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Posted (edited)

Mimo, I see that you added links for boot.bin and cdimage.exe - nice! You are doing a great job of making your list easy to use.

Are you having experience with cdimage 2.47? I use 2.52 since years w/o problems.
MiMo, sorry but I have no experience with CDIMAGE 2.47 or 2.52. My only experience with image building is with IMGBURN.exe and I'm not an expert at using it but I'm learning.
Mimo’s Windows XP Service Pack 3 update-list

Last Check: 2009, November, 18 Last Update: 2009, November, 18 HFSLIP 1.7.9 (final)

2009-11-18 KB970653 removed (Time Zone Update Aug 2009) Optional Replaced by KB976098 (Time Zone Update Nov 2009)

Consider, possible minor mistakes?
  • "Replaced by KB976098 (Time Zone Update Nov 2009)" should say Dec 2009 instead of Nov 2009
  • on the update-list the date for KB976098 should be 2009-12 (it now reads 2009-08)
  • KB976098 was added, but KB970653 was not removed

MiMo. Consider, add a link to Muppet Hunter's post #280 (at link below) if you think it might help others.


Good idea. I think it will help other to decide to install it or not. THX to MH.
Mimo, I don't see this on the update-list yet. Intentional?

You are doing a great job of taking something complex and making it easy! Thank you for all your hard work.


Edited by Lilla

Posted (edited)

hi mimo! while you're at it :), there could be a little mix up under table 2 about the article & the file:

2009-04 MS09-010: WordPad and Office Text Converters Critical KB960477 WindowsXP-KB923561-x86-ENU.exe HF
should both be included in HF? thanks!

edit: incidentally, http://support.microsoft.com/kb/960477 leads to http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/...n/MS09-010.mspx, which offers download for KB923561. my apologies. ;)

typo on:

2009-08 Autoplay Optional KB971029 WindowsXP-KB971029-x86-DEU.exe HF
instead of WindowsXP-KB971029-x86-ENU.exe ... though it still leads to the ENU download ;) Edited by Kiki Burgh
Posted (edited)

Great job on your list for Win2000.

1. I believe your link for "WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe" is wrong as it points to v7.2.6001.788. You can find v7.4.7600.226 here. I was prompted to "Update Windows" on my first visit to Microsoft Updates.

2. You have "Windows2000-KB937894-x86-ENU.EXE" in the deleted section but it shows as needed in Microsoft Updates.

3. You have "Windows2000-WindowsMedia-KB952069-x86-ENU.exe" in /HF but shouldn't it be put in HFSVCPACK_SW1.

4. You have "Windows2000-KB958470-x86-ENU.EXE" in /HF but shouldn't it be put in HFSVCPACK_SW1. I know you say not to use it but Microsoft Updates says it's needed.

Just my two cents for what it's worth. Thanks for all your hard work. It is appreciated.


Thanks for the inputs M2GD. Yes, the item you bring up in #4 should probably go into sw1. I haven't tested all scenerios with item #3. It depends on what WMP version you're slipstreaming and what winnt.sif switch you have. It seems to make a difference. Are you saying that if 952069 is in HF that it does not slipstream properly? What version of WMP are you using?

Also, according to my findings, 937894 was replaced by 951071 which was further replaced by 971032. All the KB articles say that anyway. Is this a msft error?

Edited by tommyp
edit: incidentally, http://support.microsoft.com/kb/960477 leads to http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/...n/MS09-010.mspx, which offers download for KB923561. my apologies. ;)
When several components are affected, the KB-Numbers of the downloads differs from the (main-)KB-article.
instead of WindowsXP-KB971029-x86-ENU.exe ... though it still leads to the ENU download ;)
Your hints are always very welcome! :)

Regards, Mimo


your welcome Mim0!

btw, it could be worth a look ... just like in your installation (under table 9), i have a hotfix/update that appears in add/remove programs automatically installed via windows update:

WindowsXP-KB961118-x86-ENU (after installation of Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1)

going back to table 9, for your KB951847 entry, kindly see below for some info:

KB951847 is an ad-hoc update (variable size depending on components included) prompted via win/ms update to complete your own installed .NET set with the parts not installed of the following set (3.5 SP1 family):

2.0 SP2 + NDP20SP2-KB958481-x86.exe + 2.0 SP2 langpack (matching OS language)

+ 3.0 SP2 + NDP30SP2-KB958483-x86.exe + 3.0 SP2 langpack (matching OS language)

+ 3.5 SP1 + NDP35SP1-KB958484-x86.exe + 3.5 SP1 langpack (matching OS language)

So actually doesn't add anything novel.

i will try putting both KB961742-v3.exe & WindowsXP-KB968930-x86-ENG.exe (in table 3) ... as well as KB943729 (together with XMLLite (KB915865)) ... in HF (under table 7) & report back if it'd be a success or otherwise.

i have some other updates that could be worth a look (& possible inclusion ... or had been replaced &/or not needed anymore):





Posted (edited)
i have some other updates that could be worth a look (& possible inclusion ... or had been replaced &/or not needed anymore):





WindowsXP-KB906569-v2-x86-ENU: It's for XP SP2. On my SP3-system w/o this update I have the "Tools-Tab". So I think it's included in SP3.

WindowsXP-KB953979-x86-ENU is a fix to have a proper installation of SP3 while an antivirus-program is running which can avoid writing/deleting registry entries. With HFSLIP the SP3 is already included so you will never install SP3 while a AntiVirus is running. (plz don't mix "installation of SP3" with "slipstreaming SP3" :) ).

WindowsXP-KB959252-v2-x86-ENU.exe is when MS08-061 is installed (Sec Upd for NET CLR). MS08-061 is not slipstreamed. What is correct. Should MS08-061 & WindowsXP-KB959252-v2-x86-ENU.exe be included in the table 2? EDIT: I mixed 08-061 with 09-061. gloun found the correct reason why MS08-061 is not to integrate. :)


Edited by Mim0
Posted (edited)
WindowsXP-KB959252-v2-x86-ENU.exe is when MS08-061 is installed (Sec Upd for NET CLR). MS08-061 is not slipstreamed. What is correct. Should MS08-061 & WindowsXP-KB959252-v2-x86-ENU.exe be included in the table 2?

After having an agent ransacking my HF folder it seems like kb969947 MS09-065 should supersede MS08-061.

Succession line: MS09-065 replaces MS09-025 which replaces MS09-006 which replaces MS08-061.

In short, I don't think we need to slipstream MS08-61 and kb959252 since MS09-065 have the highest Win32k.sys version number (5.1.2600.5863).

On a different note Mim0, I was interested in having RDC7 in my slipstream so I tried placing KB969084 in HF folder but I only find mstsc.exe of version 6.0.6001.18000. I also tried by taking out KB956744 from HF folder but to no avail. Then I tried placing KB969084 in HFSVCPACK_SW1 which worked, resulting in mstsc.exe of version 6.1.7600.16385.

Could you please confirm that HF is the right folder to put KB969084? Any ideas why I keep failing in HF folder?

Edited by gluon

969084 is very far from a critical update. If you read it, it allows someone else to remotely control your machine. If that is really what you want, and you want your OS to be open to intruders, you should put it into hfsvcpack_sw1. I can't wait for msft to dig themselves out of this gaping hole that they started digging.

Posted (edited)

thanks Mim0! thanks too to gluon & tp ... i'll apply the adjustments in my run ;)

@ gluon, you mentioned you took out KB956744 & eventually settled for KB969084 in HFSVCPACK_SW1 (which seemed successful) ... did/didn't you put back KB956744 (& if you put it back, was it still to HF)? thanks!

Edited by Kiki Burgh
It depends on what WMP version you're slipstreaming and what winnt.sif switch you have. It seems to make a difference. Are you saying that if 952069 is in HF that it does not slipstream properly? What version of WMP are you using?

I'm using WMP 9. I'm not sure what a"winnt.sif switch" is? It my case the 952069 did not work in HF.

Also, according to my findings, 937894 was replaced by 951071 which was further replaced by 971032. All the KB articles say that anyway. Is this a msft error?

It could be an error as Windows Updates said it was needed. Go Figure.


M2 - can you do me a favor? Can you see what file versions of wmvcore.dll you have on your system? Also, can you post your KB952069.log file too? Thanks!


thanks gluon! i was actually wondering where MBSASetup-x86-EN.exe goes this time (i used to have it in HFSVCPACK ... this time i think it goes to HFSVCPACK_SW1 ... or perhaps not to slipstream any longer). mimo, i might have overlooked it but it doesn't seem to be included in the list. your thoughts? thanks!

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