEN:ubelong2matt:USA:S.M.A.R.T failure:Win 7 64-bit

I'm still awaiting a response to the questions about the second drive's possible RMA. Sorry to reply to an old post but I just found this post and wanted to share my story.



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