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Nero Lite v7.11.10.0 & v8.3.13.0

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Posted (edited)
What is bitmap resource optimisations? :blushing:

Do the neros (micro/lite) have all languages (so i can choose dutch?)

"Bitmap resource optimisations" reffers to the bitmaps inside dll or exe files (symbols, icons) that are optimised in size, to reduce the overall size of the package.

And yes, all relevant languages are included in one of the packages. To be able to choose dutch you'll -obviously- have to download the european version. You may then deseledt the other languages if not needed.

And unless you don't have a BD or HD-DVD writer, there is no big diff. between 7 and 8, so chose whatever you like.

Personally i like the Nero 7 icons more than Nero 8's. But what are icons good for when making CDs? ^^

EDIT: As you can choose your setup/default installation language at the beginning of the setup, i suggest to have the other languages deselected by default. Not many users have a multilanguage software environment.

Edited by zeroFX


zeroFX, what do you mean? Normally everything is selected. Only people with enough knowledge do understand what each option is about anyway.

zeroFX, what do you mean? Normally everything is selected. Only people with enough knowledge do understand what each option is about anyway.
I think there is a little difference in the purpose of Nero Lite/Micro (to save space) and the setup settings leading to the installation of all languages of the package and so using up space.

I know it's not that much space. But as there are bitmap resource optimisations, it seems a little odd. But that's just my opinion. :)

Posted (edited)

Many TNX Acheron

Works like a charm :thumbup

Here the silent install switches, tested working

/LANG=French /VERYSILENT /SP- /SERIAL="xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx"

When switch "/LANG=xxxxx" is missed, the install language default is English.



Edited by coucou

Acheron or anyone...this might sound as stupid question but, what's the difference between Lite and Micro version? I have not find any info on this matter so I was tempted to ask? :blushing:

Posted (edited)

I would like to know the current state of Labelflash / Lighscribe support in Nero 8 Lite. Does everything work or is it broken?

Status report about next version (

Extra languages will be deselected by default. Even when you select a full installation extra languages won't be selected. Use commandline switches if you need to install multiple languages unattendedly.

About CoverDesigner not accesible from Nero Express. I'm not sure if this function still exists in Nero 8. I will test the full installer for this. EDIT: also fixed for next release!

UPDATE: Nero Lite ready to download from my site!

Edited by Acheron
Acheron or anyone...this might sound as stupid question but, what's the difference between Lite and Micro version? I have not find any info on this matter so I was tempted to ask? :blushing:

Exactly what I'm wondering today, too! :D

Posted (edited)
I would like to know the current state of Labelflash / Lighscribe support in Nero 8 Lite. Does everything work or is it broken?

labelflash seems to be broken


Edited by Mann
Posted (edited)

Nero Micro: Nero Burning ROM (incl. Express) + Audio & Video Plugins

Nero Lite: Nero Burning ROM (incl. Express) + Audio & Video Plugins + CoverDesigner + WaveEditor + Toolkit

Edited by zeroFX

@Mann, what happens if you copy CoverEdCtrl.ocx from the Common Files\Nero\Lib directory to Program Files\Nero\Nero CoverDesigner?

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