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KB976325 replace KB974455

However, when I try to slipstream KB976325 it still shows as needed when doing windows update.

I did remove KB974455 before run HFSLIP so not sure what the problem is.

I had the same problem, and I discovered I had left KB976749 in HF. KB976325 replaces both KB974455 and KB976749. I removed it and reran HFSLIP and it worked fine.

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gluon - you'd need a REM for that, not an RDV. The RDV is to remove stuff from cabs. The REM filters stuff out of the i386 and some inf files. You'll also need a RIN that looks like this: mmdriver.inf;x You'll need to find out what other INFs call out the other ax's. You'll need to filter those INFs out with the right RIN callout. Sorry, I don't have a list of that stuff. If you want to start a hfcleanup thread, please do so. This is a WU thread. :)

Thanks for the speedy reply Tommy, yeah this is not the place of discussing hfcleanup. I'll spawn another thread when I giving up figuring out RIN stuff :) There's plenty of examples already so I just need to try understand what's happening.

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you mean table 7 (instead of table 9)? :P

btw, table 7 (2009-12-11 portion) shows:


· KB954430 (msxml4-KB954430-enu.exe)

· KB973688 (msxml4-KB973688-enu.exe)


· KB973688 (msxml4-KB973688-enu.exe)

are these really supposed to be same entries for Removed & Added? cheers! Edited by Kiki Burgh
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you mean table 7 (instead of table 9)? :P
I mean table 9 wich shows the result of windows update ;)
btw, table 7 (2009-12-11 portion) shows:

· KB954430 (msxml4-KB954430-enu.exe)

· KB973688 (msxml4-KB973688-enu.exe)


· KB973688 (msxml4-KB973688-enu.exe)

are these really supposed to be same entries for Removed & Added? cheers!

Uuuhhh... shame on me... :D


PS: List is updated!

Edited by Mim0
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:hello: Mim0! posting here results of HFSLIPFC for it covers updates ...

[font="Courier New"]Check missing updates for Windows XP SP3:
missing (S): HF\WindowsXP-KB955069-x86-ENU.EXE (MS08-069: XML Core Services (MSX
missing (S): HF\WindowsXP-KB954459-x86-ENU.EXE (MS08-069: XML Core Services (MSX
missing (O): HF\Windows-EN-US-KB943729.exe (Group Policy Editor)

Check missing updates for IE8:

Check missing updates for WMP11:

Check missing updates for RDC7:
missing (S): WindowsXP-KB969084-x86-ENU.exe (Remote Desktop Client 7)[/font]

haven't KB955069 & KB954459 been replaced by KB973687 as per this post?

as for KB943729, i actually have it in HF ... however, i think there's a mismatch in what the script is looking for: Windows-EN-US-KB943729.exe vs the downloadable file from ms: Windows-KB943729-x86-ENU.exe ... marked the differences in blue ;)

how about KB969084? is this not supposed to be in HFSVCPACK_SW1? if HFSVCPACK_SW1 is not parsed, this update would be reported as missing ... likewise tried to have the script parse HFSVCPACK_SW1 (just as i inquired in the other thread) by adding strings to the default: FOLDERSET=HF\*.*;HFGUIRUNONCE\*.*;HFCABS\*.*;HFSVCPACK_SW1\*.*;HFSVCPACK_SW2\*.* ... with the same result, missing KB969084 ...

btw, i tried setting different values for Remote Desktop Client = under Selected components: via hfslipfc.ini

[font="Courier New"]REM ------------------------------------------------
REM Version of Remote Desktop Client
REM Possible values:
REM 6 = Remote Desktop Client 6 (default)
REM 7 = Remote Desktop Client 7
REM ------------------------------------------------

... used 7 in the 1st run & 6 for the 2nd run with a common result --- advising to

Check missing updates for RDC7:


missing (S): WindowsXP-KB969084-x86-ENU.exe (Remote Desktop Client 7)

shouldn't KB969084 apply only to Remote Desktop Client = RD7 please do correct me if i'm mistaken? thanks. Edited by Kiki Burgh
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haven't KB955069 & KB954459 been replaced by KB973687 as per this post?
I will test it!
as for KB943729, i actually have it in HF ... however, i think there's a mismatch in what the script is looking for: Windows-EN-US-KB943729.exe vs the downloadable file from ms: Windows-KB943729-x86-ENU.exe ... marked the differences in blue
Funny MS! They changed the name! hrhrhr... Or is this updated? I will put the new file to my list!!! THX for the hint
how about KB969084? is this not supposed to be in HFSVCPACK_SW1? if HFSVCPACK_SW1 is not parsed, this update would be reported as missing ... likewise tried to have the script parse HFSVCPACK_SW1 (just as i inquired in the other thread) by adding strings to the default: FOLDERSET=HF\*.*;HFGUIRUNONCE\*.*;HFCABS\*.*;HFSVCPACK_SW1\*.*;HFSVCPACK_SW2\*.* ... with the same result, missing KB969084 ...
When checking missing updates the FOLDERSET doesn't matter. I've forgotten to define the path of this RDC7-Update/Installer. The corrected HFSLIPFC is already upped.
shouldn't KB969084 apply only to Remote Desktop Client = RD7 please do correct me if i'm mistaken? thanks.
This is the update for RDC7. If you define to use RDC6, KB969084 should be reported as wrong update. Edited by Mim0
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haven't KB955069 & KB954459 been replaced by KB973687 as per this post?
I will test it!
looking forward to the results :) ... could be worth a look as there are actually 2 KB954459s, namely: Security Update for Microsoft XML Core Services 6.0 (KB954459) with msxml6-KB954459-enu-x86.exe dated 2/23/2009 as the downloadable file (this is the 1 i have in HF) while the other on the list being WindowsXP-KB954459-x86-ENU.exe dated 11/10/2008 from Security Update for Windows XP (KB954459) ... yet would it still matter if indeed KB954459's been replaced by KB973687? ;) kindly verify.
... mismatch in what the script is looking for: Windows-EN-US-KB943729.exe vs the downloadable file from ms: Windows-KB943729-x86-ENU.exe ... marked the differences in blue
Funny MS! They changed the name! hrhrhr... Or is this updated? I will put the new file to my list!!! THX for the hint
no biggie Mim0! ;)
When checking missing updates the FOLDERSET doesn't matter. I've forgotten to define the path of this RDC7-Update/Installer. The corrected HFSLIPFC is already upped.
great ... will run tests & report back

edit: reporting back ... run was better ... other folders parsed (& if there is nothing in a specific folder, no report is logged)

btw, i tried setting different values for Remote Desktop Client = under Selected components: via hfslipfc.ini... used 7 in the 1st run & 6 for the 2nd run with a common result --- advising to
Check missing updates for RDC7:


missing (S): WindowsXP-KB969084-x86-ENU.exe (Remote Desktop Client 7)

shouldn't KB969084 apply only to Remote Desktop Client = RD7 please do correct me if i'm mistaken? thanks.
This is the update for RDC7. If you define to use RDC6, KB969084 should be reported as wrong update.
even with RDC=7, WindowsXP-KB969084-x86-ENU.exe was still reported as a missing hotfix (have yet to the try the updated script & see if results would be the same)

edit2: all seems to be in place with the recent changelog:

REM --------------------------------------------------------------------
REM Updates for Remote Desktop Client 7
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------
[color="#0000FF"]S|HFSVCPACK_SW1\WindowsXP-KB969084-x86-!lang!.exe|Remote Desktop Client 7[/color]
R|HF\WindowsXP-KB925876-x86-!lang!.exe|Remote Desktop Client 6, DO NOT MIX

Change Log:

[color="#0000FF"]- added HF\msxml4-KB973685-!lang!.exe[/color]
- removed wrong entry WindowsXP-KB970653-v3-x86-!lang!.exe (was twice)
- added path to WindowsXP-KB925876-x86-!lang!.exe
[color="#0000FF"]- added path to WindowsXP-KB969084-x86-!lang!.exe[/color]
[color="#0000FF"]- MS changed Windows-!lang2!-KB943729.exe to Windows-KB943729-x86-!lang!.exe
- Windows-!lang2!-KB943729.exe is obsolete now
- Windows-KB943729-x86-!lang!.exe is optional now[/color]

have this for a result:

Check missing updates for Windows XP SP3:
missing (S): HF\WindowsXP-KB955069-x86-ENU.EXE (MS08-069: XML Core Services (MSX
missing (S): HF\WindowsXP-KB954459-x86-ENU.EXE (MS08-069: XML Core Services (MSX

Check missing updates for IE8:

Check missing updates for WMP11:

Check missing updates for RDC7:

just waiting for xml core svcs updates ... cheers! :thumbup

Edited by Kiki Burgh
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Mim0 thanks for addressing concern about KB955069 & KB954459 vs KB973687 in the latest update list (though i think last entry date in table 7 should be 2009-12-13 instead of 2009-12-3) ... further there are 2 entries now for this kb, 1 in table 2 as security update & another in table 3 as optional update (could be confusing) :lol:

following-up on this too:

:) ... could be worth a look as there are actually 2 KB954459s, namely: Security Update for Microsoft XML Core Services 6.0 (KB954459) with msxml6-KB954459-enu-x86.exe dated 2/23/2009 as the downloadable file (this is the 1 i have in HF) while the other on the list being WindowsXP-KB954459-x86-ENU.exe dated 11/10/2008 from Security Update for Windows XP (KB954459) ... yet would it still matter if indeed KB954459's been replaced by KB973687? ;) kindly verify.
appreciate it! Edited by Kiki Burgh
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Hi Mimo!

Thanks for keeping this so up to date.

Minor confusion - WindowsXP-KB955069-x86-ENU.exe and WindowsXP-KB954459-x86-ENU.exe are still shown in Table 2 as Critical and Important under an entry dated 2008-11, while in Table 7 it shows that they are included in KB973687.

Also, WindowsXP-KB969898-x86-ENU.exe is shown in Table 2 under an entry dated 2009-06, the HFSLIP File Checker says this is replaced by KB973346, but that is shown in Table 7 as itself being replaced by KB973525. :unsure:

I don't mean for this to be a double post, here and in the File Checker thread, just wanted anyone not using the File Checker to be aware of the above apparent discrepancy. (And everyone definitely should try the File Checker - it's going to be a really great addition to HFSLIP - maybe it even should be folded in so HFSLIP always runs the checker unless specifically told not to, and if it finds any problems, displays them and then gives the user a "Are you sure you want to continue?" kind of option. Might prevent some wasted runs, speeding things up overall. Just a thought!)

Anyway, again, Thanks for all your hard work!

Cheers and Regards

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Minor confusion - WindowsXP-KB955069-x86-ENU.exe and WindowsXP-KB954459-x86-ENU.exe are still shown in Table 2 as Critical and Important under an entry dated 2008-11, while in Table 7 it shows that they are included in KB973687.
You're right, I've fogotten to remove the obsolete entries.
Also, WindowsXP-KB969898-x86-ENU.exe is shown in Table 2 under an entry dated 2009-06, the HFSLIP File Checker says this is replaced by KB973346, but that is shown in Table 7 as itself being replaced by KB973525. :unsure:
KB969898 has to be removed from table 2. But I didn't understood what you found in table 7 :(

Thx, Mimo

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You're right, I've fogotten to remove the obsolete entries.

I thought so.

KB969898 has to be removed from table 2.

I thought so, again.

But I didn't understood what you found in table 7 :(

No real problem. It's just that if I had followed the File Checker's advice and removed WindowsXP-KB969898-x86-ENU.exe and replaced it with KB973346 as suggested, when I ran File Checker again it would have then told me that, no, KB973346 is obsolete and it has been replaced by KB973525, as shown in Table 7 by this line -

MS09-032: ActiveX Kill Bits (cumulative) (973346) --- Critical --- Replaced by MS09-055: ActiveX Kill Bits (KB973525)

So while the File Checker is "correct", it could have saved me a step. Anyway, again, it's no problem. The Tables are correct now, as far as I know. :thumbup

Thanks again for your hard work and for this wonderful, time saving tool!

Cheers and Regards

Edited by bphlpt
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Here's a monkey wrench for XP. If you use wm9, you can upgrade to the v9.5 codecs using wmfdist95.exe in HF. These codecs don't have as many DRM as WMP11 does. HFSLIP already takes care of necessary hotfix updates if you use wmfdist95.exe. ;)

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