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Posted (edited)

Ah - yet more fun and games. I just finished installing the slipstreamed system withholding all the WMP-related updates (except WMP9's MPSetup.exe itself). When installing the WMP-related updates individually afterward, 969878 failed saying it required that WMP9 be installed and 975025 failed saying it required that WMP (no specific version) be installed. The other 10 or so WMP-related patches installed fine (including the original codecs that I downloaded from Microsoft rather than use the DRM-'enhanced' version in 891122).

Perhaps I shouldn't have included MPSetup.exe in the slipstream after all. I remember a claim that if you wanted the WMP9 encoder to work well you should first install the WMP7.1 encoder before upgrading to WMP9, so deferring the upgrade might have that advantage as well.

Just to see what would happen I executed MPSetup.exe manually (the result seemed to retain all the setting changes that I had made earlier) and then attempted to re-apply the two failed updates, but the result was the same: whatever was lacking didn't get cleared up by the reinstall. Unfortunately, there's no obvious way to uninstall the codec package to see whether that may have affected anything (**** - I *know* I should have taken an early image of the system just in case).

WMP certainly is a marvel...

- bill

(Oh, my - about the most innocuous '4-letter word' in my vocabulary seems to have been censored. I wouldn't want anyone to think it was something worse.)

Edited by billtodd


Well, 'tain't HFSLIP's fault that 969878 and 975025 wouldn't install. After taking MPSetup.exe out of the slipstream and still having the problem, I went back to my SP1 disk and reinstalled everything by hand - and those two patches still wouldn't install (Google couldn't find any information about this, but both have only been out for less than a week and not that many people are still using Win2K - assuming it's peculiar to Win2K). I even tried installing the 891122 DRM patch just to see if that would make them work - but no...

If HFSLIP can save me 70-odd manual installs I won't complain about having to install a dozen or so WMP patches by hand (plus one DX9 patch). Slipstreaming the DX9c installation also eliminates 4 event log Windows File Protection failures (involving ks*.ax) that have always bothered me even though they never seemed to cause any problems.

- bill

Posted (edited)

That's odd. Without WMP9, I was able to slipstream the 969878 and 975025 and directx9 and the rest of the hotfixes using beta R. In fact, the only missing update I got was the Malicious Software Removal Tool because I didn't include it. Weird. Maybe I'm doing something wrong?

edit. With WMP9, WU reports that I missed the sofware removal tool and 973540, which ironically I forgot to include. Others installed fine. I must be doing something wrong then. Oh well.

Let's keep this thread back on topic - windows updates. If you are running into a particular problem, please either report it in the beta thread or in a new thread. This is not a blog. Thanks in advance for understanding.

Edited by tommyp

anyone seen muppethunter?

in the meantime, go to the 2003 list, load the KB articles, and select the XP patches from there...

Posted (edited)

KB958869 for GDI+ replaces kb938464v.2


KB971486 replaces kb956572



kb973525 ActiveX Killbits - replaces KB973346

kb974455 replaces 972260 (i.e versions 7 and 8 independent)

kb974112 replaces kb954600



kb890830 v3.0

I think they are these

please update the post from October 2009 to xp

Edited by willydejoe1234
  • 2 weeks later...

On october 28 I got 2 new updates on windows update:



but I cannot find them on Microsoft Security Bulletin Summary. Can anyone help if I have to delete older updates?


KB976749 for IE8 is up to fix previous cumulative update. From the description it seems like the previous cumulative update kb974455 need to be installed first otherwise there could be issues.

I'm trying it now, putting it in HF folder.... hopefully everything is OK.

Posted (edited)

I tried with latest beta and WU seems satisfied. No problems.

edit: how can I see if an update has been really installed and there is no conflict with other update?

Edited by bfc_xxx

I guess I need a new contributor for the XP list...

No hard feelings if you're reading this, Mup, but we've gotta keep moving forward... any takers?

Tom and I will help any new taker until they get on their feet.

The faster someone steps forward, the easier this will be.


Wow! That was fast. FDV, looks like we got a taker, and we have German precision to make it perfect too. Thanks for stepping up to the plate Mimo!

FDV, can you link to this list? Or host it for Mimo? Either way is fine with me. I'll update the hfslip site so that it points to the right place for XP lists once it's all settled.

Sorry muppet :(, but a one time update of a list doesn't cut it.

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