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flash player 9 security update


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:blushing: FlashPlayer9.0.151 removes Active X portion of Flash9.0.115 for needed files with 98SE ;not good and it doesn't install as it removes necessary FP files  altogether!!!***Who's tested this ??? i've tried on 2 98SE MoBo's but will not use 9.0.151 until Adobe fixes it ; will continue with FP9.0.115 it's secure!!! :realmad: ***Note:Re-download of FP9.0.151 :blink: with Opera corrects Problems of this nature :thumbup Edited by thydreamwalker
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:whistle:After re-downloading FP 9.0.151 with Opera 9.6 ***All is corrected as it t'was IE6sp1 which caused Flash 9.0.151 to fail and not FP and Adobe''s Failure(***This has happened a lot with IE and Iexplore when downloading from Adobe???)Thanks for download info :hello:
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Don't worry: Adobe offers a full collection of previous versions you can download (but it's a quite big file). So it's possible to fall back to the previous version of your choice (but don't forget to uninstall the current version before installing the older one). Find them here. Enjoy!

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Has anyone tested Nir Sofer's old TurnFlash with this new version of Flash?

Personally I keep Flash disabled by default using the above tool and I wonder if it still works with - I'd hate to waste time uninstalling and reinstalling Flash if TurnFlash doesn't work anymore.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Don't worry: Adobe offers a full collection of previous versions you can download (but it's a quite big file). So it's possible to fall back to the previous version of your choice (but don't forget to uninstall the current version before installing the older one). Find them here. Enjoy!

I have a better link, dencorso. Go here instead:


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On my 98FE box, version 9.0.151 has the same problem that 115 and 124 had. See http://www.msfn.org/board/Adobe-Flash-Play...11-t115186.html

Try this link and see if the "browse" button works for you.


With version 151, the browse button won't work. With version 47 it does.

Element-IT makes this flash uploader. They have demo's for the one used on that site and a newly released one. Neither will work with 151 on 98FE. Do they work with 151 on 98SE or WinME?


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Hi Rick,

I am using version 9.0.151 on both my 98SE and 98SE2ME boxes.

The "browse" button does NOT work on either the imageshock site or the Element-IT flash uploader demos in either FF or Opera 9.62.

I am keeping with 151 at the moment as I do not have any problems with this version on the normal sites I commonly use. However I still have versions 9.0.115, 9.0.124 and 9.0.47 on my programs partition on my second HD so I can re-install the 47 version if any problems arise with 151.


lightning slinger

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