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Hello Muppet Hunter,

Another update. I vaguely remember reporting once something very similar (only a minor difference in otherwise very similars URLs for two different files), but I cannot find that again... STUPID STUPID STUPID MICROSOFT! :angry:

Please change the link for "muweb_site.cab" from this one:


to this one:


Look almost identical? Only an additional "www"? Yes, that's right! But they refer totally different files. The first one is from 2008/10/17 and contains version 7.2.6001.788 of the MU ActiveX control, whereas the second is from 2009/08/07 and contains version 7.4.7600.226. Using this most recent file, MU was satisfied on first run in Internet Explorer...


Thanks for correcting the link in the update list!

Kind regards,


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*** Edit - WMP9 will be included for now for those wanting a vanilla install of XP ***

If there are no objections I'm going to remove the reference to WMP9 hotfixes to make things simpler. The line will be changed to :-

If you do not slipstream the WMP11 installer, you do not need the WMP11 hotfixes

Edited by Muppet Hunter
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Muppet - if slipstreaming the msi v4.5, there are no other files to include other than the installer obviously. The new rev o slipstreams this now. You can thank Tomalak for testing out various betas and providing constructive criticism. :)

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One more note that may just reflect some misunderstanding on my part: I can't find LegitCheckControl.* anywhere on my Win2K system and it runs Windows Update just fine, so that may not be required (nor is the Malicious Software Removal Tool; the Agent and - I think - the BITS updates are required, though).

I'd also feel more comfortable knowing why patches to Remote Desktop Connection like KB958470 don't appear in the list (is it just because no one in their right mind would enable it?).

Thanks (again),

- bill

Edited by billtodd
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New updates from 12/ago/2009 and 13/ago/2009 for Windows 2000 Professional:














Edited by Fudeba
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Billtodd - sometimes legitcheckcontrol is used to download special nonessential hotfixes/files that people think are critical and essential. Normally it would reside in the sys32 folder. But if you need it in a bind, just extract the cab to your desktop, register the dll, download your file, unregister the dll and delete the dll. ;)

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Thanks for such a prompt monthly update - now that everything is officially blessed I'll give it another shot to see if WU agrees that it's all there.

(KB973346 appears in the deleted-files section but doesn't seem to have been removed from the main list.)

- bill

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Is it possible that some of the newest updates didn't include whatever it takes for Windows Update to recognize that they've been applied? 954155, 968816, 973540, 971633, and 952069 are listed as missing despite the fact that I included them in my \HF input to HFSLIP.

The (optional) root certificates update (also included) came up missing as well. Is this expected behavior (I think I've seen that happen after I manually installed that update)?

Several WMP 6.4 updates are listed as missing despite the fact that I slipstreamed in WMP9. I realize that I can probably just ignore them (unless somehow WMP 6.4 is still lurking in my system somewhere and creating a latent vulnerability if I leave it defenseless), but is this expected behavior from HFSLIP (I tried to search this topic for '6.4' but for some reason just kept getting sent to the main forum page)?

I tend just to ignore updates to things like Remote Desktop Connection, Message Queue, and Active Directory that I never plan to use (or even install), which sometimes leads to strangeness (e.g., 937894 listed as missing but not the more recent 951071 which replaced it or the even more recent 971032 which replaced that). Should this be any cause for concern?

Pure curiosity question: 926122 is listed as missing - a server update which I really wouldn't expect my ancient ThinkPad 570E would require. I remember seeing that pop up missing on one other desktop system once, and never on any others: anyone have any idea why?

Thanks for any insights,

- bill

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Thanks - I feel kind of silly for not having noticed this after noticing the WMP 6.4 pattern. But there's still the DX9 update that also didn't get found (and doesn't seem to contain multiple files), and that dates back to August. In any event, it's not hard to install the few offending updates manually now that I know which ones they are (perhaps the HFSLIP instructions and contents could change to reflect this).

Having been pestered by Windows Update about WMP 6.4 updates in the past I do understand that installing WMP 9 does not normally remove WMP 6.4, but since HFSLIP in fact does replace files in \i386 and the driver .cab file (and since the HFSLIP instructions emphasize that you should not include WMP 6.4 patches if you've slipstreamed WMP 9) I had tentatively assumed that HFSLIP removed WMP 6.4 when it installed WMP 9 (though in fact HFSLIP refers to WMP 7 rather than 6.4). Since the behavior of WMP in this area differs from that of replacement-style upgrades to IE, OE, and DX, perhaps the instructions could clarify that.

- bill

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WM hotfixes are troublesome. The microsoft software clowns don't seem to pack the WM hotfixes in the same manner, they like to rename folders with a unique naming scheme for no rhyme or reason. I'll have to trouble shoot these over the weekend.

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