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-x- thanks for the contribution, but like i said, there's other updates needed for the other flavors of wmp9. I'm sure that there's other things to test out.

Acheron - you're doing a great job plugging the efforts at ryanvm's site. From the limited reading that forum, it appears that ryanvm lost motivation too. Irregardless of that, I'm sure that his file is fine, however his pack does not support all flavors of IE/WMP, etc.

I honestly do not have time to support an OS that I don't even use. Maybe someone will devote some time to maintain them. Until then, you can consider my xp list an abandoned effort.

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Hi folks...

I'll repeat the point. It would be ideal if someone took this now, while the changes are minimal.

Otherwise the XP list will get pulled since it's going to be a useless resource within a few months. That would be a shame... I don't imagine it would be that much effort to take this up. I don't think it kills me to update 2003, personally.

I'm going to solicit in the XP group later today.

I don't need XP fixes either, so I'm not gonna do it.

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Man, whats with everyone going back to Win2K ?? IIRC FDV had left Win2K for one of the server flavours (or was it linux?) a year or two ago, but appears to be a Win2K'er again? I never realized tommyp didn't use WinXP until a couple posts scattered in the forum recently.

I kept meaning to upgrade to WinXP... but everything still works that I want, aside from the odd piece of software now n then that I have to replace with something else.

Maybe TommyP can donate/upload his Spreadsheet as a file to the Update List thread, for whomever might want to take over?

Edited by Crash&Burn
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oh yes please, do it. We'll support you !!

Very nice job, i'll compare it with my kb directory right now.

Great job.

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@Crash & Burn -- I actually used Kubuntu for a while. At least a year. I liked it okay, but when it got to the point where I was twiddling with WINE because I was running more Windows programs than 'nix programs... I realized it was kinda pointless. Look at the tiny uTorrent. Look at the Linux equivalent in 2007/2008 -- WAY bigger, less features. MS Office, Xnews, Adobe Photoshop (don't give me that Gimp or Gimpshop song and dance), it came to the point where I decided to go back to 2000 (and 2003 on a machine).

@Muppet Hunter -- if TP gives his blessing we will proceed and pin a thread. I can put it at vorck.com OR simply put a redirect on my page. An important element is, of course, marking old KB's as replaced/obsolete so people can del them from the HF folder. As an added incentive, nearly everyone on the web is giving up maintaining these lists, so if you choose to proceed, your effort alone will drive a lot of traffic to MSFN. That would be a good thing. Scout around for well-maintained, non-abandoned Windows hotfix lists... you won't find many left.

BTW you also need patience for people who will IM you the SECOND that a fix comes out if you didn't make an update :wacko::lol:

Let me clear it with Tom though I am sure he'll be okay with pinning a thread and of course handing over the existing source, now frozen, for you to reformat any way you like for your own presentation.

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A couple others have done these update lists in the past, and they start out great. Then their interest wanes and they'll just up and disappear with no notice whatsoever.

Basically, what I've been doing is have a Win2K VM that is patched w/ SP4 + UpdateRollup, then run hfnetcheck with the MSSecure.xml file within the VM:

hfnetchk -o xml2 -x mssecure.xml -vv -f hf.xml

Grep the file for "\<Download URL\>", ie

Of which I can output the last forward-slash piece to a text file, (generally process the text with with gawk in a .cmd batch script) compare vs my HF folder, and have the download links even to fetch the files in question. I may see how an AHK script handles the whole shebang, instead of UnxUtils and .cmd batch.

YMMV, and you need an actual working copy of HFNETCHK which is pretty hard to find these days, I dunno if were even allowed to link to where a copy can be found.

I had given autopatcher a try a few times, to see how it handled just fetching the patches (as it downloads them from MS servers now). While it does a half-decent job with XP, it's a complete fail IRT Win2K. I was looking for a less time intensive way of building an updated central XP location for when I do the odd XP reinstall for family and friends. Since I don't keep up with XP in general. Even with AutoPatcher and a few other methods, every single time I need to build a current XP disk it winds up taking literally days of troubleshooting obscure issues. Especially OEM boxes which don't legally allow you to install a "real version of XP". After the most recent incident, I've pretty much stopped offering my help/time.

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I have no prob with muppet hunter doing the updates. In my opinion, it's probably easier having the list posted on a separate site but that's only my opinion. Muppet, PM me offline if you want me to send you that spreadsheet.

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I was thinking that you could host the main list and I could re-edit the first post of the new thread with anything issued after patch Tuesday. I'll keep the same kind of format where deletions are listed. I'm ready for the dreaded IM's :}


Thanks, I'll take a look at hfnetchk.

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August 2009 cumulative time zone update for Microsoft Windows operating systems: KB970653 -->HF (will no Kabul Time Zone problem)

Important: this update supersedes and replaces update KB955839 (deleted fom HFSVCPACK_SW1)


New update in August: KB968389 (Extended Protection for Authentication)


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Windows Update Agent 3.0 was updated to version 7.4.7600.226. Here's the link to the updated version: http://download.windowsupdate.com/WindowsU...Agent30-x86.exe


I guess that on the list for XP the entry for WindowsXP-KB969898-x86-ENU.exe should be moved to the "have been replaced"-section, because it was superseded by WindowsXP-KB973346-x86-ENU.exe on July 14th 2009.

For the german speaking audience: http://patch-info.de/artikel/2009/07/14/658


Muppet Hunter for maintaining the xp-list,

tommyp for this great peace of code and

everybody contributed either way.

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Fixed typo (KB973346 instead of KB973349) in the first item - thanks to Trolleri for noticing that!



I'm preparing for a new install in near future, and was comparing my list of updates for WinXP SP3 with the official one maintained by Muppet Hunter.

I have a few remarks:

1) KB969898 (ActiveX killbits of June 09) is still listed, but was replaced by KB973346 (MS09-032, ActiveX killbits of July 09).

2) KB955839 (Timezone update of December 08) is still listed, but was replaced by KB970653 (Timezone update of August 09).

3) KB972636 (IE8 compatibility list of July 09) is still listed, but was replaced by KB973874 (IE8 compatibility list of August 09).

4) Windows Update Agent is linked with version 7.2.6001.788, but meanwhile version 7.4.7600.226 is available.

5) Not sure whether it makes sense to list the optional update KB968389 (Extended Protection for Windows Authentication) without at least mentioning that to activate it respective registry entries have to be set. An appropriate file to be included in HFSVCPACK is attached.


Commander Tomalak


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